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I have not laughed this hard ...maybe ever.


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I am not sure what to think about a spell checker that knows some of those words ....  the assumption being, that with limited number of words possible to store in the  thing,  words like buttgobblet or skittlefart are common enough to earn a spot in the things lookup tables....  


Funny, but disconcerting as well.

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I love those things.

My wife and I were texting 2 weeks ago as I was looking at coolers at Academy and sent her a pic of one asking if that was the one she wanted. She replied "get a *igger one"...

I just simply replied... "Racist"
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Guest The Itis

Just about all of those are fake, it's kind of obvious which ones are legit.

My fave was probably one where a mom threatened to lick her daughter's ass, because it was only one letter off from "kick"

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I hate it. You can't abbreviate or use acronyms unless they're mainstream things. So I have it disabled on my iphone. On my android work phone i can't figure out how to. I'm sure it's possible but i mostly only use that one for the wifi to use my tablet and my laptop. So i don't text or really type all that much on it and i haven't really tried. (and damn I carry a lot of crap every day. An EMP attack would make my day peaceful)
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Not just the Iphone autocorrect. My Android i think is sometimes possessed by some evil entity.


I hate autocorrect sometimes, wish there was a way to disable it( is there?).

Yes. I disabled mine. I don't remember  how but I googled   "disable autocorrect on Galaxy SII"    to find out how.

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Guest Lester Weevils
Yep my autocorrect is diasabled, and also the auto capitalization which IIRC is a separate setting. Can't recall whether auto complete is a separate option. It is all turned off. I think my moto android had the controls somewhere in the settings app, but there have been so many phones and versions of the OS. Maybe in a work phone the setting could be an administrator only option? Dunno.

I'd rather be responsible for my own typos and misspellings and bad grammar. But I feel sorry for people who don't have physical keyboards on their phones. Can type this message real easy with the moto photon keyboard, but screen tapping on an android or iphone, I wouldn't even bother trying. Way too frustrating. More than 50% of my screen taps on a virtual keyboard are mistakes. Fingers too fat maybe, but the finger hits tiny little keys rather accurately.
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