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No job? Sue your college!

Guest bkelm18

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Guest bkelm18

Alumna sues college because she hasn't found a job - CNN.com

NEW YORK (CNN) -- A recent college graduate is suing her alma mater for $72,000 -- the full cost of her tuition and then some -- because she cannot find a job.

Trina Thompson, 27, of the Bronx, graduated from New York's Monroe College in April with a bachelor of business administration degree in information technology.

On July 24, she filed suit against the college in Bronx Supreme Court, alleging that Monroe's "Office of Career Advancement did not help me with a full-time job placement. I am also suing them because of the stress I have been going through."

The college responded that it offers job-search support to all its students.

In her complaint, Thompson says she seeks $70,000 in reimbursement for her tuition and $2,000 to compensate for the stress of her three-month job search.

As Thompson sees it, any reasonable employer would pounce on an applicant with her academic credentials, which include a 2.7 grade-point average and a solid attendance record. But Monroe's career-services department has put forth insufficient effort to help her secure employment, she claims.

"They're supposed to say, 'I got this student, her attendance is good, her GPA is all right -- can you interview this person?' They're not doing that," she said.

Thompson said she has fulfilled her end of the job-search bargain, peppering companies listed on Monroe's e-recruiting site with cover letters, résumés and phone calls. But no more than two employers have responded to her outreach, and those leads have borne no fruit.

Her complaint adds, "The office of career advancement information technology counselor did not make sure their Monroe e-recruiting clients call their graduates that recently finished college for an interview to get a job placement. They have not tried hard enough to help me."

She suggested that Monroe's Office of Career Advancement shows preferential treatment to students with excellent grades. "They favor more toward students that got a 4.0. They help them more out with the job placement," she said.

Monroe College released a statement saying that "while it is clear that no college, especially in this economy, can guarantee employment, Monroe College remains committed to working with all its students, including Ms. Thompson, who graduated only three months ago, to prepare them for careers and to support them during their job search."

Thompson says she has not hired an attorney to represent her because she cannot afford one. When she filed her complaint, she also filed a "poor person order," which exempts her from filing fees associated with the lawsuit.

Asked whether she would advise other college graduates facing job woes to sue their alma maters, Thompson said yes.

"It doesn't make any sense: They went to school for four years, and then they come out working at McDonald's and Payless. That's not what they planned."

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Smart move on her part. Monroe College tries to make her look appealing to potential employers and she turns around and sues them. Good luck landing a job after that.

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Smart move on her part. Monroe College tries to make her look appealing to potential employers and she turns around and sues them. Good luck landing a job after that.

Yep. What is that old saying? "Smooth move, Ex-Lax!" :)

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"They favor more toward students that got a 4.0. They help them more out with the job placement," she said.

Evidently that 2.7 GPA was not helped by her English classes either. Maybe she should sue the English department as well.

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Guest bkelm18

So now, all of her possible future employers will see how she will sue at the drop of the hat as soon as something doesn't go her way and they will avoid her like the plague. "Heeeere's your sign."

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Guest bkelm18

The Ski Channel has offered her a job:

The Ski Channel Offers Job to Jobless Graduate Suing Monroe College

Tuesday, August 4th, Los Angeles

It was announced today by The Ski Channel Founder and CEO, Steve Bellamy that The Ski Channel would offer an entry level job to Trina Thompson, the 27 year old Information Technology Graduate who is suing New Yorks Monroe College for her inability to find work.

Ms. Thompson is suing Monroe College in New York State Supreme Court for approximately $70,000 to reimburse her for the tuition costs she spend attaining her degree from the institution. Ms. Thompson is accusing Monroe College of being responsible for her inability to find work.

"Either Ms Thompson is a cunning out of the box thinker and we want her," said Bellamy "or she isn't, and her postiion would not last long. Either way, the law suit would no longer be clogging up the courts because there are now no damages. She now has a bonifide job offer. She just needs to call us and go over the details. But it is real and valid. If she is this fiesty, we'll try her out. But if she is playing the victim card and pushing her problems onto everyone else - then her job wouldn't likely last long.

Ms. Thompson can find us through the website at http://www.theskichannel.com/."

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She probably won't accept the job, because it probably doesn't pay enough for someone of her obvious intelligence.

Out of the box thinker? No. Who's more likely to play the "Waaa, they didn't do it for me! Waahhh!" card, an out of the box thinker or someone playing the victim card?

If she does take the job, I doubt she lasts long. At that point, I wouldn't be surprised if she sued The Ski Channel for discrimination of some sort.

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Either Ms Thompson is a cunning out of the box thinker and we want her," said Bellamy "or she isn't, and her postiion would not last long. Either way, the law suit would no longer be clogging up the courts because there are now no damages. She now has a bonifide job offer. She just needs to call us and go over the details. But it is real and valid. If she is this fiesty, we'll try her out. But if she is playing the victim card and pushing her problems onto everyone else - then her job wouldn't likely last long.

Ms. Thompson can find us through the website at http://www.theskichannel.com/."


That’s great.

Who’s knows, maybe she is smarter than we gave her credit for… she has a job offer. :shake:

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