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CC people, do you ever OC?

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I open carry when I go to and from the range or hunting/fishing...that's about it. If I stop for gas, I don't mind if someone sees me stepping out pumping with a holstered handgun.

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Guest Bill Lumberg

When I'm on duty or in the woods, yes. Otherwise, no way.

Note: this is NOT an OC vs CC thread and I ask that you leave that discussion for another time and place.

I was really wondering how many of the folks on this board who carry concealed on a regular basis occasionally open carry.

If you do occasionally do, when are where do you OC? At the house only? At the range? When Hunting/Fishing or Camping only? Never?

Just curious. Thanks. :P

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I haven't OC yet. Been carrying CC for years. I like being CC so I can be sneaky and incognito and hopefuly so I can defend myself/others with more options.

I have a buddy who retired from Kansas City PD and he loves to carry OC because he feels that it deters events from occuring around him when people see it. Hmmm....:squint:

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I never OC. I always carry concealed because I prefer to act like a bald, slightly overweight,uncoordinated goof. Figure that gives me some sort of edge in a potential confrontation, though I'm not 100% sure.

Sometimes I surprise myself on how good of an actor I am...but that is another story.

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I open carry around the house and yard sometimes, especially if my intuition is sending an alarm. My handgun isn't totally out in the open when I do it. It's only partially covered, just enough for questionable door to door salesmen come around so they feel uncomfortable. I was spooked last week when two guys came up the driveway wanting to put signs in the yard advertising their home protection company. That didn't bother me so much at the time. I later learned from my girl friend that her uncle had a couple of guys make the same offer to him up near Bristol. A few days later his house was burgled. When I asked her what sign was put in his yard it was the same company that stopped by our place. Still on alert....

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...I was spooked last week when two guys came up the driveway wanting to put signs in the yard advertising their home protection company. That didn't bother me so much at the time. I later learned from my girl friend that her uncle had a couple of guys make the same offer to him up near Bristol. A few days later his house was burgled. When I asked her what sign was put in his yard it was the same company that stopped by our place. Still on alert....

Thats kinda freaky...

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Guest Tn Mitch

I open carry half of the time,I went to Guns & Leather to drop off my Colt Combat Commander I bought there a few weeks ago for Jeff to order me some night sights for it and put them on for me,I allways open carry when I go there .I had on a Milt Sparks VM2 IWB,carring a Fill size 1911,Jeans witth a Orange County Choppers t-shirt tucked in.I went to my friends house in Franklin Tn.,Waaay out in the country, after dropping the gun off with JeffI went I-65 south till exit 61,was allmost out tof gas,so I pulled into the mapco station right opff the interstate there.Went in side,up to the counter,the man leaned over down to me and said,Please conceal your firearm, when you come in here...I was shocked,I told him I had never been in there before,and that I had never been asked to conceal in any place I went into on a daily basics...he said he would perfer it,so I paid for my gas,and I told him I would remember that if I ever came back to that store again,but I doubt that I ever would again...I guess he has a right top ask me to cover up,but I have a right to OC and spend my money where I feel comfortrable.I thought the Franklin area was cool with OC, hell I OC in Hendersonville,Madsion,Nashville everyday,with no one saying a word.???Maybe hes been robbed alot??

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Guest crotalus01
Hmmm, I need to start a thread.."Do any of you that OC ever CC?"


For me it depends, if I am in a really bad part of town where I feel being openly armed could be a deterrant I OC. If its uncomfortably hot I OC. If its cold I CC. When I go to eat at a restaraunt that serves I CC.

I CCed Saturday when I went to the Cooper-Young festival due to the vast amount of liberal ninnies in attendance.

While you will find many people who exclusively CC I doubt there are more than a handful (if that many) that exclusively OC.

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I OC about 85% of the time. The other 15% is during the winter months and that is only because I have to wear a jacket. Have not had anyone question or look kinda funny at me, being a furnner and all! Locals just go about thier business. Heck even held open a door for a THP officer going into autozone the other day and he just looked, smiled and said thank you! I dress casual business all the time because of the work I do so I think that helps quite a bit!

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I open carry half of the time,I went to Guns & Leather to drop off my Colt Combat Commander I bought there a few weeks ago for Jeff to order me some night sights for it and put them on for me,I allways open carry when I go there .I had on a Milt Sparks VM2 IWB,carring a Fill size 1911,Jeans witth a Orange County Choppers t-shirt tucked in.I went to my friends house in Franklin Tn.,Waaay out in the country, after dropping the gun off with JeffI went I-65 south till exit 61,was allmost out tof gas,so I pulled into the mapco station right opff the interstate there.Went in side,up to the counter,the man leaned over down to me and said,Please conceal your firearm, when you come in here...I was shocked,I told him I had never been in there before,and that I had never been asked to conceal in any place I went into on a daily basics...he said he would perfer it,so I paid for my gas,and I told him I would remember that if I ever came back to that store again,but I doubt that I ever would again...I guess he has a right top ask me to cover up,but I have a right to OC and spend my money where I feel comfortrable.I thought the Franklin area was cool with OC, hell I OC in Hendersonville,Madsion,Nashville everyday,with no one saying a word.???Maybe hes been robbed alot??

