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Another day in the hood...

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Check out this interview with a crime witness (it gets good about 40 seconds into it). Click the "Murder Investigation 7-7-08" video in the upper right corner:


I think our local newspeople have a sick sense of humor and seek out the most ghetto witnesses they can find. Whatever the case, the 10 o'clock news in Memphis always makes for good entertainment. Call me jaded.

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whats a "bur"?

btw, are we suppposed to understand whatever language she was speaking?

I understood every word of it. Translation: "the two gentlemen were apparently having a disagreement about whom the cocktail belonged to. One became a bit aggressive toward the other, and rather rudely discharged a firearm at him, apparently resulting in his death."

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Guest db99wj

I don't see what is funny. That is just like every other interview from a tv station in Memphis.:D

The other night they found a foot buried in a yard in South Memphis and this family believes that the victim is there uncle Wayne. They interviewed a niece, her name was Enyaw....... Yep, Wayne spelled backwards! But the language was very similar to the lady and the Buuuuuurrrrrr. Then they went over to Arkansas to where a storm had rolled through with 80 mph winds, and it was a big fat white guy with no shirt on, some realtree camo overalls, probably around 45-50 years old, no teef, lives with his mom in a trailer, or what is left of it. His Engrish was not no better. My wife and I just shook our heads...Yep, nightly news is some good entertainment!

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going to hell for laughing so hard

I will be seeing you there, though I doubt laughing at that video will be the reason for my sentence.

I can see killing over a bur. Try to take mine and you coud git kilt

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