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What's in your eggs?

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Guest jackdm3

A lot of small bits of Honeybaked ham, whatever cheese we have, G peppers, R peppers, S&P, loosely scrambled.

Bonus answer: Side of real maple syrup like Pawpaw made in place of pancakes when we were pressed for time. Banana. Oatmeal sometimes. Vitamins. Ice water.

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this thread is making me hungry . :foot:

For me, usually colby cheese, a bit of bacon, and a little spinach leaves finely chopped. Few strips of bacon on the side with an avacado.

Im gonna have to try the dill...sounds good.

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I throw whatever is handy in there but I've never tried and kinda of like the dill idea. I'm like Derek I think I'll try it.

Sounds good eh? especially with the parmesan cheese...never thought of trying that in eggs.

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Don't go crazy with the parmasen, you are going for flavor, and it only takes a pinch in the scrambled egg mix and a pinch on top when they are done...especially with aged parmasen. I don't use Kraft or other sprinkle cans if I can avoid it. Kraft does have the aged slivers of cheese. I generally buy the tub of parmasen. Now I'm hungry.

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Taking the day off so I had to go to the local "cupboard" for breakfast with the wife. Had omelet, with cheese, sausage and onion, then applied the Texas Pete for that perfect egg. Home-fries on the side and some non bee killing grits competed the meal.

Oh, toast....there was toast in there somewhere too.

Toast. Yep, definitely toast.

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Guest jackdm3
i dont eat eggs anymore as they kill my stomach and are high in cholesterol.

I totally failed in the details department.

My eggs are three egg whites and one or two whole eggs to keep them from sticking.

And the peppers are done in the skillet with butter first and black pepper to awaken the flavors and then the mixed eggs poured in.

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I like eggs over easy with a little salt and plenty of black pepper. I like to sop up the yolk with some toast or a biscuit. However, sometimes I'll eat them like my dad liked them. Open up a couple of biscuits, put a fried egg (again, I like mine over easy) on each biscuit, cover them with home made white gravy then douse the heck out of the whole thing with hot sauce.

If I scramble them, I use my grandmother's method to get really fluffy scrambled eggs. Seperate the whites and yellows. Put a little milk into the whites and beat them until they are frothy - not quite a meringue but getting close. Beat the yellows until they are nice and creamy and about as 'frothy' as a yellow is going to get (which isn't very frothy.) Get a skillet with a little cooking oil and a little butter (for flavor) warm over medium heat (putting the eggs into a warm - but not hot - skillet will help them set before they deflate.) Gently combine/fold the yellows into the whites, being careful not to deflate the whites completely then pour the eggs into the skillet. At first, don't scramble them around - treat them almost as if you were making an omelet (but don't let any of them brown if you can avoid it.) You may have to turn the head down to medium-low. When a solid layer of egg has just begun forming, you can add shredded cheddar cheese. Colby cheese or American cheese also work. Once the layer of semi-cooked egg on the bottom gets pretty thick, you can scramble them around. Then and only then should you add salt and pepper (otherwise the salt and pepper will deflate part of the bubbles.) Cook until done then serve and enjoy what my wife says are the best scrambled eggs she has ever eaten. Of course, the fact that we get our eggs by going out the back door and up to the chicken coop probably has something to do with how tasty they are.

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Guest billwilly73

I like my eggs over easy with salt and pepper served with lots of bacon, biscuits and gravy (made with the bacon grease), fried taters, and milk or OJ and another biscuit with real butter and some homemade apple butter or honey.

And, yes, I am as big as a house.

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Ah, so you DO eat pork eyeballs and arseholes. :)

- OS

That post and the fact this is an egg thread made me think of a joke:

Guy goes into a diner and asks the waitress what the special of the day is. The waitress replies, "Beef tongue." The man looks disgusted, "Beef tongue?" "Yeah," says the waitress, "it's great - cooked tender and tastes really beefy. Our cook knows what he is doing." The man, still looking a bit disgusted, says, "No, thanks. I'm not eating anything that came out of some animal's mouth. Just bring me a couple of eggs."

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