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So I went in Walmart the other day.....


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.....because I needed a cleaning brush for my AK. Since this is my first AK, I'm not real familiar with the 7.62x39 caliber. The sporting goods dept. mgr. was behind the counter.....and that happens to be where they moved all the gun cleaning supplies to in their new store remodel :P So I ask him, "What size cleaning brush will work for the 7.62x39 round?" He gives me this hateful look and with an equally hateful tone says, "We don't carry stuff for assault rifles so I have no idea." My first thought was 'well, you carry 7.62x39 ammo' (I checked when I first got my AK)......but I was with my son and mother, so I just shook my head and walked away. I checked on the net and found that a .30 cal brush will work so I went back in the same Walmart a couple days later and walked up to the same butthole and asked him for a .30 cal cleaning brush. He didn't say a word, grabbed it and threw it on the counter. What the **** is this guys problem?! He's been the sporting goods mgr. at this walmart as long as I can remember. With all the people that have SKS's and AK's, and especially since they carry the 7.62x39 ammo...why in the world would he act like this toward me?

Anyway.....just venting this morning guys. It just made me mad he acted like that...and especially the comment "We don't carry stuff for assault rifles so I have no idea," really got to me. They carry the dang ammo and the cleaning brushes (even though they don't list that particular caliber).

So now I'm thinking about writing my own letter to Walmart now to complain about this jerk. Whadaya think?

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Guest superdrew4000

Absolutely. The economy is only getting worse for retail, and they need to know if one of their employees is helping you to spend money elsewhere. His attitude was not acceptable.

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I'm pretty surprised that a retail employee with an ounce of common sense would be so callous toward a paying customer in this day of economic unrest. Maybe he needs some time in the cheese-line to rethink things.

:P Oh, that would be great!! I can see him now with his little apron on and a scowl on his face as I ask, "Can I have 5/8th's pound of provolone please?" :)

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.....because I needed a cleaning brush for my AK. Since this is my first AK, I'm not real familiar with the 7.62x39 caliber. The sporting goods dept. mgr. was behind the counter.....and that happens to be where they moved all the gun cleaning supplies to in their new store remodel :up: So I ask him, "What size cleaning brush will work for the 7.62x39 round?" He gives me this hateful look and with an equally hateful tone says, "We don't carry stuff for assault rifles so I have no idea." My first thought was 'well, you carry 7.62x39 ammo' (I checked when I first got my AK)......but I was with my son and mother, so I just shook my head and walked away. I checked on the net and found that a .30 cal brush will work so I went back in the same Walmart a couple days later and walked up to the same butthole and asked him for a .30 cal cleaning brush. He didn't say a word, grabbed it and threw it on the counter. What the **** is this guys problem?! He's been the sporting goods mgr. at this walmart as long as I can remember. With all the people that have SKS's and AK's, and especially since they carry the 7.62x39 ammo...why in the world would he act like this toward me?

Sounds like the hired-help is jealous of your knowledge of firearms.

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7.62 is a military designation apparently the standard us measurement system is not good enough for them.

7.62x39 7.62 is the same as .30cal the x39 is the length of the cartridge.

the 5.56x45 is a .22 and is 45mm in length.

I thought it was .223 (I know it is rounded to .22 but it isn't "exactly" the same")

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Actually it's .224"... but the commercial designation of the cartridge is 223 Remington.

and that my freinds was the problem in Vietnam with the m-16, it was NOT the rifle, it was the stupid ammo because the first generation ammo was .223 not .224 caused all kinds of jaming problems. But so that no one knew what the problem was they fixed it and left the designation as .223 or 5.56mm instead of correcting it.:up:

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7.62 is a military designation apparently the standard us measurement system is not good enough for them.

7.62x39 7.62 is the same as .30cal the x39 is the length of the cartridge.

the 5.56x45 is a .22 and is 45mm in length.

The 7.62x39, 5.56x45 is metric (mm). 7.62mm x 39mm

Caliber is in inches, .22 is 22/100 of an inch, .50 Caliber is 50/100 or 1/2 inch.

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I'm pretty surprised that a retail employee with an ounce of common sense would be so callous toward a paying customer in this day of economic unrest. Maybe he needs some time in the cheese-line to rethink things.

Yeah, NS. Seriously, why should anyone selling anything truely care why you are buying said product...legally speaking of course. What a pinhead, but I would have to agree that he was probably pissed that "a woman" had such a weapon, and then came back for a second round, and still out thunk him. What a POS.

