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The religion of peace at work in Libya.....

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  • Authorized Vendor

These guys are really making all muslims look bad. Just saw on the news that there were some protesting the French newspaper around the world, of course they burned down more than 40 churches. 

I guess moooslims can't be guilty of hate crimes....just sayin'.

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These guys are really making all muslims look bad. Just saw on the news that there were some protesting the French newspaper around the world, of course they burned down more than 40 churches.

Security agencies around the world agree, it's a small percentage who are radicals, 5%-10% of the whole...only 50-100 million who wish to end all non orthodox Muslim lifestyles.
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  • Authorized Vendor

Security agencies around the world agree, it's a small percentage who are radicals, 5%-10% of the whole...only 50-100 million who wish to end all non orthodox Muslim lifestyles.

Well that's a relief.....I was getting worried.

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I think these "peace" loving Muslims are just naive. They haven't figured out yet that they too are on the hit list just a little higher up on the totem pole. Once the general infidels are dispensed with they are next up for irridacation. In the end all that will remain will be the radicals and then they won't be radicals, they will be the norm.
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Another shocking revelation would be if you search for mosques and Islamic centers in a town near you.

Unfortunately, after having an on the road sales job for 13 years, it is not a surprise.

The amount of increase in the last 10 years is however. It is, and I expect to be flamed for this, atrocious.

Let a Christian Church try to expand in a Muslim country and see what happens.
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  • Authorized Vendor

The religion of peace continues....



Thirteen teenage Iraqi boys were gunned down by the Islamic State for cheering on their national soccer team in last week’s Asian Cup competition, an activist group says.

The group of teens reportedly were watching the match between Iraq and Jordan on a television in Mosul, a city controlled by ISIS.

The boys were killed because they were said to be violating Sharia law by watching the game and their “crime” was announced over a loudspeaker before they were hit with machine gun fire, reports said.

“The bodies remained lying in the open and their parents were unable to withdraw them for fear of murder by the terrorist organization,” the activist group Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently posted on its website, according to the New York Post.

Coming to a city near you if the current administration has it's way.

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