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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1.     I'll be going to Deadpool for sure. :up: Not even the craziest of craziest could keep me away from that.
  2. There is a rail on them. About as useful as the overall design :rofl: I actually think they're neat, operating system is interesting and the action is simple enough. I think with a better design these would be selling as fast as they could make them. A design you could comfortably hold. Don't forget the ejection port is on the right hand side and pretty easy to block or even totally cover were you to use your middle finger to shoot these as seems sort of intuitive holding them. Mines a novelty too. Bought pretty much the same way for the same reasons. I did fire one round through mine after a fair amount of taunting. Heres mine next to a few other novelty guns.
  3. I doubt I'll go see one, but that has ZERO to do with the thought that some nut might shoot me there. I have a much better odds of choking to death on my taco bell or falling to my demise in my shower.    I don't let the fear of what someone else might do stop me from doing a whole lot. I try to use common sense and decide whats really worth doing and whats not, but being afraid of an unknown boogie man does not appeal to me.    The price of admit ion, lack of interest in the films and ridiculous food costs are what keep m out of the theaters more than anything. I'm actually waiting on a movie worth spending $15 an hour on as I like the movies.
  4. I'm 50/50 on SOG based on my experiences. I haven't had any interaction with a human so can't speak to their bedside table but I was heartily underwhelmed at the condition of my "very good-excellent" P1. I guess in their eyes condition is relative. Mine is in fantastic shape for a weapon used as a hammer. :rofl:   It's not that bad, but when AIM says VG-Excellent, you can generally rest easy knowing you're  getting a fairly clean gun. Not so IMO from SOG. Funny thing is I paid for a hand pick on that one which is something I rarely do. :rolleyes:
  5. http://bloody-disgusting.com/news/3356059/sony-sets-date-stephen-kings-dark-tower/   Picked this up off another forum, looks like they're actually going to do it. I'm really excited but i'm also on edge a bit to see how bad they screw it up. There has been some talk already on casting, but that was sometime back and all speculation so as far as I can tell it's still very much in the air.   I'd like to see some unknowns take the key rolls on this. I feel like theres enough story to fully develop the characters, but if for instance a young Clint Eastwood got cast as Roland (as great a fit as that would be given the man without a name was an admitted huge influence on King for Roland) I think I and most people would end up seeing just that, Clint Eastwood on the road to the tower instead of Roland Deschain.   Eddie and Susannah bring up their own sets of challenges as well. Aaron Paul would probably make a great Eddie Dean, but who here wouldn't just be waiting for him to say something like "yeah, science bitch! Magnets!" the whole time?    what about Susannah? Finding someone to play her will be easy, so will finding someone to play Detta, but both of them? I don't know. Will we even really get to 'meet' Detta Walker is likely the better question these days. She's a racially charged character and embodies a lot of the ugliness of many stereotypes. It;ll be interesting to see how they present it in any case.     Man so many questions, I can't wait until more info comes out and i can decide wether to hate it or love it without seeing it :rofl: .
  6.     Could be a combination of factors at play. I doubt they're selling much with the current market saturation so with numbers being theoretically down it could be a good time to pull the unprofitable inventory and at the same time appease the anti crowd to a level.    Not sure I buy that quite yet though as I would imagine they would be waiving a rainbow flag of peace and and good will all over their social media if that were the case. Maybe they're waiting until they can officially announce that they are no longer stocking any inventory at any location ( i.e.; they've sold it all and "put it out on the streets").    Maybe their corporate buyer realized they were dealing with outdated and currently over priced goods and they're clearing house to bring in newer stock?     Either way they can do what they want, fee enterprise and all that. I like the idea of being able to buy guns at walmart a lot better than actually doing it.
  7.     He did.   We both suck.   The only the one that got hurt was the fence to a cow pasture, and I'm still blaming my mom for that one as long as nobody tells her.  :ugh:  :shhh:  :taser:
  8.         +1. In fact same can be said for most firearm forums. I like being on a local forum where the member you're talking to is just as likely you're neighbor as anything. It really helps cut down on the machismo bravado BS.
  9.     It's not funny, but :rofl: just the same. What cracks me up about that is I can't shoot there without getting a safety lecture and attempted walkthrough on the manual of arms for whatever I'm shooting by their RSOs. To be fair I do always need help setting up the target in their machines and making their computers work, but here nor there.   I guess when I'm being really honest with myself I've had a few less than stellar experiences there, BUT I've had far and more positive ones so there is something to that. To their credit, the retail staff has always been exemplary to me with the one exception. The first time I went in there I had my brother with me and he was in a funk and wearing pajama bottoms and a ripped up iron maiden tshirt at 3pm or so on a tuesday. I took him in on a lark to get him a new light to cheer him up and the guys there never batted an eye, we could have been two professional looking mid 40's in polo shirts and khakis instead of the late 20's early 30's slackers we undoubtedly looked like based on how they treated us. <ost gun shops are put off by the long hair, I guess they think I'm a hippy there to protest baby seal clubbings or something :rofl: .
  10. I have to say I love Nashville Armory, but I have had some less than stellar interactions with one of the gals there. I have to imagine it's a symptom of "being a woman in a mans world" cause she's managed to be both wrong and condescending about it on more than one occasion. :rolleyes: Everyone else there has been awesome, maybe it was her?
  11. I like the USG Pro line. I have one in 15" and the price is certainly right for a nicely made piece of gear. It's slim though so double check the dimensions for you're gas block. I'd recommend getting one of the ones you can adjust at the front.   I also like the MI SS rail. I have a shorter one, but it lines up with the vent perfectly on a BTE gas block set screw on a carbine length barrel.    I like the look of the YHM stuff that came out awhile ago, but my experience is limited to some of their more 'archaic' models. I like them for what it's worth.
