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Mark A

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Everything posted by Mark A

  1. So (assuming both he and the seller are legally allowed to possess firearms) he conducted a perfectly legal face to face transaction in a parking lot? Which part of this am I supposed to be horrified by?    All those folks on the Subcommittee should know the law and one of the adults should have shut him down immediately. Even the Tennessean - as big of piece of crap as that is - at least got the title to their article correct. This thread and the Time article? Not so much...   Mark   edit: Looks like pcrc11 & I had the same thought...
  2. So glad to see this fire back up...we've got a ton of romaine, spinach, kale, and Swiss chard in the ground. Also about 100 tomatoes and 100 pepper seeds started. Wife stomped her cute foot and said strawberries or else so we got 25 plants and 50 starts rolling. We finished our first greenhouse last fall. Mostly all I've done with it is kill a bunch of stuff. The thing I'm most excited about is we have 2 large wicking beds under construction. They will hopefully be complete this weekend. I will try to get pictures of the various stages of construction. Mark
  3. I wish Northern Tools would open up on my side of town.   I have a buddy that bought one of their ultra sonic cleaners and is happy with it. Not a bog HF fan myself
  4.   Yep, those pictures of the Air Force in WW2 are all still classified...
  5.   Have you read the Survivalist series by A. American? Good books, the latest was just released and he drops cool little tidbits of info here and there...
  6. Really disappointed that this didn't generate more interest. I will send you a PM
  7. I'm ready to bid as well. I play cards regularly with one particular lady whose head would explode if she saw these... If you can't decide where the proceeds should go I know someone who could use some puppy food...
  8. The business next door to us is full of AR guys. Last week the owner brought in an instructor to teach the permit class to a couple of new employees that he had recently hired. Everyone participated even if they had their permits. The boss said it would be good for them to review the laws..   After the class they went to a local LEO range for the shooting portion.   Imagine that, an owner bringing in an instructor and paying for it while also paying his guys to sit in the class.   They rent 1/2 of the building and we rent the other 1/2. 100% of the employees at both businesses have carry permits. To the best of my knowledge 100% of the employees carry everyday and I'm going to guess 75% of the guys have some type of long gun in their truck.   I feel like getting one of those safe place signs that Target has on their doors and post it just to see liberals head explode...   I would like to toss some cash and maybe a couple of flat screen TV's on the front walk of our building but I'm afraid I would get arrested for hunting over bait...   Mark
  9. I think my next AR is going to go with a Keymod... Not sure what it is going to be but a 338 spectre is working its' way into my heart.   Took a hard 2 night class last summer. 3 students started with inforce lights. By the end of the night 2 were broken and the 3rd was so dim it wasn't worth anything. Inforce rep was there. Sent all 3 new lights. Good customer service. Don't know if the new ones were any better as all 3 sold them. 2 went back to surefire and the 3rd joined me on the Eagle-Tac bandwagon...   I like the concept and the form factor. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on it as it would be perfect for one of my SBR's   Only other thing holding me back is the battery. I've switched to 18650 rechargeables on all my weapons lights except my pistol lights. I wish someone would make a rechargeable CR-123 that was within spec to run in surefire 300's   Mark 
  10. You know he wanted to say " Now Beaudreau, you know this doesn't mean it's open season on the Gremlins" (wink)   But, I'd be happy to go stand next to him...
  11. I've taken a few Sims classes. At first they were selling it to anyone then they pulled it back and required a vetting process for training companies that wanted to offer it. As far as I know that is still the case. I like Sims training. A good instructor can really amp up the adrenaline and create some realistic scenarios...
  12. Hah! I've got to get the g40 first. I had one in my hands headed to fill out the paperwork when a little voice told me to put it back. The next couple of days we spent a few bucks unexpectedly so it all worked out but it is on my list. I just turned my dirt guy loose on installing the septic system on the world's slowest retirement house build. Once I know the final damage from that I will be able to reassess the g40...
  13. It's no fluke that all my meters are Fluke's... (sorry, someone had to say it.) Mark
  14. Different tools for different jobs ( for me anyway ) I've built 3 different 308 AR's. One is a distance gun in case I want to reach out and show someone how much I care. It was built on CMT receivers and is probably the nicest gun I will ever own. The next started as a M&P 10 that I massaged here and there. It is for intermediate work and for dealing with barriers. The 3rd is a 308 pistol that is on it's way to being a 308 SBR. Why, because I could. With a barrel just over 13" it isn't particularly short but if you have to take a room hard it is your guy... and, it is a blast to shoot. My 300 blk SBR was designed for home defence from the beginning. Nice and short and decently quiet when suppressed. I tend to think of it as a highly accurate, slightly angry 45 with great magazine capacity. I do plan on meeting a friend down Mississippi way to see how it will do on a hog hunt backed up by a g40. Mark
  15. Peg leg is ok... but to be honest, if I want really good que I step into my backyard and cook some
  16. Both...might as well get some if your gonna break it out...
  17. I have a friend that has 2 boys that of an age where a boy needs a dog. Dad wants a great dane and mom wants something (a lot) smaller. I'm going to send them these pics and see if anything clicks.If it is Cooper that won't be a problem as they can wait for the right pup.   Big fenced in back yard and  2 boys - 1 is 7 and the other is 8. Perfect age for everyone to run each other out of energy...   We will see what turns up, Mark
  18. So, to recap, the fab 4 are still available? None of them are the one leaving for CT?   Thanks, Mark
  19. Mark A

    One more

    OK, new score: Bersaguy 7 - Bigun 1...
  20. Always thought the 82 would make a good truck gun...


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