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Who is gonna get your vote for govenor?

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Guest sammopar

REALLY RAMSEY??? Why????????

yall would vote for someone that has helped put us in this government run messy?

Offi*cial state*ment in response to Ron Ram*sey tele*vi*sion ad:

“Ron Ram*sey obvi*ously is try*ing to rewrite his*tory. The ad fails to men*tion that state spend*ing has nearly tripled since he joined the Leg*is*la*ture, from $11 bil*lion to $29 bil*lion a year, and state gov*ern*ment has added more than 10,000 work*ers to the pay*roll on his watch.”

“Let’s be clear. When Sen. Ram*sey had a chance to slow the run*away growth of state gov*ern*ment, he voted to pass the largest tax increase in Ten*nessee his*tory, and even flirted with a new state income tax along the way.”

“Now that may be Ron Ramsey’s way, but it’s the wrong way for Ten*nessee taxpayers.”

– Sam Ede*len, cam*paign spokesman


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Here's the lowdown. If you are going to vote for someone first based on firearms...Ramsey is by far the most proven candidate. Wamp, while he says is strong on the second amendment, really hasn't had much of any way to prove it. So it might not be a wasted vote (I am sure he would vote for any pro-rights laws that would come across his desk), but he probably won't be pushing for any changes. After the crap here in Knoxville with Haslam over the parks issue, I can see that he is simply lying about being totally pro-second. Ramsey, on the other hand, has helped push hard over the past years and gotten us more in legal ways/places to carry. That says a lot to me.

On other issues, Wamp seems to say whatever it takes to get into office, with Haslam (re: second amendment rights) right on his heels saying the same crap. Ramsey seems to be helping push good stuff for our state that's helping us stay on budget (evidently he was very clear the other day that the fish pond was NOT going to get into the final budget.)

BTW, someone in this thread said Ramsey wasn't the brightest bulb in the pack. While he may sound that way with his country accent, don't let that fool you. Every time I've seen him speak, he's dead on. Here's the thing. You don't have to be a genius to run the government. If you follow a few basic principles, it should almost be able to run itself. But, I am also NOT saying that Ramsey is dumb. There was a King a little over 200 years ago who thought some across the ocean were too dumb to stand up for themselves. April 19, 1775 proved him wrong. Those dumb little people had the smarts to not stand on open ground and fire straight shots into a line of people, but instead took war to a new level.

Just my thoughts. Don't know what I will do in the general if Wamp or Haslam wins the primary...they wouldn't need my vote, but I firmly believe in voting if I have the chance. May have to pull another McCain type vote.


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REALLY RAMSEY??? Why????????

yall would vote for someone that has helped put us in this government run messy?

Offi*cial state*ment in response to Ron Ram*sey tele*vi*sion ad:

“Ron Ram*sey obvi*ously is try*ing to rewrite his*tory. The ad fails to men*tion that state spend*ing has nearly tripled since he joined the Leg*is*la*ture, from $11 bil*lion to $29 bil*lion a year, and state gov*ern*ment has added more than 10,000 work*ers to the pay*roll on his watch.â€

“Let’s be clear. When Sen. Ram*sey had a chance to slow the run*away growth of state gov*ern*ment, he voted to pass the largest tax increase in Ten*nessee his*tory, and even flirted with a new state income tax along the way.â€

“Now that may be Ron Ramsey’s way, but it’s the wrong way for Ten*nessee taxpayers.â€

– Sam Ede*len, cam*paign spokesman


First, why are there a load of "*'s" in your post? Second, when has the Tennessean be a great source? They seem to be like every major newspaper in TN and run a pretty liberal ship. Lastly, how long have the republicans been running the show? Last a check, two sessions now. Haven't really seen bad things going down that aren't presented by a "D." Not saying that all the "R's" are perfect, but they seem to be screwing us over less than the "D's" have been.

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Ramsey is staunch in support of the 2nd Amendment, he carried, as a freshman Senator, the original Handgun Carry Bill. He also is in favor of a "Vermont" style permitting situation, allowing us to retain a permit for reciprocation with other States, but no requiring one for carry here in TN.

He is a small business man, still runs his surveying and Real Estate business, that he started out of the back of his pickup. Still makes payroll and Workers Comp. payments. He did not start out with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Previous poster talks about spending graduating during his time in the Legislature, had it not been for him this year, our taxes would have shot up, he has been doing his best to hold the line with a Spendocrat Governor. We basically just got a split on the Dem/Rep ratio in the Senate and House, not like he was responsible for what went out single handedly. He has been the friend of gun owners for the last several years that I have been really involved with the Legislature and working on the Bills that effect us, and checking his record, has always been such.

You did not see him take a $2,500.00 donation from the NRA, then veto the Restaurant Bill two times. Check his gun rights votes, they are all in the correct column.

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I would disagree with the "gotten self important" tag with regards to Ron. See him at church every other week or so (he's still active as a lay leader there, but I don't know how he does it with his schedule), and he's still the same guy I've known for...well, I guess pretty much as far back as I can remember.

