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Saw a real nut today.

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Guest bkelm18
I think he was describing a "brain bucket" One of those helmets that look like WWII helmet.:D

Oh, gotcha. Wasn't sure if he meant the guy was riding with a salad bowl on his head or what.

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Going down the interstate at 70, guy blew by me on a motorcycle. Short pants, fake helmet and a sleeveless "you can't fix stupid" t-shirt. :bowrofl:

Sounds like a possible contender for next years Darwin awards. He just needs to "unknowingly" ride off a cliff or into the back of a fully loaded fuel truck with a lit cigerette.

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Whats a fake helmet? I'm pretty sure some pavement at 100 feet per second will fix stupid real quick.

To expound a bit on what dralarms said, a lot of the helmets you see Harley and cruiser guys wear are actually "novelty" helmets, which are not designed nor rated for crash protection.

Screw that, my head goes in a full-face Snell certified bucket when I ride. I can't afford to lose any more brain cells.


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Speaking from experience, I've been in a motorcycle wreck before (full face helmet and leathers). I still got beat up pretty good. If I ever get another bike (like my wife is gonna let that happen in her lifetime), I'll still always wear my full face and leathers. This dude may be the greatest cyclist around, but it's some "redheaded stepchild" that will take him out in a moment of not paying attention.

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When I started reading this and it was "an idiot on a motorcycle" story I was expecting to read that he went blazing by you on one wheel with the shirt, fake helmet etc. It would not be the first time I saw this, the latest was coming off 386 from Hendersonville onto 65 south. Some clown was showing off while some one in a Ford Expedition was filming it probably for the net.


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Speaking from experience, I've been in a motorcycle wreck before (full face helmet and leathers). I still got beat up pretty good. If I ever get another bike (like my wife is gonna let that happen in her lifetime), I'll still always wear my full face and leathers. This dude may be the greatest cyclist around, but it's some "redheaded stepchild" that will take him out in a moment of not paying attention.

BUT, you're alive. Your equipment saved your life. Guys at work give me crap for having a motorcycle and not riding it to work all the time. (I work downtown)

When i ride i wear a full faced snell cert as well as Joe Rocket's ballistic pants and jacket. The guys at work give me hell about that one too... but hey, in a crash, the odds of me surviving are a lot better than theirs. Never understood people on sport bikes and just a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals. They're already dead. :rolleyes:

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Guest GT_Rat

Agreed, though nobody at work gives me crap about it at all. We had a woman here seriously injure herself (brain injury) even though she was wearing full gear. If she hadn't been wearing it she would be dead. No question. Happily she has recovered well. Nobody says a word to me about wearing full gear. It's just expected and I wouldn't ride without it.

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Never understood people on sport bikes and just a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals. They're already dead. :rolleyes:

I understand them completely. In the summertime, it's hot as hell to be wrapped up in a jacket, pants, gloves, and a full-face helmet. I understand the desire to not sweat one's ass off. But they're just not thinking ahead IMO. Yeah, it's hot out there. But the absolute minimum I'll ride with is boots, jeans, jacket, gloves, and of course the helmet. I have a pair of overpants as well, and I probably should get in the habit of wearing them more often.

I once read something that has stayed with me, "Leathers are cheaper than skin grafts."

Similar version I like to use goes, "Unlike sweat, road rash doesn't come off in the shower."

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I understand them completely. In the summertime, it's hot as hell to be wrapped up in a jacket, pants, gloves, and a full-face helmet. I understand the desire to not sweat one's ass off. But they're just not thinking ahead IMO. Yeah, it's hot out there. But the absolute minimum I'll ride with is boots, jeans, jacket, gloves, and of course the helmet. I have a pair of overpants as well, and I probably should get in the habit of wearing them more often.

Nope. Still dont understand it. Theres perforated gear. I wear mine in the summer...sure i get a little warm...but as long as i'm moving i'm cool. I've been in one once as well on Monteagle mountain going down the mountain toward Cowan. Grating in the road caught my tire in a turn and i slid. That suit saved me

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When I started reading this and it was "an idiot on a motorcycle" story I was expecting to read that he went blazing by you on one wheel with the shirt, fake helmet etc. It would not be the first time I saw this, the latest was coming off 386 from Hendersonville onto 65 south. Some clown was showing off while some one in a Ford Expedition was filming it probably for the net.


Was it that moron who has some sort of mohawk on the top of his helmet?

I was headed home on 386 when he passed me at every bit of 100mph (I was doing 70-75), and he was on one wheel. I'm pretty sure he lives in this area, because I've seen him several times on Main St./Gallatin Rd.

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