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Everything posted by -boatman-

  1. I saw one of the cube's for the first time the other day and I can't get past the right and left side being different. It is like one designer did the left side and another did the right and they came together in the middle. What happened to one side being like the other? I can't imagine anyone wanting one but peoples taste are different and I know they have sold at least one because the one I saw was going down I40.
  2. jsjracing, I have never seen a grip like the one on your magwell. What is it and do you lie it?
  3. I think they have shown us that they don't care what what the majority of the public thinks. Look at health care reform. It is the majority against this. I don't how big but they are still pushing hard. They are getting ready to raise the debt limit so we can go deeper in dept to China and I think the majority has been ready for the spending to stop. Maybe they think we will forget before the elections next year. I think a lot of them has to know that they will be gone next year. How could they not know?
  4. That says it all right there. I think about this a lot and other than the above all I have to add is I hope I never have to find out.
  5. Could the new Chief of Police be behind this? I hope the same people on the city council that kept the park ban from passing will stop this.
  6. This is correct. A lockmaster at Wilson Dam who was a USACE employee told me the same thing when I was locking through. TVA owns and USACE operates. Also, if you look at river charts it shows TVA boundry, not USACE boundry.
  7. That is the same thing I was thinking when I started reading this. If so do you think he will tell you?
  8. I bet he wished he had not done that after he got a taste of fuel.
  9. I vote every election and cannot remember when have I missed one. This is a timely thread for me since I have moved. There are so many details to take care of that voter registration is one thing I have not even thought about.
  10. The computer does loose programming without a battery. It may start if you give it a little throttle but will quit as soon as you lift your foot. If you get it running (don't do this in city traffic) use the gas and brake when you stop and drive it for 20 or 30 miles and it will get its programming back. I left the key on on my 03 Dodge and it sat for a few days. It did the same thing. As soon as I touched the throttle just a little it started. Let up and it quit. Doing this can be a little hairy unless you are out in the country but it worked for me.
  11. I loved your comments on the parts used. Nice rifle also.
  12. I could not have said it any better than that.
  13. I had a PT145 Mil Pro and same as you, it felt great in my hand. It shot everything I put through it except Blazer brass.There was nothing wrong with it but I was never crazy about the trigger so I ended up selling it. Some you just like better than others and I had several compacts and sub compacts so I let it go. It seems to be one of the more complicated hand guns to take down but after doing it a few time it is not a big deal. I was also not crazy about the weight of a loaded .45. The guy who bought it is very happy with it so I can't say anything was wrong with the gun.
  14. Jackson has had these cameras for some time. It is just a revenue generator. $50 bucks a pop. No points. They have also just gotten a mobile speed cameras. They are in SUV's and they move around and stop anywhere. I heard they got somewhere around 250 speeders in a hour and a half in one location. If you listen to the talk radio station in town you will find out where they are. Ever y time they stop somewhere someone will call it in. They are called "robo cop" around Jackson. If you don't know where they are you better be careful.
  15. Yes I do. I can see someone calling in on someone else they are mad at or just don't like, even when they may not be drinking. I am all for getting the drunks off the road but this will have some negative things happening and I wonder how that will be handled.
  16. I never really thought about this but first the caliber. Then the overall size and how I would carry it but of course I would first have to like something about it or it would have never gotten my attention in the first place. Then the weight would come in. I sold a .45 partly because I did not consider the weight of the gun loaded.
  17. -boatman-

    New job!

    That is good to hear, especially in this economy.
  18. I have their M4 red dot and light. I had a problem with the light and he sent me a another one in a hurry along with a free pmag. Told me to send the other one back. I had the new one before I sent the bad one off. New light is fine and very bright and I'm very happy with the red dot. Fast shipping and great customer service. I would buy from them again.
  19. Garmin gps60cs in hand, Garmin gps18 plugged into the laptop on the road, cachemate software on a pda, and GSAK software on the laptop to manage waypoints and cache info on the other three things. Other useful things are a flashlight, multitool, camera, inkpen, hiking stick, and a firearm. The closest I ever came to pulling a gun on someone was while geocaching late at night in the woods next to a rest area on I40 but that is another story.


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