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I would disagree with the "gotten self important" tag with regards to Ron. See him at church every other week or so (he's still active as a lay leader there, but I don't know how he does it with his schedule), and he's still the same guy I've known for...well, I guess pretty much as far back as I can remember.

That's good to hear.

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REALLY RAMSEY??? Why????????

yall would vote for someone that has helped put us in this government run messy?

Offi*cial state*ment in response to Ron Ram*sey tele*vi*sion ad:

“Ron Ram*sey obvi*ously is try*ing to rewrite his*tory. The ad fails to men*tion that state spend*ing has nearly tripled since he joined the Leg*is*la*ture, from $11 bil*lion to $29 bil*lion a year, and state gov*ern*ment has added more than 10,000 work*ers to the pay*roll on his watch.”

“Let’s be clear. When Sen. Ram*sey had a chance to slow the run*away growth of state gov*ern*ment, he voted to pass the largest tax increase in Ten*nessee his*tory, and even flirted with a new state income tax along the way.”

“Now that may be Ron Ramsey’s way, but it’s the wrong way for Ten*nessee taxpayers.”

– Sam Ede*len, cam*paign spokesman



Oh ya **********************************************


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voting that party line seems to work real well. :rolleyes:

How about if I turn in a blank ballot? Can I bitch then?

Party line is fine when there is nothing to choose from. Pick what you think will hurt the least.

No you have to vote. Big pet peeve is listening too someone gripe only to find out they were to lazy to get off their butt and push a couple of buttons.

Joe W.

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Ron Ramsey. I know people that know him and all that I hear is good things like GKar said above. I know that when he says he's a strong 2A supporter that he really is.

I don't trust Haslam or Wamp. I think that they will both say whatever it takes to get elected like the majority of politicians do. Haslam was a member of MAIG and also went against us with the guns in parks issue in Knoxville.

Should have made this a poll so we could see the numbers.

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...Ramsey in the primary. Hopefully a conservative in the general election(Ramsey). I won't vote for a democrat, so I guess I'm stuck with whoever wins the primary on the republican side.....

Me to!!!

Keep up the good work!

Vote early and often!!

Kind regards,


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Guest sammopar

give me a break on the **"s i just copied and pasted don't know why computers do things sometimes?

anyway tried to post several times last night but this virtual web site wouldn't keep it real??

politicians promise so may things that sound so good but they NEVER deliver on it why should i belive ramsey ? he looks like just another career politician that runs off at the mouth, and tells the people what they want to hear and then does what they want when elected .

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I to will vote for Ramsey in the primary and will vote Republican in the General. I can not stomach another Dem running this state.

I see many will not vote for Haslam in the General. Why not? Is it worth having another true lib or left dem in office? I am not wanting to argue. I just want to know why Haslam is so bad.

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For those who aren't aware, Sam Edelen, who gave the statement about Ramsey raising taxes, is Zach Wamp's campaign spokesman. Hmmm, let's see, the spokesman for a congresscritter known for pork. Yep, THAT's a reliable, unbiased source! ;-)

And Ramsey has not 'flirted' with an income tax. And he was not responsible for "the largest tax increase in TN history". You may recall that the Legislature and the governor (Bredesen) were the ones responsible for the largest SPENDING increase in TN history. TN law REQUIRES that the State have a balanced budget. The Democrats have tried to overspend as a way to force the state to accept an income tax. Ramsey has never been in favor of an income tax. Show me quotes, taken in context, showing otherwise.

If anything, this shows again why Wamp is just another Big Government animal. Ramsey isn't perfect, but he has done his best to help shepherd Restaurant Carry, Health Freedom, and spending restrictions through the Legislature. If it wasn't for the turncoat Kent Williams, we would have seen a lot more pro-gun and pro-freedom bills make it through the House.

This election season is crucial, both in State and Federal races. Do your homework and vote your conscience.

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I ain't really too kneen on any of them!

That's the way most elections are these days. I seem to have found more negatives for Haslam and Wamp. Haslam is even a big $$ Tennessee Vols supporter and I won't vote for him.

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Don't know what I will do in the general if Wamp or Haslam wins the primary...they wouldn't need my vote, but I firmly believe in voting if I have the chance. May have to pull another McCain type vote.


I'll write Ramsey in if I have to for the general election.

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I to will vote for Ramsey in the primary and will vote Republican in the General. I can not stomach another Dem running this state.

I see many will not vote for Haslam in the General. Why not? Is it worth having another true lib or left dem in office? I am not wanting to argue. I just want to know why Haslam is so bad.

Haslam was a card carrying member of gun control organization headed by NYC Mayor Bloomberg and CEO Chicago Mayor Daley. MAIG's blames Tennessee,(specificly) and other pro-freedom states for crimes commited in NYC and Chicago etc.

It's a matter of Principal for me, there is no way in hell that I will vote for Haslam. I wont vote for the Dem either but at least they were not a member of an organization that wants to take your guns away. Haslam doesn't believe you have the right to own guns.

I will vote for Ramsey in the primary, either him or Wamp in the general, but will write in maybe Phillip Johnson if it's between Haslam or Son of Ned. Maybe i'll make up my own candidate. Beauford Howitzer, conservative libratarian for Governor.

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