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Bear attacks Plane


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Bear attack 2009

Apparently a grizzly bear attacked his plane while parked in a remote field up here in Alaska. The owner had not cleaned out the inside after a long fishing trip and the bear smelled it.

He had 2 new tires, 3 cases of Duct Tape and several rolls of cellophane delivered. He then went about repairing the plane so he could fly it home.

Gutsy, to say the least. Or stupid. Makes one hell of an ad for duct tape.







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Nothing structural involved. Probably flew just fine. McGyver would be proud.

Yes he would! LOL With the max speed of that thing not too much further North of a hundred knots, I would have preferred aluminum backed taped. It works well on rotor blades. :biglol: But in a pinch some homemade doping and fabric would have gotten him home too.

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Yes he would! LOL With the max speed of that thing not too much further North of a hundred knots, I would have preferred aluminum backed taped. It works well on rotor blades. :) But in a pinch some homemade doping and fabric would have gotten him home too.

Interesting to hear you say that Buck. We used to use the 400Mph (aluminum backed) tape to repair bullet holes and damage from ejected rocket launch racks on our F8E Crusaders (VF-162 Hunters), when operating off the U.S.S. Oriskany CVA-34 in the Tonkin Gulf....Viet Nam. Worked just fine, and the F8 Crusader is a supersonic fighter, capable of Mach 1 plus! I have a piece of roll of it in my T-hangar today! I use it very sparingly on different odd jobs. Right now, some of it is over a hole in my Honda tail pipe...until I can get to the shop to have it replaced. Good stuff!

Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson

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Guest Gun Geek
Act as a contraceptive.

It might work,but it would hurt like hell trying to remove it after you're done :ugh:

Just put plastic wrap under it.. Good to go. :ugh:

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I like the scabbard on the side :rolleyes:

Duct tape rules. Dude needs an STC or ferry permit though. I wonder how strict the Feds are up there in AK with 'bush planes'. Oak City has his tail # in the pics, but I bet not pics exsist of him flying it though....

Edited by Batman
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