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Everything posted by Hozzie

  1. Hozzie

    Sig p250

    Look at the SP2022. It has the DA/SA and has a better trigger. Do a search on the sigforums and you will see that almost everyone loves their Sig Pro 2022 if that is the type of gun you are looking for. The P250 is the replacement for the SP2022, but not many people are happy about it. Best price is at Buds Gun Shop. Just ordered one myself as a matter of fact.
  2. $500 - $600. Some people are asking $650, but I think they are still thinking prices are the same as 6 months ago. Prices are going back to normal bit by bit.
  3. According to the current blue book, the value is: Without Vent Rib: 90% = $630 80% = $546 With Vent Rib: 90% = $882 80% = $735 If it has Cutts or Polychoke, then decrease 30%.
  4. Another + for the Volquartsen accurizing kit. Night and day difference on my MKIII.
  5. Hozzie

    Browning X-Bolt

    I have an x-bolt stainless stalker in 300 WSM and it is a great gun. Good feel, great trigger. It is not just a new A-Bolt, but rather a new gun with some completely new features. It gets its name from the 4 mounting holes for the scope bases which creates an X. Depending on the model, it may be a little pricier than a cz, but all around an excellent gun. If you want to keep the cost down a bit, I would look at the CZ, even more look at the Savage. Savages aren't pretty for the most part, they shoot extremely well out of the box.
  6. Seems to me this can all be be addressed with two words, "Common Sense". 1) Be a responsinble dog owner. Don't let your animals run free and be a nuisance to your neighbors. If you think they could bite someone, keep them in a secure location on your property. By this I mean so they can't leave your property, not that they shouldn't be able to be out in the yard, etc. If something happens to your dog because you didn't keep control of it, blame yourself. 2) Be a responsible parent. Don't let your kid(s) run free and be a nuisance to your neighbors. Too many times these days parents think their kids can go and do whatever they want and it is everyone else's fault for not tolerating it. If your kid goes into someone else's yard and gets bit, blame yourself, not the dog or owner. 3) If you are in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, get out of that situation if possible. Call animal control or the police and let them take the animal. (Personally I sometimes wish there was Kid Control too, but that is another story) 4) If you child or animal is attacked by a dog, do what you think you need to do to protect your child or animal. I highly doubt in most cases it would be to shoot the dog, but if that is what it comes to, you better be prepared to justify it. 5) Don't be stupid. All of this macho BS about I would do this and I would do that kills me. You better know the consequences and be prepared to pay for them. Your not just dealing with the law, but emotional parents and/or dog owners. Common Sense may not apply. True Story from my hometown in IL. Child walked into the neighbors yard and the neighbors dog who was on a leash and well inside the property line bit the little girl. Her father went over and shot the dog. The dogs owner went over and when the father answered the door, shot and killed him. Moral of the story, No one wins! One is dead, the other in jail.
  7. I too think the RK shows are better just because they have more vendors in general. I see a lot of the same vendors at both, but in general, they all like their items pretty well and price them that way. It seems about the only way to get a deal is to by from an individual walking around. I guess it really depends on what you are looking for. One of good thing about the RK shows is that as long as you have your stamp from the first day, you can go the second day for free. I asked at the Goodman show yesterday and they said you had to pay both days.
  8. Check out Whittaker's Guns in Owensboro KY for something closer (google their website). They have the best prices around and have a huge stock. They say something like 6000 guns in stock and I believe it. I have bought three guns from them and had them shipped and get them the next day as long as they get your FFL dealers info the same day. I have also been to the store in person. It is about a 2 1/2 hour drive from Nashville.


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