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Ron Paul potential GOP presidential candidate?

Guest jth_3s

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Just curious what some of you thought of Rons Chances of getting the GOP nomination. He just won CPAC and he seems to be the most conservative potential candidate. I really like his stance on the 2A.

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Im just curious, what do you have against him? If he had his way I could buy an M-16 at the hardware store(without paperwork) and carry it where I pleased. He would also do away with most federal agencies including the ATF.

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Guest mosinon

I like people like Ron Paul and Kucinich. People will paint them as al kinds of crazy but those guys stick by their principles, you kind of know what you are getting.With every other politician, well, you get this big compromise deal,

Bash Obama all you want but from what I've seen that guy might as well be a republican.

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I like people like Ron Paul and Kucinich. People will paint them as al kinds of crazy but those guys stick by their principles, you kind of know what you are getting.With every other politician, well, you get this big compromise deal,

Bash Obama all you want but from what I've seen that guy might as well be a republican.

These are my feeling exactly. It seems like all these other Republicans have jumped on the Constitution/Liberty Bandwagon when it benefited their political careers. Ron Paul has always stood by the Constitution even when it wasn't cool. You'll always know where he stands.

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Seems to me that a TON of people like Ron Paul. But most of us just end up wimping out last minute, or not sticking through primaries with candidates like him. We all get too nervous, and end up buying what the media (Fox, NPR, MSNBC, Beck, whoever...) and the political establishment are selling; same old socialist-leaning centrist crap. And they call it "electable".

Ron Paul is ABSOLUTELY electable, and would win if voters would stick to their guns. No pun intended.


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Seems to me that a TON of people like Ron Paul. But most of us just end up wimping out last minute, or not sticking through primaries with candidates like him. We all get too nervous, and end up buying what the media (Fox, NPR, MSNBC, Beck, whoever...) and the political establishment are selling; same old socialist-leaning centrist crap. And they call it "electable".

Ron Paul is ABSOLUTELY electable, and would win if voters would stick to their guns. No pun intended.


The MSM is his biggest enemy. Faux News was just caught using footage from CPAC a few years ago(where crowds were booing Paul) in place of footage from this year where he was being cheered for his win and the only booing that came was when they announced Romney got 2nd.

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I like people like Ron Paul and Kucinich. People will paint them as al kinds of crazy but those guys stick by their principles, you kind of know what you are getting.With every other politician, well, you get this big compromise deal,

Bash Obama all you want but from what I've seen that guy might as well be a republican.

Kucinich is all kinds of crazy. Don't put him in the same category as Ron Paul. Kucinich, will admit he is a

hard left liberal. That's the only thing I admire about him. Paul may come off to some as half crazy, but He

can back up anything he starts with more depth than most politicians. He is a libertarian, period. The

Constitution is his document.

I'll continue to bash Obama, thank you:D Communist, not Republican.

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Regardless of other issues, Ron Paul is just plain too old to be electable.

He might stay sharp as a tack till he's 130, but folks won't elect a man to his first term at 77.

- OS

I don't believe this is true. Not supporting the man because you don't believe other people will support him is just an excuse. I don't decide how I vote based on other people. I base my vote soley on which candidate will give me the least amount of government and follow the Constitution. If the GOP candidate ends up being Romney or any of the others we might as well be voting for Obama.

Edited by jth_3s
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Where in my post did I say I wouldn't support him?

- OS

Sorry I should have been more specific. I wasnt talking about you I was talking about the people who wouldn't support him because of his age.

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Sorry I should have been more specific. I wasnt talking about you I was talking about the people who wouldn't support him because of his age.

No matter "who" you were talking about, the reality, in my opinion, is that many voters will not vote for someone pushing eighty for a first-term president.

Being near eighty presents a significant hurdle (regardless of party/philosophy) for a Presidential candidate to overcome - that hurdle could possibly be overcome if a candidate had huge support in every other area that can/would come into play but I don't believe Paul has ever enjoyed that kind or support nor do I see him as ever being able to garner that kind of support.

I think he's a good man with good principles and good ideas (not that I agree with all of his stands) but I think his ship has already sailed and it didn't reach port.

Edited by RobertNashville
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Hmm. Ron Paul's odds are not high. Too many other candidates with much larger campaign treasuries.

My issue with RP: Age. Everyone sees how quickly the office ages a President.

I would vote for him over many others in the GOP, again, were he not over 75.

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I have always liked and admired Ron Paul. Even though I disagree with Paul on a few issues, I would still vote for him before many of those who may be running. However, I think the argument is moot because I don't think he stands a chance at winning the republican nomination much less the general election.

I don't know about you guys, but I am not really that excited over the crop of soon-to-be 2012 presidential contenders. I am getting nervous whether any of them would be able to take down Obama. It is too bad we can't have someone like Andrew Napolitano.

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I'm not not excited about the presumed front-runners but I do think that there are some good potential candidates out there that may not be in the lime light just yet.

The next few months will set the stage and I wouldn't give up hope just yet. Anyway, Obama becomes almost a non issue if there are enough good (and real) conservatives in both houses of Congress....to me, getting those good candidates retained/elected is more important then whether the Dalai Bama retains his position or not.

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Guest Jcochran88
Im just curious, what do you have against him? If he had his way I could buy an M-16 at the hardware store(without paperwork) and carry it where I pleased. He would also do away with most federal agencies including the ATF.

that's not it at all. I don't think he can pull any of the undecided voters. thus will allow the Big O to win a second term if he wins the GOP nomination.

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No reason to get excited. Washington would ruin Jesus Christ himself in the first few months. We're going to get a small variation of the same old crap, no matter who wins.

I don't get excited about much these days so let me have my fun. :rolleyes:

I know things look pretty bad no matter who is in the White House but I'm not ready to give up yet...I can at least hope!

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I agree his age is an issue, but it hasn't been an issue for the last 20 years or so and he hasn't been nominated. He's too outspoken to win wide-based support -- he's too well known. He has the same chance of being nominated that Sarah Palin or Ann Coulter has - none.

If he were nominated, I'd vote for him.

A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Obama....

Agitator! :D

I don't concede that Obama will be the Democrat candidate next year.

Edited by enfield
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