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Time to call the bug man.

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Guest adurbin

Yep. Found a huge one in my landscaping while I was doing yardwork. Needless to say, I killed it, then did a full body shiver.

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Last fall I was going out to work in the yard. I leave my cruddy shoes in the garage. After sticking my foot in a shoe that had a huge cockroach in it several years ago, I've learned to bang my shoes on the ground to make sure nothing's in them before I put them on. When I did it this time, a huge black widow tumbled out. In the time it took for me to swat her with the shoe, I noticed dozens of tiny baby black widows scurrying for cover. It instantly became the 'whack-a-mole' game as I pounded away furiously. I think I got them all. I didn't tell my wife, lest she refused to set foot in the garage again.

This is when a propane torch would be lots of fun.

WD-40 or carb cleaner and a cigarette lighter works pretty good.

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Don't know if it works on the Black Widow or not, I haven't seen any at home or in garage; But for the last few years I set off a couple of the "Spider Bomb" smokers in the garage and utility room every 6 weeks or so. I haven't seen nearly as many buggy type critters since.

Edited by hipower
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Hey! I have all three of those things!

Guess what I'm gonna be doing when I get home from work....

Use the red plastic tube nozzle extension doodad. With a little practice, the red tube itself will catch fire so you don't have to hold your other hand out there to light it off. Anything flammable works... brake cleaner, hairspray, contact cleaner, ... :)

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Spray kitchen cleaners like Fantastik or 409 work well, the extreme alkalinity puts bugs right down. Black widow webs are extremely tough, like monofilament fishing line and in a random 3D pattern, something to watch out for in the shrubs.

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There used to be a show called Venom E.R. filmed mostly in California, most patients were rattlesnake bite victims. One show this kid about 12 had a Black Widow bite and he looked freaking miserable with his eyelids swelling and the bite area swelling, they had him heavely drugged on pain meds but he was still in awful pain, worse than the snake bite victims. Also the anti-venom for black widows is very risky for sever allergic reactions to the anti-venom itself.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Turn it into a manly game of skill. Eat a bunch of black beans then torch the spiders using carefully-aimed fiery farts!

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