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Band-Aid for the heart.


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As if Christmas could suck anymore this year between work and money woes, I woke up Wednesday afternoon to find my constant companion for the last 12 years had died peacefully in his sleep (thank God). His name was Bingo and we stole/rescued him from an abusive family and he had been King **** on Turd Mountain ever since. We dont have kids but we considered him ours.


We were heart broken and the house was just too quiet and joyless, So we went to the Unicoi County Animal Shelter and adopted 10 week old Isabelle AKA Izzy. She is such a trip and a Band-Aid for the heart to keep Christmas not completely depressing.


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Guest Bronker

And Bingo was his name-o...

Tough news man. I've been there recently. Its a pain in the heart that's hard to describe.

And I agree, the pound rescues are the best. They seem to know what they were rescued from and they appreciate it. I've got a dalmation mix and a blue heeler that were rescues and some of the sweetest dogs ever. My store-front Jack Russell is sweet, but quite the spoiled brat.

RIP fine companion.

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Guest pjblurton

Glad to hear that ole Bingo had a peaceful departure.

Our German Shepherd fell ill with cancer and we had to have him put to sleep last spring. It was very painful for us.

I don't know what it is about us Homo Sapiens, but we do get attached to our pets...

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Dogs are just the standard fixture in most of our lives. The boy and his dog stories are always the best. Every guy cried at Old Yeller. Dogs just love you no matter what, they don't judge, they don't ask for much. They just want some attention every now and again. They truly are man's best friend.

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Guest c_o_jones

We buried two within a week of each other the summer before this past one,

we are pretty sure the other one died of a broken heart.

It's always sad to lose a good friend/pet.

I hope your Christmas with Izzy helps you along.

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In July of this year I had to have my dog put to sleep. We had her for 15 years and I am not ashamed to say that as the Vet depressed the plunger, I cried like a little boy.

I am sure she is up in heaven giving chase to birds and cats, stealing brisket from a smoker and waiting for me to join her.

Sorry for your loss.

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Guest jackdog

very sorry for your loss. RIP bingo. But remember that you saved and loved him and he died a loyal and happy friend. People dying upset me, but losing a pet is about the worst heart break I can think of. That being said we have five dogs that all are rescues. They live with us and are treated like kids rather than pets. If we lose one it is never long before a needy one comes to us and becomes a family member.

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Sorry for your loss.I have 3 dogs.I would not take a million bucks for them but would not give $1 for three just like them.They will not be replaced,no more dogs when they are gone.Vet bills too high and money/economy too tight.

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Guest bkelm18

I've never owned a dog but have always had a feline companion or two. My senior year of high school we had to put down our cat that I had had since I was about 2 or 3. I always considered him one of my family. I bawled like a kid. Kinda gettin misty just thinkin about it right now. Pets are like friends who never ask anything of you except for a bowl of food and a good scratch behind the ear and yet they give you the utmost comfort and relief, more than you could ask for.

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I've never owned a dog but have always had a feline companion or two. .....

I've always felt that if you have a dog who adores you, should also have a cat who ignores you. :D

Sorry about your loss chipperi, and for all the losses we all suffer.

I haven't had a mutt for about 15 years now, after having animals all my life.

Hoping to move out into country finally again in the next year, so will remedy that...might have to go ahead and rescue some mutt this spring, even as a townie.

My granddad brought me my first dog when I was 3, mixed multi-splotched terrier mutt ... he lived 13 years and when granddad and I buried him, we both bawled like kids, me 16, graddad maybe 65 at the time. I am only child, so you can imagine how close I was to that dog.

That was Skippy, an since there has been Cleo (Cleopatra, because she was so ugly), Thumper (little mixed toy collie and something) who got banged by full standard poodle and created a shaggy black thing named Raggmopp, who was banged by a birddog creating a bizzare creature named Pinkie. All of these lived right around 13 years each,and all went pretty peacefully.

There were also a few great cats, Hondo and Bluesie, both about 12, and the magnificent FeedMe, who just died last year in my ex's care, a few weeks short of 21 years old!

All dogs, even mean ones, methinks (and maybe good cats) go to heaven.

- OS

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Guest pjblurton
Thumper (little mixed toy collie and something) who got banged by full standard poodle and created a shaggy black thing named Raggmopp, who was banged by a birddog creating a bizzare creature named Pinkie.

- OS

Wow...I dunno what to say...Just wow....

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So sorry. Dogs give unconditional love and there is nothing like that. The most vivid memories I have are the times that I have had to take a cherished pet to be put down. My wife and I don't have children so our dogs have been ours. I'm choking up as I recall each one.

We've got two Yorkies now and one has a heart defect and could go at anytime. They are sisters that have been together since birth. They are just over 5 now and when we lose the one i am really worried about the other. They have been such a joy!

I hope that Izzy can help to ease you pain.

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