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Everything posted by res308

  1. Boy, won't the suspects' dads be disappointed. I imagine so, that they got caught.
  2. I stayed out til 3 last night. The radio traffic sounded bad over there. I just talked to dispatch a few minutes ago. They’ve made a lot more progress than I would have thought. They’ve already shut the emergency operations center down, road crews only have three roads left to clear, only one minor injury. One man is unaccounted for but neighbors have told them they have seen him.
  3. Showed this to my son. He said he heard him and his parents are getting family mugshots in the spring.
  4. If it’s during business hours when the courthouse is open, we go there to get an arrest warrant drawn up. As a judicial commissioner you’d be the one being called out at all hours of the night, through the wee hours of the morning, up until the courthouse opens, to draw up the arrest warrants, including all weekend. I know somebody’s gotta do it, but I never figured out why anyone “wants” to do it. ETA: (In response to the question about the hours.)
  5. Man, here’s wishing you a far less exiting life going forward. Also, it’s takes a special kind of people to rescue and adopt children. I greatly admire you for that.
  6. I get into more dadgum trouble that way.
  7. I hate my life as it is and I still wouldn’t trade with them either.
  8. Saw several does and a couple of baby spikes, along with a flock of turkeys. I spent the entire day in the stand and didn’t see one shooter buck. Wife wondered why I didn’t take some does. I told her if you’re like me and NOT an expert hunter the best chance for a buck is early season. I’d like to get a buck or two before I start taking does. Going to try again tomorrow morning Lord willing.
  9. Oh nice! Thought I was looking at a Mauser action but wasn’t sure.
  10. Just went and looked at that. Outstanding! Proud young man. That’s a dern good looking rifle too. What is that?
  11. Nice looking basket weave stamping. Get some sort of concho or medallion to put where that hole is nobody will ever know. Great job on that. I’ve found that leather working is a much deeper well than I ever imagined. It’s a never ending learning experience.
  12. Sent this to my son early this morning. He was supposed to join me today but his schedule wouldn’t allow. I tend to get sarcastic when I haven’t gotten enough sleep and things aren’t going well. Opening morning report: Off work 11:00pm previous night. In bed by midnight. Up at 4:00am. Feeling of approximately negative-6 hours of sleep. Left house approximately 3.6 months later. Drove to hunting area. Parked and walked remaining distance to stand. Temperature 30 degrees. Wind blowing out of the N, S,E,W,NW,NE,SW,SE. Approximate wind speed 751.395 MPH. Next objective: Drink coffee. Saw a couple bucks about two weeks ago while I was up here working, but I’ve only seen 4 does today. Trying to hang out til afternoon but this wind is aggravating. Anyone had any luck so far?
  13. My only surprise was that I didn’t know Chattanooga was that bad.
  14. Y’all are making me skeered. This doesn’t sound like much of a good time.
  15. I’m still trying to figure out which version of a fedora would look right on my ugly head. But, I do want a good felt version, hopefully soon.
  16. I know what ya mean. BIG difference between the two. Absolutely IMMEASURABLE difference between cheap, easy women who are expensive (use their bodies for financial gain) and a real woman who is truly priceless. My dry humor in this case is meant to make a mockery of such cheap/expensive/high maintenance women. A real woman on the other hand is a treasure, and becoming more and more of a rarity it seems.
  17. One and only price drop to $1200. Need to move/trade but I can’t give it away.
  18. Are y’all saying she looks expensive? Because to me, she looks expensive.
  19. She looks like she’s thinking “And jus’ why ain’t you cuddlin’ with me?”
  20. Malinois have been described as a smaller german shepherd on crack. Pretty accurate. I’ve been very impressed by the ones I’ve been around though. People are right about these breeds though. I have a german shepherd, or maybe he owns me, and it is a full time job. But I have never had a better friend. It’s a shame that we live in an age, and in a formerly free country, where insurance companies tell us what we can and cannot have. I’m sure the one you picked out will be a fine companion. I like how one lady said it when I was at the vet the other day. We were talking about different dogs and she said that we (as people) just don’t deserve dogs. That’s about as accurate a statement as I’ve heard in a long time.
  21. Whoooweee! Possum grillin at MacGyver’s!


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