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Which looks better?

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I have been carrying my 638 with the original rubber grips. I picked up a set of wood grips from Rabbi. It sure looks "thinner" with the wood grips.

So which way do yall like it...rubber or wood?



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Doesn't matter how they look....which one feels better? I personally think that the thin gripped snubby Smiths are the ugliest firearms ever made. Don't get me wrong as I own 2 of them and trust them with my life...they just are not very majestic.

On those snubbie S&Ws for me there is only one choice (I almost hate to admit...being a blue and wood guy).


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Guest CleanSeries80

it does look slightly unproportional. maybe some wood grips that have the same profile as the rubber grips. that's my .02

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Rubber! I hate S&W wood grips. They don't fill my hand.

I found a Tyler T-Grip for my Colt Agent in chrome. They fill the space in between the trigger guard and the wood grip and have a finger contour. They work real well. I don't know if they are made anymore though.

I found a link for them. Check it out. You can keep orginal wood grips on the revolver. They're made for Colt, Ruger and S&W.


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The tide has turned...



The wood grips does make the overall appearance look a little odd but it is growing on me. The rubber grips does fit my hand better.

I might have to try those t-grips. They look pretty cool.

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Guest rockytop

I vote for the wood grips since I have the identical gun with wood grips and a Tyler "T grip" filler between the grip frame and trigger guard.

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I might have to try those t-grips. They look pretty cool.

When I bought them for my Colt Agent, I was looking for a set of the rubber ones for it, but I couldn't find any locally. I was down at Fox and Co. on Dutch Valley here in Knoxville and Harold behind the counter (I think that was his name and he's since retired) recommended I try a set of T-Grips. He sold them to me for something like $4 or $5. I thought for the money I might as well try them. One of the best little finds I've ever had. I wouldn't mind getting another set of new Colt grips thought. Mine are a bit worn.

That little Agent was a BUG for a US Postal Inspector. He shot it a lot judging from the worn finish on the left side. I bought it off of him for $250 back in the mid to late 90's. It's been a great little piece! Tight as can be for a pistol that's probably going on 40 years old.

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