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Using the skills he acquired from years of fencing, he leapt out of his car and, "I charged towards them, you know holding my épée up high, you know, yelling at them…



I'd like to know what kind of fencing class teaches you either leaping out of your car or charging at your opponent, sword held high and yelling as skills.


Also, I am a little confused by this comment: “Fencing, you can do it without the weapon. It happens in your mind". It almost sounds like he didn't actually have the sword? Though I'm willing to put it down to the usual journalistic nonsense.

Edited by tnguy
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I'd like to know what kind of fencing class teaches you either leaping out of your car or charging at your opponent, sword held high and yelling as skills.


Also, I am a little confused by this comment: “Fencing, you can do it without the weapon. It happens in your mind". It almost sounds like he didn't actually have the sword? Though I'm willing to put it down to the usual journalistic nonsense.

It clearly states he had the sword due to having just practiced.  

Clearly, he belongs to the blackbeard school of fencing located, if memory serves, in barbados?


The comment is confusing and probably he said a lot more and they lifted the one statement.  I rememeber an interview done by my boss one time where he talked to them for like 45 min and they lifted 2 statements for his news flash when it aired.


Methinks he was trying to say that mindset is as important as the weapon.   That his training helped him to evaluate the situation and make a decision rather than stand there like a lump. 

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There is so much wrong with the reporting which is part of what makes it funny. I think it would have been awesome to see him running through the parking lot with sword held high like some civil war battle cry.


Lets take bets on what store he was there to shop at: I say Gamestop, as an exstore manager of GS i saw a lot of guys like him.

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But wait, this poor innocent kid....

Zachary Johnson’s girlfriend told WSMV that her boyfriend was in the wrong place at the wrong time and is innocent of the crime.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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Guest Emtdaddy1980
Clearly a violation of TNs statutes concerning the carrying of bladed tools. I expect the TN sheriffs association is already drafting the petition to have him arrested.
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Clearly a violation of TNs statutes concerning the carrying of bladed tools. I expect the TN sheriffs association is already drafting the petition to have him arrested.


most competition 'weapons' of this type have no edge.  Most do not have a point either.  You could still beat someone with it --- it IS after all a piece of metal, but as far as a "sword" goes most are not much sharper than a piece of rebar.   Its a sport, not a weapon of war or dueling, and the design is to NOT injure.

Edited by Jonnin
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This is turnning into the PUNNIEST thread ever!

I dunno', seems a little passe' to me... ;)


(On the other hand, if someone came out of the dark with a sword, charging and yelling at me, I'd probably passe' a corvette! :rofl: )

Edited by Timestepper
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most competition 'weapons' of this type have no edge.  Most do not have a point either.  You could still beat someone with it --- it IS after all a piece of metal, but as far as a "sword" goes most are not much sharper than a piece of rebar.   Its a sport, not a weapon of war or dueling, and the design is to NOT injure.

Sword, rebar, injure or not injure, if I were unarmed and someone came running out of the dark waving it at me and yelling I'd leave so much piste' behind me so fast it'd make your mouche spin.


  :panic: :leaving: 

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