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My rant for the day.

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Recently I have been trying to sell off some things I don't need so that I can buy a new rifle or pistol. Well as usual I put them up online and hoped for the best. Well the other day I got a nice e-mail from a fellow saying he was interested in two of the things I was selling, and asked if I could send him pictures and model numbers etc. I do and think that he's quite interested. Well he e-mails me back today and says well I only have x amount and some things to trade, I said well I'll think about that. He then proceeds to tell me that I was asking to much and sent me the ebay links to the supposed items. They were the wrong thing. People, if you're going to argue over pricing and want to use examples, please make sure you get the right item. I e-mailed him back and told him this and thankfully he was not offended and apologized. Could be worse I guess.

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I knew a guy once who knew the "price" of everything and the "value" of nothing.

I mean I'm glad the guy did some research about the items. Since I will admit I start a little over the value so I can get close to asking price when people super low-ball. A.K.A the people who say I'll give you fifty on a new 300 dollar item. Edited by gjohnsoniv
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OOOH. This begs for a new thread, entitled "Price My Crap !" :stir:

Theme - Post pictures, and we get to say how worthless it is ! :rock:

Only the first response can be in $, the rest have to be in redneck trade value (one rusty horse-shoe, 3 Pez dispensers and a Skoal can, Beanie Babies, etc. You get the idea).

Edited by R_Bert
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OOOH. This begs for a new thread, entitled "Price My Crap !" :stir:

Theme - Post pictures, and we get to say how worthless it is ! :rock:

Only the first response can be in $, the rest have to be in redneck trade value (one rusty horse-shoe, 3 Pez dispensers and a Skoal can, Beanie Babies, etc. You get the idea).


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Guest Lester Weevils

Thats a fabulous idea, redneck trade value. I've got a cardboard box full of rusty coathangers but can throw in a paper sack full of plastic grocery bags to sweeten the deal!

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OOOH. This begs for a new thread, entitled "Price My Crap !" :stir:

Theme - Post pictures, and we get to say how worthless it is ! :rock:

Only the first response can be in $, the rest have to be in redneck trade value (one rusty horse-shoe, 3 Pez dispensers and a Skoal can, Beanie Babies, etc. You get the idea).

Let's do it. I post and get redneck trade value? Leupold scope and a Gen I NVD. Starting the bid at...? Edited by gjohnsoniv
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I have tried to sell a rifle. Axing price is 650, its a fair price.

I inevitably get someone saying i will give you 600, i countered with how about 700.

Kinda figured it was fair. Why does a prospective buyer feel it is okay to lowball you?

I love the look on their faces when i counter with a higher price.

People are morons and i hate dealing with them.

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I agree to all above. What kills me is I had a brand new box of Federal # 6 shotshells in a yard sale priced at $1.00 dollar...one WHOLE dollar. The dude says, will you take .50 cents for them? Well...uh...no. I love it when people "lowball" me. I tell them to go to Walmart!

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So let's define "lowball".

Anything below reasonable. Such as when a reasonable price to ask is 350 and the prospective buyer asks if you will take 200-250, or when it would be below the cost of the item for a store. Edited by gjohnsoniv
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