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The Governor Needs Help - Lets Help Him

Guest oldfella

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I've said several time the GOP would be smart to run all their candidates on the Fair Tax issue.

Of course, they will never ever ever enact it even with a GOP prez and majority in Congress, but will get a bunch of them elected so the same old cycle can continue.

- OS

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I'm no Huckabee fan and don't need a fair tax either.

Us Constitution

Section 8 - Powers of Congress

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States

This is how the Gov was to fund itself...Period.

Funny how they don't teach anymore that an Income tax was declared un-constitution by SCOTUS 4 times prior to

passage of 16th Amendment. It needs to be repealed and the Fed needs to be funded as intended.

Edited by Hgunner
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Just curious, who would be your pick, then. He's not mine,

either, but I could back him. Is he a deal breaker, guys?

To me his is just another RINO, and I remember the last time we had a bible thump'in Southern Baptist in offiice. Can you say Jimmy Carter.

Disclaimer: Southern Baptist are ok, use to be one, comment meant to

disparage Jimmy Carter only.

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Guest oldfella

Huckabee is not running for office, at least not now, so I'm not endorsing him as such, and not recommending him to any one; but I like what he is trying to do: Right-the-wrongs.


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Guest 6.8 AR

I like Huckabee, also, oldfella.

I wouldn't go as far as comparing him to Carter, though. I also doubt many southern Baptists actually like him. Palestinians, however, love him.

Jim Demint, Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal. I could support any of those.

Aww, go on and trash Sarah. You know you want to.

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Guest FroggyOne2

Huckabee is a Rino.. IMHO.. not really in touch with the conservitive base.. Jim Demint.. does come to mine of someone I would go for.. I like Ms Palin too.. But what we need is someone whom is a strong conservitive and believes in it and can articulate that as well. Kinda like Reagan.

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IMO, Huckabee is a good man, who is way to naive for national office. He seems woefully inept on national security issues, not to mention illegal immigration.

He is a somewhat worthy sucessor to Paul Harvey, and a capable Fox News commentator. I hope he continues in that role.

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I could support him, and would if he got the nomination, but he isn't my first choice at all. Also, I heard Raplh Bristol on WWTN 99.7 this morning put in better words something I've been saying since I realized that I helped Bill Clinton get elected by voting for Ross Perot. He siad, and I'm paraphrqasing here, that "if you are a conservative, and you vote for an Independent instead of for the Republican nominee, if you then think you are helping make America more conservative, then you are fooling yourself.You are only really helping the liberals get more power."

I'm not a Republican myself, at least philosophically, but I think that Ralph was right. What we need to do is encourage and support the truly conservative candidates so they get the Republican nod, then elect them. At the same time, the liberal Repubs must be swayed to become MORE conservative.

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I'd vote for Huckabee if he were running against Obama. I'd vote for Carter if he was running against Obama. Carter was right about half the time but Obama ain't been right yet.

I'm rooting for Caribou Barbie until further notice.

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