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Everything posted by I_Like_Pie

  1. Yeah...I forget that people actually buy loaded ammo. I think I bought my last box sometime in the late 1980's and in my mind I am still locked into those prices whenever I go shopping. Funny story - I think that the last time I was in academy they were selling bulk boxed .22 ammo for $19 per 500, but noticed that they were selling the small 50 packs for $1.50 a piece....go figure. I even pointed it out to the person behind the desk and they didn't even realize the price difference....said they only sell in the 50ct. boxes about 2 or 3 a week.
  2. Basically everyone does. Consensus is that it is a superior design, but doesn't look as fancy. Even JMB abandoned the internal design in favor of an external one.
  3. I_Like_Pie

    Bill of sale...

    Just as an FYI - if I was going to trade with someone and they suggested a bill of sale I would tell them thanks, but no thanks. Would show my HCP or DL, but I don't know what happens to that gun 10 years from now. Have done it several times and people don't like it, but tough luck for them. But that is just me - Your mileage may vary.
  4. Good... The previous ones were actually pretty good and they did some real changes that make it better. Bigger extractor, no more 80 series pin block, and much better fitted trigger. You can shake it and it no longer rattles too :-) They are very good guns.
  5. It doesn't take much movement at all to affect POI....thousandths of an inch makes a difference. action/reaction begins once that primer starts burning fuel.
  6. From what I can remember the guns with the two digit s/n had a firing pin upgrade. I believe it was shaped differently to avoid crud getting in the channel and the pin locking up. I think the problem was that it would prevent it from firing...not the opposite. You would very likely be able to contact the folks in Smyrna and send them just the slide for the upgrade. You can check yourself if you know the takedown procedure and compare it to a pic of a new pin...new one has more machining done to it.
  7. You are correct about the 9mm shooting higher. Here is why - Heavier bullets are both moving slower and resisting the push of the powder burn more due to their higher mass (thus generating more recoil). This means that the barrel will be a little bit higher when the bullet exits and making point of impact a bit higher. It isn't that drastic in 9mm because the spread from heavy to light bullets isn't that great, but when you are shooting heavy calibers the difference can be drastic. For example Hot 200 grain .44 magnum loads will shoot several feet lower than 300 grain sledgehammers at 50 yards. Typical .45 colt loadings are around 250 grains and 165 grainers would have a very different point of impact.
  8. Hey...I have one of those too. With some really sticky tires there isn't much around that will touch it on a curvy road. It is one of the most forgiving and easy to drive vehicles made.
  9. You guys are slacking....Hasn't anyone here gone to the CMP warehouse in Anniston, AL? If more had then it would most certainly be mentioned a couple of times. It has my vote
  10. I_Like_Pie

    Glock 1911????

    That is the one obvious void in their offerings....A 20 or 21 with a long slide. Heck...they make the barrels already
  11. I_Like_Pie

    Glock 1911????

    I have seen a few photoshops in my days and I think this one might have been retouched a little.... http://knowyourmeme.com/i/24183/original/500pxShopped.jpg
  12. I can understand the premium on many of the current varmint bullets that practically explode when they hit something...It is pretty hard to make an accurate lightweight bullet with 1/3 of the length being an empty cavity and have no yaw or falling apart at 300,000 rpm. As far as the heavier hunting bullets....I am in agreement with you 100% My 30/30 with 165 grain, $10 per box core lokt bullets will put them down just like the most expensive thing made these days.
  13. I_Like_Pie

    .357 value

    Egads double post.....
  14. When using a light caliber bullet you are safe with using data with the next heavier bullet...granted there isn't a large difference in weight. The 185gr data in both of my Lyman manuals read 4.7 - 7.5 of Unique. Being such a low pressure round I would have no hesitation at all starting right in the middle of that at 6 grains with a 165 grainer. You will most certainly have trouble finding any official test data on such a light bullet. Would bet money on it being under a 15,000 psi loading. No matter what you do it is going to shoot really low in your guns.
  15. I_Like_Pie

    .357 value

    Everything has a price....right now ones like that are going around $400 (give or take) around here.
  16. I don't see what a $400 Brooklyn scout can't do that any of the guns mentioned so far can
  17. You folks in Knox will be happy when they are done building. They destroy walmart and dick's in prices. Not even worth comparison shopping anymore. Hibbitt sports and Gander Mtn might as well just close their doors now...they are literally obsolete compared to Academy.
  18. That is the way it was imported and was one of several things that they had to do to make it legal for shipment. No grenade launcher and cut the bayonet lug off. In short...it will be more trouble than it is worth to fit one up really. Those pins are really in there good.
  19. I don't know that, even if I really tried, I could honestly design a more unattractive firearm than that thing. I mean seriously - it looks like a bunch of legos that have been glued together and then painted black. I know that design is subjective, but man that thing is repulsive to me in that it looks like a kids toy made for adults who still want to play alien invasion after lunchtime. Doesn't mean it isn't a good gun or very high in quality however.
  20. The hookers in the trunk....don't forget them!
  21. I am just glad that we are at the point in time were stuff like this doesn't get swept under the rug anymore. Does not matter if they are police, or elected official, 4-H Club president, preacher, etc.
  22. Texas is gettin as bad as California these days. Same destination via the other side of the table.
  23. I saw this one too when it was offered up....They are very underrated guns right now and I see them being a pretty decent investment down the road. Have a couple myself and they are all very, very good shooters.


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