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Pet Peeves...Again

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I believe we talked about this a bit last year, sorta in jest over it, but nothing really said or done about it.


I'm talking about the location in our avatar space and profile pages. Not a great big hairy deal. But all the cutsy little names instead of a geographic location is getting a little confusing in some cases.


Specifically, in trying to determine where someone is if interested in working out a sale, purchase, or a trade.


Again, not a monster issue; but it would probably help out if a potential buyer/trader knew where the op is. Not a street address, just something more telling than "timbukto, northern southern Tn, or down there." Just a city. A true telling of where the deal is located.


Could weed out a lot of unnecessary posts.


I think it would make things a little easier on all parties involved.


But that's just my unsolicited opinion. Thanks for listening.

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Not that this is a really bad thing... it just would help things go a little more smoothly, and let us all know the general area that the person we are speaking and/or dealing with is in.

Just giving a general frame of reference to work with.

Not that my comments mean anything at all, just an observation from one of the crotchety old geezers here.
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I say at least put the city in the post on what is for sale.


That would be helpful especially since I'm viewing via Tapatalk most of the time, and even if the OP has their city in their avatar block you still can't see it.  

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That would be helpful especially since I'm viewing via Tapatalk most of the time, and even if the OP has their city in their avatar block you still can't see it.  


Yes another sane reason for this, not just my bellyachin'.


If they can't show where the item is, I just assume I do not want to do business with them.


See guys, there is a slight stigma attached to not having a geographic location available. It really does make id'ing potential buyers and sellers easier.

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