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Here we go... waiting for this... Gabby's Law coming at you

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The problem with an "airtight" background check was no one reported his strange, erractic behavior to the authorities. Not his "friends", the college, neighbors, nor even his parents who watched him build a shrine containing bones, etc., in their backyard. None of this was knowledge to the folks maintaining the data for a background check, so how could it show up? Magic? Some all-seeing, all-knowing agency? Give me a break. People have to be aware of what's going on with other people and be willing to step up and try to correct a problem. This is the expected knee jerk reaction and irt will probably result in some asinine law that does nothing to change the situation but people will feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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I am ALL for keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people but no background check will ever do that.

What will do that is to lock up criminals and keep them locked up - that removes many dangerous people from society and serves as a warning to others who are thinking of taking the same route.

Those who are mentally disturbed should be institutionalized (as used to be normal) - if they represent a danger to innocent people then they shouldn't be allowed the opportunity put innocent people in danger.

Finally, we need to have more law-abiding and well trained citizens who are armed so then those who fall between the cracks like this sicko in Phoenix can be taken down before he kills a bunch of people.

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Guest BungieCord

They're trying to lay the groundwork for making a mental evaluation a required component of the NICS check.

They're going to argue that the current system's reliance on a "negative proof" of mental competency fails to meet its objective. As it is, the lack of a negative proof equals a positive. That is, so long as there's no record of you having been judged a mental defective, you're golden. Loughner obviously was bat-sh1rt crazy but was able to pass the NICS check because he'd managed to evade any formal evaluation. So they'll demand the system be changed to require a "positive proof." Your record must show that you've been evaluated by a mental health professional and found competent ...or you flunk.

This obviously would be the mutha of all bottlenecks to the firearm buying process. This is not a service our mental health system is equipped or staffed to provide and it would be swamped by the increased demands. And that's without considering what percentage of the lib-tard mental health crowd would refuse to provide the service because they oppose private citizens owning firearms.

And they will argue that people can be sane one day and bat-sh1rt the next so every evaluation will have to have a limited lifespan. So if you've been holding off buying that new suppressor because you couldn't shell out the $200 for the tax stamp, ...imagine if you had to pay that much to get your friendly neighborhood headshrinker to bless every gun buy you wanted to make.

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The problem is people in this country have become too politically correct or afraid to call it how it is. People don't want to get involved anymore for fear of being sued or being labeled a rat.

If his friends, family or even complete strangers would have let others know he was crazy this wouldn't have happened. There were warning signs weeks, months and probably years he was going to do something drastic.

It doesn't take much to determine if someone is off mentally. A few minutes talking to them and most people can spot a crazy.

Now we are all being punished because those same people wanted to be politically correct.


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"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms..disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed one." - Thomas Jefferson quoting Cesare Beccaria, Criminologist in 1764. That was 247 years ago.

Edited by greenego
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"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms..disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed one." - Thomas Jefferson quoting Cesare Beccaria, Criminologist in 1764. That was 247 years ago.

Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it...or however the saying goes.

Very few people in this county, especially those in power, have any clue. The direction this country is going is nothing new. As a matter of fact there really is nothing new human society can do. It's all been done before. History proves this.

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Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it...or however the saying goes.

Very few people in this county, especially those in power, have any clue. The direction this country is going is nothing new. As a matter of fact there really is nothing new human society can do. It's all been done before. History proves this.

Sorta. They've never made a serious attempt to disarm a bunch of Tennessee rednecks. That might be an entirely new twist ;)

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Guest ArmyVeteran37214
Check out the name on # 9,280, page 88.


# 9,280

14:23, Dec 13, Mr. Onlya****ingidiot Wouldsupporthisbull****, TN

Because they're retarded. They sure as hell aren't going to do anything effective so they might as well screw thousands of law-abiding citizens in order to make a few feel better while accomplishing absolutely nothing.

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