Mitch, its clearly your right to OC. But if I remember right didnt you almost get hooked up (arrested) in Hendersonville for open carrying. At the dollar store? I admit they were wrong to hassel you, but it did happen before right? Was that you or someone else?

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Right now I am,but as soon as I put a cover shirt on I wont be,it seems as though I have been seeing a lot more holsters as of late than usual,I work at AutoZone and we have quite a few customers that come into the store both covered and uncovered,seems like when you pay attention you see a lot more than you think you would,I notice all of this since I got my permit.I guess a lot of people are right about the fact that we seem to be more alert than the general non seeing sheep.:D:)

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Right now I am,but as soon as I put a cover shirt on I wont be,it seems as though I have been seeing a lot more holsters as of late than usual,I work at AutoZone and we have quite a few customers that come into the store both covered and uncovered,seems like when you pay attention you see a lot more than you think you would,I notice all of this since I got my permit.I guess a lot of people are right about the fact that we seem to be more alert than the general non seeing sheep.:D:)

Which Autozone you work at?

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I work at the one that says AutoZone on the sign,No really the one in Arlington.:D

At least you didn't say the one between the A and the T....

Way out there...for me anyway. Here soon I need to buy some oil and oil changing supplies. I usually go to the big one on Summer. Good place to open carry.....

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With the exception of going to the range, I don't see why I should ruin the surprise for anyone who wants to do me harm by open-carry. Why let someone know that you are armed? Is it so they can have a fighting chance? Personally, I want to see the look of surprise on their face when I stick a round in them.

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Guest JHatmaker
Mitch, its clearly your right to OC. But if I remember right didnt you almost get hooked up (arrested) in Hendersonville for open carrying. At the dollar store? I admit they were wrong to hassel you, but it did happen before right? Was that you or someone else?

That's what I was thinking, those young LEO's messing with him at the Dollar General.

I mainly CC, probably 90% of the time, not because I'm afraid to OC, just don't want the possible hassle brought on to my wife and 3 year son that are with me when I do.

If I run to Publix, or gas station, and my shirt's already tucked in, I'll slip on and IWB with whatever gun and OC. (Guy at the store one time thought I was undercover, asked me what sort sort of crimes I investigate. I laughed and said I'm not a cop, and he was like, ahh, gotcha, something secret huh? That's the kinda of moment when I wish I had a Handgun Permit Badge and could flash it and say "I'm an undercover Ninja skilled CIA assassin for the Navy Seals Team 6 Delta Berets"

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That's what I was thinking, those young LEO's messing with him at the Dollar General.

I mainly CC, probably 90% of the time, not because I'm afraid to OC, just don't want the possible hassle brought on to my wife and 3 year son that are with me when I do.

If I run to Publix, or gas station, and my shirt's already tucked in, I'll slip on and IWB with whatever gun and OC. (Guy at the store one time thought I was undercover, asked me what sort sort of crimes I investigate. I laughed and said I'm not a cop, and he was like, ahh, gotcha, something secret huh? That's the kinda of moment when I wish I had a Handgun Permit Badge and could flash it and say "I'm an undercover Ninja skilled CIA assassin for the Navy Seals Team 6 Delta Berets"

Crap you blew my cover.:mad::cool::mad:

Bottom line of my stance is that, like I've said, CC 99.9% of the time, have OC'd on occasion, there are pros/cons on both sides, CC works for me way better, glad OC is ok, due to wanting to, or printing, or accidentally showing when reaching up on a shelf at the local wal marts. We are lucky we have the option here in Tennessee. We are not so lucky on some of the restrictions we have, restaurants (even though the new law passed, it still sucks, just not as bad), parks, parking lots, schools, etc.

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Heading to TN in a few weeks to visit my brother. Last time I was there did some OCing. Sat by some State Patrol in a Cafe. Didn't get any hassle or looks. I always worry about being out of state because a MO permit is just an ID or DL with CCW stamped on it. Waiting for some wanker to go that's not a permit. lol

Anyway when I OC I always have a bug hidden about somewhere. Usually my .357 in an underarm concealment holster of some kind.

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