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Best Custom 1911

Guest Commander Kim

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Guest Skyline034

I've seen several of the Hero 1911 pistols, but that's the sharpest one yet. Beautiful handgun sir.

And a pretty good firing photo as well.

Thanks, it's a pleasure to shoot and definitely not a safe queen. I don't know why the first pic is cutting off and not loading all the way. Posted Image
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I'm a new member and after a quick search I am unsure if I'm allowed to do this, but I'm looking for a buyer for my Great Grandfather's service pistol. It's the 1911M Colt .45 that you see in the picture below. If it is against member rules to sell here, then my apologies and would you mind pointing me in the right direction? It's never been re-armored based on the markings on the trigger. I didn't have enough space to add the pics to the "My Media" section, so I uploaded them to Imgur here http://imgur.com/a/kqsV2#0




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..... Sorry for wasting ya'll's time and breaking the rules.


Never a waste of time to view pics of a classic Colt 1911.  :cool:  


Its a Government Model 1911 Commercial with a 1922 build serial number.  Colt made about 5000 Commercial models that year.  


JMHO, but since it was your Great Grandfather's - - -  I would find a way to NOT sell that pistol. 

Edited by DMark
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I'm a new member and after a quick search I am unsure if I'm allowed to do this, but I'm looking for a buyer for my Great Grandfather's service pistol. It's the 1911M Colt .45 that you see in the picture below. If it is against member rules to sell here, then my apologies and would you mind pointing me in the right direction? It's never been re-armored based on the markings on the trigger. I didn't have enough space to add the pics to the "My Media" section, so I uploaded them to Imgur here http://imgur.com/a/kqsV2#0





Do Not Sell That Pistol!  Money troubles come and go, but that's a once in a lifetime gun - keep it and let the next several generations enjoy a tangible connection with their family history.

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  • 1 month later...

Say you can have any 1911 you want made by any company, and you don't have to take out your wallet, your check book, your bank card, whatever you have.

Which one would you have and who is it made by.



Well, I would have a true custom gun, built from the ground up by a master 1911 smith.   I do not know who I would get to do the work, though, as I have not put in the time to do the research and phone calls /legwork etc because I can't (or won't anyway) spend the money on it.

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The one great thing about Browning's design is that it is rugged and easy to manufacture. You don't have to have a refined 1911. BUT. If I had the money...I would let want a fancy 1911 with a poney on the slide. Just for it's historical value for nothing else. A 1911 is a hammer. Who makes the best hammer?

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