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Recommend dies for 9mm?

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I've been looking around and trying to decide which dies or die set that I need for reloading 9mm. There are so many different types and I am completely confused! :confused:

I have a single stage Rock Chucker press and will be using a bench mounted RCBS Uniflow powder measure for loading powder. I'd like to spend less than $75 total.


Any recommendations?

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Almost all the brands will work.  You do want "carbide" for the sizing die; with these you will not have to lube the cases.


Since you're using a single station press you'll want a traditional die set with an expander die, some sets designed specifically for progressive press do away with the solid expander and replace it with a hollow die that the powder funnel/expander slides through to operate the powder measure.


Good Luck!

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I started out with Lee carbide dies too. They definitely work well and are priced the best. You can't go wrong with Lee, for the money.


However, I recently bought a set of Hornady New Dimension dies in .45 ACP and 9mm and can definitely appreciate the upgrade. 


Handle pulls are smoother/lighter, locking down the dies is much easier, making adjustments is more precise, and it doesn't feel like they get hung coming out of the sizing die like they did with the Lee dies.




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I use the RCBS carbide. Work well. I saw a set at Walmart today.

Also any time I've needed any parts for the dies, like decapping pins, I've called RCBS and they've sent them N/C. Good folks.

Edited by Raoul
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Guest Fruit jar

Lee carbide dies for me too. Wish our walmarts carried more than what they do. I think I'll put in for a pull to the tri-cities.

Edited by Fruit jar
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Thanks for all the input guys! The thing that has been confusing me is all the different types of dies. You've got collet dies, body dies, small base dies, full size dies, powder through expanding dies, taper crimp, roll crimp, factory crimp, etc., etc., The more I read, the more I'm learning though.

I use the RCBS carbide. Work well. I saw a set at Walmart today.

Also any time I've needed any parts for the dies, like decapping pins, I've called RCBS and they've sent them N/C. Good folks.

Good to hear that because the RCBS carbide die set is the only one that I was able to find in stock anywhere. I ordered them last night from Sinclair. Hopefully they'll still be in stock when they process my order!

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at this time any of the big name brand will work.  rcbs, lyman, lee, etc...  carbide die set is a must when it come to pistol reloading.  makes it easy and clean.  the hard part is finding a die set that the price has not been jack up to more that it should be.  the second problem is finding reloading supplies.

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If you bought a 3 die set, you are in business. There is a sizing/decapping die, a case mouth expander die, and a seating die. Others will argue, but a crimp die isn't necessary in my opinion. The 9mm headspaces on the mouth of the case, so all you want to do in the way of crimping is to remove the bell from the mouth of the case that was made by the expander die, which aids in bullet seating. This can be done by proper adjustment of the bullet seating die. Sounds more complicated than it is.

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