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My House vs Flood

Guest strelcevina

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Guest strelcevina

here is few pic. still cleaning, no power no internet and stinks like sewage

house was 5 feet in water.

you can see street, my BBQ and inside of the house

btw. kids are great




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Guest strelcevina

thanks a lot. we are working hard to clean all of it. not just ours, neighbors to :P

trying to post a new pictures but my cell sucks.

and btw yes i saved a guns and few rounds that was in mags

everything else is gone.


Edited by strelcevina
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Guest IzzyIsaac

how long did it take for it to get 5ft high inside? did you get out before it got bad or camp it out upstairs?

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Looks like alot of Bellevue does... I also live off of Popular Creek Road. We didn't really have any damage. We were out of town this weekend and came back Sunday morning. Had to crash with friends because there was no route to get into our neighborhood. Well, without a boat... We managed to get in on Monday morning and checked out everything. All in all, my neighborhood weathered the storm very well.

Sorry for your loss strelcevina. At least you got the family out. I feel so very fortunate after all this. After seeing all the destruction, I was so happy just for the wife and me to be safe.

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Guest strelcevina

It is Bellevue. riverside.

i was monitoring flood every 30 min.

there was LEO there who lives near by, he was on intersection all the time.

he got dispatched to go somewhere around 2:30.

i stayed up. gut feeling told me it is not good at all.

it felt extra humid and worm.

around 4:30 i started to wake up neighbors, so they can move cars to morton mill road. i have second home in rolling river, just a minute away so i moved my mom and kids over there. 5 am our street was flooded.

so i had 30 min. to take as much as i can

than had to walk true water to help neighbor who has 2 kids who are autistic.

that was chalange. i hed smoler one on my back, and older one went for swim:) but i was with him on pool few times before, so i knew how to handle him.

than after i took them to other house, witch is under construction,

had to go and get older neighbors. now water was up the chest.

than i had other friend calling me he was 4 streets up with his kids.

anyway to make long story short, i had like 25 people in my other house. witch have nothing in there. literally empty

and than weil flood was rasing. i went to publix to get some groceries to:D

got to think on everything

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Guest strelcevina
Hope everything works out for you.

On the upside, that is a mighty fine BBQ pit you have.

thanks. i build it my self

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