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Recently I have learned that two very close friends and mentors have been diagnosed with cancer. One pancreatic and one stomach. Both are being treated at the Moffett Clinic in Lakeland FL. Both have been told there is nothing that can be done for them. Kind of puts my problems in perspective real quick! Prayers for Jay and Murray would be appreciated.

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Recently I have learned that two very close friends and mentors have been diagnosed with cancer. One pancreatic and one stomach. Both are being treated at the Moffett Clinic in Lakeland FL. Both have been told there is nothing that can be done for them. Kind of puts my problems in perspective real quick! Prayers for Jay and Murray would be appreciated.

Just lost me dad to aggressive lung cancer Dec 21. My prayers go out to these 2 fine people and their family's.

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I lost my mom at the young age of 64 on November 8 of last year. She had beaten ovarian cancer back in 1997, but non-Hodgkins lymphoma got took her from us way too soon.

As if that wasn't bad enough - her oldest sister was just diagnosed a couple of days ago with ovarian cancer, and they weren't able to get all of it out during the surgery. Here I was thinking 2011 would be better than 2010 - and it's already off to a rough start.

I feel your pain.

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