  12.     Pretty sure it was. :D   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0lJyDCLYTE
  13. [URL=http://s1074.photobucket.com/user/TrickyNickyII/media/4FE4803F-824D-4FE8-8884-94EFAB7F1B8A-10068-0000181B678AF45D.jpg.html][/URL]
  14.     Did you get a chance to read Oliver VS US yet? It's a bit different than what we are talking about here, but it's the most relevant case law on REP outdoors on private property I could find. Worth a quick googling IMO.
  15. Brownells is good to go! They also offer Mil/LEO/C&R discounts as well so be sure to ask them about it. Best customer service folks I've ever dealt with I think.
  16.     One of the neighbor kids had a big ass trampoline in their backyard juuuuust far enough away from the shallow end of the pool to discourage and water landings for our arial combat casualties.    One time my brother gashed his head open but good on the railing and when an adult came to get him he was already jumping again spraying blood everywhere.  Those were the days.   We used to pick the oranges off the trees in the yard and have wars with them and bbguns being the primary weapons. An unripened orange WILL put out your neighbors skylight and you WILL catch an ass chewing despite not being involved in the particular battle. Those were the days.   We found a smoke/flare signal in the garage in all the camping equipment. The smoke stained my moms lawn red in at least a 15' diameter pattern, we almost burned down the nursery down the street with the flare. In the rain. Those were the days.   Same nursery was located on a huge hill and we used to ride down at reckless speeds and build ramps and little dips and stuff. One day we went to the top of the hill and start racing back down. I get about 1/2 way down when I see the chain link fence at the bottom has been shut and get the single coolest idea I've ever had to date and immediately set out to put it in action. I brace down and pedal faster and faster, gaining precious momentum and about 10 feet before the fence I pull up into the most epic wheelie I have ever pulled off and proceed to crash the gate open and land back down on my front wheel before turning to look at my stunned friend, silent in awe at what he has just witnessed.    At least thats what might have happened with out the foot and a half of chain strung through the fence and padlocked. I woke up in a heap tangled with my bike 5 feet away from the fence with my buddy in absolute stitches and our mailman yelling at us to get out of there before we hurt ourselves. Those were the days. 
  17.     I think we see eye to eye on a lot of things Hozzie, but here we will have to differ. To be honest I was creeped out within the first minute and a half of the video. Call me old fashioned, but if the homeowner wanted the world to see his backyard and property in real time, he'd probably have a website dedicated to it set up with webcams.   Now my digs are not nearly as spectacular as all that, but I just think, what it that was my house and the day you decide to just casually view other peoples private property in my neighborhood coincides with the TrickyNicky 12th Annual Naked Pudding Wrestling and Orgy Party? Maybe I do have something to hide, is it really unreasonable to be able expect to do so on PRIVATE property? Does it really matter how much detail you pick up? Who owns the rights to the arial footage? Maybe TrickyNickyNakedPuddingWrestling.com? You?   There are pretty clear cut definitions of what can and does not constitute a reasonable expectation to privacy, I would say that spending a few hundred bucks shouldn't make anyone immune or dare I say 'above' the law. (Get it, above, like a drone? :rofl: ) If you can't reasonably tell from 1.4 miles away what you might be getting yourself into, you shouldn't be flying there. Public property of course is a whole different ball game. If I rent space at the park to have the first annual TrickyNicky Fully Clothed Pudding Wrestling and Handshake Party for instance I'd be pretty foolish to start crying foul on what was easily publicly observed being filmed. Especially if I had chosen a public venue for the event. 
  18.  I had a great time. I'm just now putting two and two together on who all I met aside from the guys I've met before, but it's all coming together.    We need name tags if anyones taking notes....
  19. Great story, thanks for sharing Oldhat. That was a very nice thing Sgt. Hay did, and I would bet a familiar action to her and a lot of LEO. That picture of them eating is kind of like a modern Norman Rockwell IMO.      +1 for Sgt. Hay, a good community example, and she's hot to boot!
  20. I'm another that doesn't have that particular model, but I have both the 1-4 illuminated and the 4.5-18 and very pleased with them both from a cost to value perspective. Very hard to go wrong IMO.
  21.     Look TN dubs, the quote below may have the particular odor of Bovine Scat to anyone who's actually lived there, but thats immaterial to the current thread. I need to believe that somewhere out there  little Nazarito is being turned into a medical case subject and wax museums from all around the country are bidding furiously with his survivors over the rights to recreate his image in their Darwin exhibits. I need this right now.   Don't take this away from me.   Incredibly, L.A. Community Hospital Dr. Ian Joseffson told local reporters gold-plated scrotums are a growing trend among gang members  in California despite the certainty of death.   :rofl: ^
  22.   My religious beliefs or lack thereof are something I think a lot about. I used to be religious I guess, I was raised in a church going family, I was an alter boy as a kid actually lol. To paraphrase Mother Terresa, I haven't felt the touch of god in years. I can pinpoint right down to pretty much the minute that either he left, or I left or whatever. Some people say I'm being carried, but 16 years is a log time to see one set of footprints in the sand.     So what keeps me on the straight an narrow? I have to answer to the man who (hypothetically) shaves my face in the morning. He lives in the mirror. Thats it.
  23. They must've got wind of your cult leader joke and turned the lights out and locked the door. :p
  24. "Since gold plating your testicles is a “medical impossibility” even for the best of doctors, the El Salvadorian gangster’s DIY attempt left him with no chance at all."   "Medical impossibility". I don't know why but that phrase is just killing me! :rofl:    Think of all the higher education that went into this article. Some kid went to journalism school only to one day find himself in front of some other guy who spent a DECADE in school, and the course of their interaction is going to be based on the 'medical impossibility' of gold plating ones nads. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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