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Swimming At Bass Pro Shop

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I witnessed some kids do this at Opry Mills one night. It was hilarious! Only difference is that the kids hauled ass with securty right behind them. They weren't hard to find with wet footprints out into the mall. Though I don't think they ever ran them down, mall security didn't look to be in very good shape.

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report from Peta:

"the unannounced attack on the artificial habitat of several hundred unsuspecting bass traumatized the fish in question."

it was funny though...



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Guest Papabear

I take it they did not have those big Gar in the tank like Nashville has. Then the clip could have been on "When Animals Attack"

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Guest Phantom6
I take it they did not have those big Gar in the tank like Nashville has. Then the clip could have been on "When Animals Attack"

Ooh. Can't wait for that episode- Revenge of the Cannon-balled Gar.

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Guest titanwolf

I do not think there is a sign that says no swimming allowed, lol

If there is, so what

great fun, people need to lighten up some times

They didn't hurt anyone and the fish will survive. If I was 15 or 16 and was dared to do it, I probably would have.

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We need to plan a TNGunowners field trip to BassPro. Bring your trunks>>

Trunks? I found an old Speedo the other day in the back of a drawer. I can still wear it fine. I may hang out over the top a bit more than in my 20s...but I can wear it.

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Guest db99wj
Trunks? I found an old Speedo the other day in the back of a drawer. I can still wear it fine. I may hang out over the top a bit more than in my 20s...but I can wear it.

Just because you can doesn't mean you should!:shrug:

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We need to plan a TNGunowners field trip to BassPro. Bring your trunks>>

Trunks? Screw that, I'm skinny-dipping. I consider it a defense mechanism- my skin is so white, it'll blind anyone who tried to apprehend me. Sort of like a good Surefire light, but more powerful.

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