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Munchies in the woods

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I know some people that hunt and don't bring anything to eat all day. I am NOT one of those people! ha ha

I always have water, but for food, I typically bring jerky, cheese crackers, maybe a peanut butter sandwich if I'm going to be out there all day. But, one thing I am never in the woods without is Nutter Butter's!! They go in the bag just like my gloves, don't leave without'm. I used to bring single serving snack sizes but the wrappers are noisy, so I learned quick to buy the big pack and put a couple "doses" into ziploc bags.


What do y'all typically carry in the woods?

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Im diabetic so if I sit all day I have to eat something. I bring my tester, fruit snacks or trail mix, drinks and a sandwich.

Hey Shaun, I'd seen the Matthews Outdoors page before, didn't realize it was yours. Have you seen that 9 pointer this year,  you had him on your trail cam last year?

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Mmm.... Nutter butters. Good one. I'll add that to my list

I usually take apple slices, maybe some raisins, ham/cheese or a peanut butter sandwich if planning a long day. I always have Halls cough drops... helps pass the time. Oh yeah, Fig Newtons. I never eat them except deer hunting... tradition I guess

I usually try to take a snack that doesn't make me too thirsty (PB sandwich gets a pass on that one). I also try to take something that will smell natural or even attracting to the deer if they get a whiff. I also want something I can eat quietly.
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Mmm.... Nutter butters. Good one. I'll add that to my list

I usually take apple slices, maybe some raisins, ham/cheese or a peanut butter sandwich if planning a long day. I always have Halls cough drops... helps pass the time. Oh yeah, Fig Newtons. I never eat them except deer hunting... tradition I guess

I usually try to take a snack that doesn't make me too thirsty (PB sandwich gets a pass on that one). I also try to take something that will smell natural or even attracting to the deer if they get a whiff. I also want something I can eat quietly.

Yeah, I forgot about fig newtons, they go good with hunting too. Definitely have to have PB sandwich though. It's like the cheeseburger of the treestand lol

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Saltine crackers and some kind of canned processed meat product for lunch. I like trail mix, beef jerky, and cliff bars. The original cliff bars are chewy and don't get busted up or make noise. They keep all season too. Lance's peanut butter crackers are my main stay.

If I go all day without eating I get a little cranky.

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Hey Shaun, I'd seen the Matthews Outdoors page before, didn't realize it was yours. Have you seen that 9 pointer this year,  you had him on your trail cam last year?

I have not seen him or the 11 pointer. So far just a few small bucks, does, fawns and several really nice toms. Last year they didnt show up until November when it was colder and chasing does. They went nocturnal on me. Ended up killing a scrubby 7 that needed to go and a good 8 pointer. That land is turning out to be a better turkey spot than deer. I took 2 of the 3 turkeys i killed off that property. Im hoping the big bucks come back and get there picture taken lol. This year I plan on staying in the blind all day much more.
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I have not seen him or the 11 pointer. So far just a few small bucks, does, fawns and several really nice toms. Last year they didnt show up until November when it was colder and chasing does. They went nocturnal on me. Ended up killing a scrubby 7 that needed to go and a good 8 pointer. That land is turning out to be a better turkey spot than deer. I took 2 of the 3 turkeys i killed off that property. Im hoping the big bucks come back and get there picture taken lol. This year I plan on staying in the blind all day much more.

Well I hope he comes back! I killed a 7 last year, unexpectedly, hadn't seen anything but yearlings for weeks. Sitting there drinking water and BAM! Here he came. Not a wall hanger, but still enjoying the burger he provided. But yes, mostly nocturnal movement where I was too. Good luck this year!
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You guys are wusses....

whatever happened to living off the land while you hunt? You can make a darn good meal out of grubs, fungus (takes a little knowledge to know what kind won't make you sick) and pine nuts! As they say, "Them's good eatin'!"



Jerky, crackers, and vienna sausage... that ain't huntin', that's Cadillac living! Jeremiah Johnson would hang his head in shame.

Might as well drive your Winnebago right up to the tree stand! :popcorn: :jester: :stir:

Edited by tartanphantom
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You guys are wusses....
whatever happened to living off the land while you hunt? You can make a darn good meal out of grubs, fungus (takes a little knowledge to know what kind won't make you sick) and pine nuts! As they say, "Them's good eatin'!"
Jerky, crackers, and vienna sausage... that ain't huntin', that's Cadillac living! Jeremiah Johnson would hang his head in shame.
Might as well drive your Winnebago right up to the tree stand! :popcorn: :jester: :stir:

LMAOOOO! This had me and several guys that work with me rolling!! And yes, Jeremiah would be ashamed! But, I'm still eatin good in the woods!
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[quote name="tartanphantom" post="1029836" timestamp="1378768744"] You guys are wusses....! :popcorn: :jester: :stir:[/quote] God made some of us tough and some of us smart. I am glad you are tough. :) Yup. Edited by whiskey
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Like others - trail mix, beef or venison jerky, candy, water and that's usually about it.  If it's post rut I'll come off the stand during lunch time and fire up the portable grill at the camp site.  Nothing going on in the woods from 10AM to 4PM except sleeping deer. 

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There are some good responses in this thread!  I dont have any rhyme or reason to what I take with me in the woods.  Usually whatever I have on hand.  My rotation usually involves trail mix, nabs, beef jerky, cliff bars, protein bars, and M&M's.  I try not to eat too much when I am in the stand because eating too much makes me more tired than I already am and usually preempts the urge to "go".  Seeing as I havent yet mastered the art of crapping in a ziplock, I'll just keep the snacks light.  

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