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XDsc magazine safety?

Guest Joey

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Guest Joey

I'm about to buy a subcompact pistol and I've pretty much decided on a 9mm XDsc. But before I do I want to know if it will fire without the magazine. This could be a deal breaker for me.

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...and that's a bad thing?

So, here's the situation:

You are carrying your XD chambered, or at least you should be.

You are now placed in the moment of truth, you draw your weapon only to see your mag fall right out onto the floor.

You don't want that one chambered round to save your butt?

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Guest Joey

I think you misunderstood. I want a pistol without the mag safety. I think this safety is one of the worst ideas ever. A gun that wont fire is useless. If a pistol has this feature on it then I'll keep looking no matter how much I like the gun otherwise. I guess I should have put that in my original post.

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Guest goomba

Ive got an XD45.

I've never tried to shoot it without a mag in... but I'm pretty sure it will.

I'm going to the range in the morning. I'll let you know.

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I think you misunderstood. I want a pistol without the mag safety. I think this safety is one of the worst ideas ever. A gun that wont fire is useless. If a pistol has this feature on it then I'll keep looking no matter how much I like the gun otherwise. I guess I should have put that in my original post.

Uh, maybe my mistake in quick reading. Glad you think this way too.


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Ive got an XD45.

I've never tried to shoot it without a mag in... but I'm pretty sure it will.

I'm going to the range in the morning. I'll let you know.

If you've ever cleaned it then you have fired(well,sorta anyway) it without the mag in it as puling the trigger is part of the breakdown :rolleyes:

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Guest Sgt. Joe
...and that's a bad thing?

So, here's the situation:

You are carrying your XD chambered, or at least you should be.

You are now placed in the moment of truth, you draw your weapon only to see your mag fall right out onto the floor.

You don't want that one chambered round to save your butt?

I can see the other side of this...

An LEO is in a hand fight for his weapon, if he can drop the mag that round in the chamber wont be killing him.

I have pistols with and without the mag safeties, and being a NOOB I dont intend on messing with them to change the way they were designed. Although I know some folks do.

I also like manual safeties that are easily turned off as part of the draw, but have carried guns without them and not ever worried about it. And it seems most here dont even care for the manual safeties.

To each his own of course, but I think LEO's weapons should have the mag safeties, they should be trained well enough to not accidentally drop the mag. But that is just MHO.

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Guest johnsonc22

it should fire. Almost 100% certain. Why would you need to fire without your mag anyways? the XD mag wont fall out! it is a gun that i love to carry! I hope u never have to fire without a mag.....you might need more then just one round.

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Guest Joey

Sgt. Joe: I've heard people say the same thing about LEO's and mag safeties. I know some people prefer them but I'd prefer not to have one. Just my opinion.

johnsonc22: I know it'll probably never be an issue. Still I just don't like the idea of having a gun that won't fire without the mag.

Edited by Joey
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Guest bkelm18

Aside from all the opinions on pro vs con of mag safeties, the XD does not have them. If it did, you wouldn't be able to field strip the gun. :)

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I think safeties, just lull you into bad habits. I can see your LEO argument, but barely. I think the chances are you're gonna need that one round more than you are wanting to avoid it. Might need so input from some LEOs here.

Personally I think safties aren't needed on DAs.

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Also take note that with a full magazine and 1 in the chamber the mag release is EXTREMELY STIFF. I have and XD 40 subcompact. The chance of you accidentally dropping the mag is extremely unlikely.

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