Wouldn't it be funny if you saw him out at the range? I'd offer to let him fire your weapon, then say"on second thought, how bout no!"...heh...thats just me though

Good luck with the AK.

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Check the top of your receipt, the managers namemand stores phone # are on the top. I would definitely talk local first then move up the ladder if nothing gets done. I would also go back in a week or so and ask for more evil assault rifle stuff, just to see what clerk boys response was.

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Guest Watauga

The Walmart where I shop in Johnson City has good and knowledgeable sporting goods manager. He's aware of competitive prices of ammo, etc. Never heard any negative comments about any gun related issues. Been shopping there for eight years. Now, some the clerks are complete idiots and I don't deal with them.

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It was the Walmart in Newport. The sporting goods manager there has basically always acted like a jerk, but this time was by far the worst experience I've had with him. I always summed him up as a male chauvenist pig.....but who knows, he might act that way toward everyone. I don't see how he's kept his job all these years with that attitude though. The store manager's name is Dallas McVay and I'm going to write him a letter.....probably won't do any good, but I'll do it nevertheless.....maybe the mgr. will talk to him, but I doubt it. He'll just deny that he said what he said....his word against mine. No one gives a **** anymore these days about customer service and courtesy....at least with the giant superstores like Walmart. The majority of their employees do just enough to not get fired...that's it.

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My neighbor across the road has been the sporting goods dept. mgr. at the Morristown Walmart for over 10 years....I just need to start going there from now on. He's into guns and has his HCP.....and there's almost as much gunfire that comes from his place as mine! :rolleyes:

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Guest abailey362

the down side is that they are proud that they don't carry things for "assault" weapons, except the ammo (because people come there to buy more of that). He most likelt reacted this way because that's what the sheppard has directed the flock to do. there are some guys who work in the sporting goods area because it's what they enjoy. others because they are old guys and can't get promoted anywhere else.

as much as we would like to think that a letter would help and prove our point, it will most likely just get him a pat on the back, behind the scenes at least.

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You should right that letter Packin Mama. You don't have to stand for that type of blatant abuse of customer service. He threw it on the counter? I would had thrown it on the floor and walked out . Somebody will read that letter and I would call the store manager and let your voice be heard. I can't believe this type of fool has kept this job this long. If you keep at it somebdy in the corporate world will take notice and then it will roll down hill all the way to the sporting goods idiot.

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It was the Walmart in Newport. The sporting goods manager there has basically always acted like a jerk, but this time was by far the worst experience I've had with him. I always summed him up as a male chauvenist pig.....but who knows, he might act that way toward everyone. I don't see how he's kept his job all these years with that attitude though. The store manager's name is Dallas McVay and I'm going to write him a letter.....probably won't do any good, but I'll do it nevertheless.....maybe the mgr. will talk to him, but I doubt it. He'll just deny that he said what he said....his word against mine. No one gives a **** anymore these days about customer service and courtesy....at least with the giant superstores like Walmart. The majority of their employees do just enough to not get fired...that's it.

Don't feel bad PM..I went into a walmart here in Nashville, with Junglist the other day. we were looking for some targets.

they no longer sell them there. they only carry ammo and a few cleaning brushes. no weapons..not even bb guns or paintball pistols.

I asked the guy if he had targets and he said he didn't carry them...I replied "then what good are ya?" and walked out.

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When writing your letter (which I think you should do) send a copy both to the store manager, and see if you can find out who is above that manager. Make it known (IE: show a little CC:-insert superior's name-) that you are sending this letter along to a superior manager as well. That gets things done. When the store manager knows she is under fire too, she'll get hopping.

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Guest canynracer
It was the Walmart in Newport. The sporting goods manager there has basically always acted like a jerk, but this time was by far the worst experience I've had with him. I always summed him up as a male chauvenist pig.....but who knows, he might act that way toward everyone. I don't see how he's kept his job all these years with that attitude though. The store manager's name is Dallas McVay and I'm going to write him a letter.....probably won't do any good, but I'll do it nevertheless.....maybe the mgr. will talk to him, but I doubt it. He'll just deny that he said what he said....his word against mine. No one gives a **** anymore these days about customer service and courtesy....at least with the giant superstores like Walmart. The majority of their employees do just enough to not get fired...that's it.

Packin..I would speak to the store manager, and follow up with email to corp...the store manager has to fix it, cause corp will make sure its done...

but before I did that, I would go back alone and find an excuse to lay into the prick

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