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Has Magpul backed down?

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WTF Magpul??? Just as I was thinking you guys were the best company ever.... you go and screw it up. I guess deep down I knew nobody in the public eye such as you would actually have the balls to stick to your guns. If this is true, you have lost my business. Such a shame. You guys make some good stuff.

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They also instituted a hook up for CO residents that will trump all those.  They want to leave as many mags in CO hands as possible.  They have not raised their prices on anyone.  You can still get their mags as cheap as you always could.  They're going as far as moving their entire operation to a free state.  Has anyone else done that?  I would save my angst for those companies that are busy raking you over the coals.


SGAmmo - $35 for a brick of friggin' .22?

CTD - enough said

etc, etc, etc.


Instead you have people, even on this forum, that said they would continue to support the price gougers if it means they can save a couple dollars later on.  You have people on this forum that are raping their fellow Tennesseans and gun owners on guns, magazines, and ammunition.  If you want to aim your outrage at anyone, they should be target #1.

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I guess my problem is that they were all gung ho about supporting the 2nd Amendment and now they go and sell to the very people who are attacking it! I agree that their offer to CO residents was a very good thing to do. But I vehemently disagree with their opinion that LE in these states is above everyone else and that they should be allowed to have this equipment but the citizens in their jurisdiction can't. That's not right. It's a double standard.

Edited by GoneBallistic
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Personally, I like CMMG's approach to this issue....https://www.facebook.com/CMMGInc


CMMG has made a policy decision that it will not supply products to law enforcement agencies in states that have enacted legislation preventing individual citizens from owning similar firearms. CMMG will no longer provide these agencies with firearms, magazines or any other products that are restricted or no longer available to civilians. CMMG will not stand by on the sidelines and let America’s rights be stripped away. CMMG will not support states that have police departments and law enforcement agencies arming themselves with firearms and weapons that are not available to law abiding citizens. CMMG does not believe in separate classes of citizens and will not engage in sales to states that enact legislation promoting that belief.   

CMMG will, however, make exceptions to police departments and law enforcement agencies that have taken a public stand refusing to recognize or enforce unconstitutional firearm restrictions. Agencies making this stand are putting their careers on the line to take a constitutional stand for all Americans as fellow citizens.


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Rank and file cops are (for the most part) NOT the problem.  Their union(s)/leadership?  Yes.  Would you deny the Sheriffs/ deputies of those states, the ones that have said they will not enforce these anti-2nd laws, those mags?  I would place money that if you asked the average cop if they buy into their managements ideas, they would say no.  Most of them are guys just like us.

The idea of a LEO exemption bugs me too.  But to outright hate on Magpul for putting reasonably priced magazines in the hands of gunowners is, IMO, wrongly placed anger.  We're getting mad at the wrong people.


ETA:  Again - Magpul is so "gung-ho" that they are moving their entire company to another state.  I would imagine the logistics of such a move is daunting and expensive.

Edited by scoutfsu
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Where is all the outrage for blue label Glocks then? Give me a friggin break. While I admire the move by distributors to ban sales to agencies of states which ban certain items, I don't think a company choosing not to follow suit means they are "selling out". Magpul has taken a stance far and above any other firearms or firearms accessory manufacturer. They aren't bowing to the almighty dollar here, they just want to provide a quality product to those who serve, especially since those that serve likely share similar beliefs as most in the pro-2A corner.
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I stand behind magpul no matter what happens and as far as sgammo $35 for cci standard isn't what I would call high. CCA was selling mini mags for $15.99 per 100


Which is equally ridiculous.  And exactly what I'm talking about.  Does anyone in their rightful mind think .22 is/ will be banned?  You are foolish if you buy at these prices.  For years I've harped on people to buy ammo in bulk.  The price rarely goes down.  If you're serious about shooting, you will shoot it.  It may suck to spend a few hundred dollars or more at one time but you will use it eventually.  People would rather nickel and dime it and now they're paying out the nose.  You will save money in the long run by buying in 1k minimums.  If I could go back to white box 9mm @ 11.95 in '06 and take out a loan, I would.  I left to Iraq at that price and when I got back in late '07 it was $18.95.  That was my wakeup call.


People have been stupidly sleeping these past years.  Now they want to get mad at a company for putting mags in people's hands but they'll happily pay SGAmmo's/ whomever's prices? Pot meet kettle.

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  • Administrator

What I've read suggests that basically they're saying their distributors that sell to those states are still free to do so, which really makes sense.  Magpul is hardly able to dictate to it's distributors who they can sell to.


What I've also read suggests that Magpul's stance still stands that they will not directly sell to departments or agencies or government entities in those states.  The people who are getting wrapped around the axle are using Magpul's offer to move LEO/MIL to the head of the line to combat THEIR shortage of essential gear, and saying that this means they're selling to LEO/MIL in those "ban states".


