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Off today and pondering questions?

Guest carbonarcher

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Guest carbonarcher

I know I have put up the past few posts! I am home today and been thinking,

Does anyone carry a 6" revolver anymore? Have they fallen to the way side?

Does anyone use Moly to lube there gun rails being that it is dry? Not inside the barrel, but the frame and slide?


Thanks for putting up with me!

Food for thought?

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I used to carry a 4" L frame. Then I took a class with it. It's be relegated to IDPA matches and target shooting from now on. I have a j-frame I carry as a back up, but that's the last line and if it's made it that far I'm pretty much f**ked anyways.

I haven't found a better lube than red wheel bearing grease from walmart. It's cheap, abundant, stays where you put it, and doesn't migrate or dry up.

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I have a single-action Heritage convertible .22 revolver with a 6.5 inch barrel that I use for when I am just bumming around the yard in case I come across a varmint that needs killing. I went with that barrel length because supposedly a handgun with a barrel of 6 inches or more in length gives ballistics with WMR rounds that are comparable to LR ballistics from a rifle. It carries fairly well in a western-style holster I made for it but I wouldn't want to try to carry something with a barrel that long for SD. I think it wouldn't be very comfortable and, from anything other than a western-style or duty-style holster, would probably be a bit unwieldy to bring to bear. I think a four-inch barrel is about as long as I would want to go for a revolver to carry for SD in a public setting, with a two or three inch barrel being preferable for me in most situations.

For hunting or in the woods - maybe even in a shoulder holster (although I am not crazy about shoulder holsters) it could be a different story.

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#1 Dan Wesson 15-2V6, safariland shoulder rig - carried it on my walk this morning - goes with me deer hunting. As long as I keep my jacket on, carries fine.

#2 Agree w/ Mike on red wheel bearing grease. I tried it last year, had a tube leftover from a front-end rebuild - a lifetime supply of SAG (semi-auto grease!)

I need a day off to think, who knows what might come of it?

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My next gun is gonna be a revolver with a 6.5" barrel in .357 or .44 mag. But for conceal carry most people don't use them any more. I've never heard of using Molly Lube on a handgun.

Edited by Will Carry
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I have a very large friend who carries a massive S&W 500 Magnum revolver in a shoulder rig under his business attire occasionally. He usually carries a Glock22. I know one other person who carries a 6 inch Ruger GP100 in a man purse when he goes hiking... I'm a city boy who has a few country friends, perhaps in Alaska big revolvers are much more popular:)

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Guest hickok45

A six-inch barrel is fun to shoot, but it's just not very necessary for a carry gun, in my opinion. Just makes for an awkward carry piece with little or no advantage.

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I used to carry a 6" Colt Trooper III when hunting or field trekking. No more versatile weapon has ever been made. Light .38s for plinking or bunnies. Snake shot for ol' Legless Jake. Hot 125gr HP for two-legged varmints, and hot 158gr HP for deer or coyote.

Since so many people freak when seeing a big revolver on your hip these days, I've given up that habit. When I lived in central TX in the early '80's, that big Colt went everywhere with me and nobody thought much of it.

A good holster makes a huge difference. I have yet to find a cheap nylon holster that suits me for any purpose. The problem is that it's hard to know what will feel good until you've used it a couple of days.

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