I've yet to read anything from Magpul that says they're directly selling "standard capacity" mags to LEO/MIL in ban states and that the rest of us can go fist ourselves.

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  • Administrator

Magpul is taking a verbal beating on their Facebook page over this.


The Internet has made it entirely possible for herds of dumb people to malign good businesses based on half-informed, knee-jerk assessments clouded with emotion and untempered by intelligence.  It's our job as SMART people to not instinctively parrot what we see on ARFCOM and Facebook, and research the claims being made before contributing more mass to the dog pile.


But people rarely do that.  :(

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On another note, why would TTAG come in with a nuke round like this article to try and sway folks away from Magpul?  Seems like they'd be losing a sponsor and an ally over a silly posting on arfcom.  The article is even misleading in regards to mil/leo preferential treatment.  Nearly every single gun/accessory manufacturer does the same and always has. 

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I guess my problem is that they were all gung ho about supporting the 2nd Amendment and now they go and sell to the very people who are attacking it!


Law enforcement and military in those states don't make the laws, the elected officials do.

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Rank and file cops are (for the most part) NOT the problem. Their union(s)/leadership? Yes. Would you deny the Sheriffs/ deputies of those states, the ones that have said they will not enforce these anti-2nd laws, those mags? I would place money that if you asked the average cop if they buy into their managements ideas, they would say no. Most of them are guys just like us.

So the question is ... how do you get union/management to change there stance? My guess is when the "rank and file" start having to abide by the same restrictions both on the job and off the job as the average citizen; they will get angry enough and start demanding union/management change their stance. Kind of like the gun citizens are doing with our elected officials.
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They also instituted a hook up for CO residents that will trump all those.  They want to leave as many mags in CO hands as possible.  They have not raised their prices on anyone.  You can still get their mags as cheap as you always could.  They're going as far as moving their entire operation to a free state.  Has anyone else done that?  I would save my angst for those companies that are busy raking you over the coals.


SGAmmo - $35 for a brick of friggin' .22?

CTD - enough said

etc, etc, etc.


Instead you have people, even on this forum, that said they would continue to support the price gougers if it means they can save a couple dollars later on.  You have people on this forum that are raping their fellow Tennesseans and gun owners on guns, magazines, and ammunition.  If you want to aim your outrage at anyone, they should be target #1.


Why are you outraged at people who are simply taking advantage of a free market? Free market principles clearly state that the market sets the price. So if people are paying $35 for a "brick of friggin' .22" then guess what? A brick of friggin' .22 is worth $35. You are not forced to shop there and are not forced to pay their prices. That's another great thing about the free market. Simple supply and demand at work here. 

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The Internet has made it entirely possible for herds of dumb people to malign good businesses based on half-informed, knee-jerk assessments clouded with emotion and untempered by intelligence.  It's our job as SMART people to not instinctively parrot what we see on ARFCOM and Facebook, and research the claims being made before contributing more mass to the dog pile.


But people rarely do that.  :(




Surely you don't mean to suggest people should use critical thinking and reasoning skills when reading someone's opinion on the internet?  Do a little research and make an informed decision for themselves?  That's the craziest thing I've ever heard.  Clearly you've lost your mind. 




Wait... is there an app for that?













Why are you outraged at people who are simply taking advantage of a free market? Free market principles clearly state that the market sets the price. So if people are paying $35 for a "brick of friggin' .22" then guess what? A brick of friggin' .22 is worth $35. You are not forced to
shop there and are not forced to pay their prices. That's another great thing about the free market. Simple supply and demand at work here.



Ding!  It's called a free market economy for a reason.  Do I think a number of retailers and individuals have taken advantage of the situation and made an absurd profit?  Absolutely.  But they haven't made any money off me. 


Don't like the prices?  Don't buy.

Edited by peejman
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Outraged?  Please.  More like disgusted.  They'll make their money up front but they're losing long term customers.  I don't support companies that gouge and I'll do my best to inform others.  There's another cool aspect to the Free Market that you're forgetting; consumer alienation.  They can play all the "market" games they want.  I will remember, hold a grudge, ridicule, and spend my money with their competitors.

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So the question is ... how do you get union/management to change there stance? My guess is when the "rank and file" start having to abide by the same restrictions both on the job and off the job as the average citizen; they will get angry enough and start demanding union/management change their stance. Kind of like the gun citizens are doing with our elected officials.


Management isn't elected.  Who hires the city police chiefs?  It isn't the cops.  Who puts the brass in place?  It isn't the cops.  Union?  You might have some traction there.  I'm not unsympathetic to what you're saying.  I would bet that we agree more than we disagree on this.

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Surely you don't mean to suggest people should use critical thinking and reasoning skills when reading someone's opinion on the internet? Do a little research and make an informed decision for themselves?

<poof> [mind blown]
Does not compute. Sounds like you just asked me to divide by zero.
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