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A Visit By The Secret Service

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I cherish that the First Amendment gives all citizens the right to criticize the president. However, If you are going to be intentionally inflamatory such as suggesting a beheading etc..., you shouldn't be surprised when the Secret Service comes knocking. Just like with Ted Nugent, it seems they are doing their job. If they are asking, "but you don't mean to assisinate him?" it seems pretty clear to me that they are there to make a reasonable inquiry and not to threaten or intimidate... They asked a leading question in a manor that assumes he's excercising political speech, not making a threat. They posed it in such a way that gives they guy the benefit of the doubt... Maybe I've misplaced my tinfoil hat somewhere but I cannot make the leap between criticizing the President, or (questioning the eligibility) and assuming everyone is out to get you...

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Guest nysos

Yep. If you mention death and the president, you just became part of their travel budget.

But hey, if you ever need to talk to the secret service for whatever reason - now you know a way to get them on your doorstep within 24 hours!

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I question the video, if he was seen as that big of a threat to send secret service and not the local FBI then I doubt they would question him in the comforts of his porch and let him video it. I have several friends in law enforcment and heard stories of them having to do the government leg work. I might be real but just seems off to me and several of the questions are weird, asking if his guns are registered as mike wrote don't need to in Texas. Maybe it is real who knows.

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Guest cardcutter

Way back around 1977 the Secret service came to see my brother. When Carter pardoned the draft dodgers my oldest brother boxed up all of his uniforms,citations and medals from three tours in Vietnam and sent them to 1600 Penn ave wash DC. Inside the foot locker was a note that said " If you are going to do that then none of this ment a Damn thing!"

Not to long after that they came to our house,His last home of record. Butch was a Green Beret with three combat tours. They asked if he wanted to kill the Pres. He replied "Is he dead yet?" When the agent started to stammer and stutter Butch added " Then I didn't want to kill him ,did I?" About this time my father went ballistic and got Butch to calm down. The secret srevis guys pretty much decided that Butch was not an immediate threat to POTUS.

It is a little hard to accuse a soldier with six purple harts,three bronz stars ,two silver stars, and the Distiguished Service Cross of treason. even if he is only 23 years old.

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But hey, if you ever need to talk to the secret service for whatever reason - now you know a way to get them on your doorstep within 24 hours!

Thanks for the tip. I'll try to remember that the next time I need a good lead on some Colombian hookers.

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I cherish that the First Amendment gives all citizens the right to criticize the president. However, If you are going to be intentionally inflamatory such as suggesting a beheading etc..., you shouldn't be surprised when the Secret Service comes knocking. Just like with Ted Nugent, it seems they are doing their job. If they are asking, "but you don't mean to assisinate him?" it seems pretty clear to me that they are there to make a reasonable inquiry and not to threaten or intimidate... They asked a leading question in a manor that assumes he's excercising political speech, not making a threat. They posed it in such a way that gives they guy the benefit of the doubt... Maybe I've misplaced my tinfoil hat somewhere but I cannot make the leap between criticizing the President, or (questioning the eligibility) and assuming everyone is out to get you...

I agree

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Guest heyrakes

have you been in the military .....you have records of that

do you have handgun and martial arts training .......maybe

do you belong to any groups .............nunya

have you traveled out to see the president .....no

do you have a criminal history...........you have records of that (i do find it interesting that there would be a gun question then)

do you own any weapons....... again NUNYA (but seriously anything can be considered a weapon)

have you been committed to a hospital... you have records of that

a possible search of your home, are you OK with that.........two words , HELL NO

in the past year where have you traveled to......wherever i wanted to

do you have any siblings can we talk to them......hell you can talk to them all you want but i hope they have better sense than to talk to you

where do you work.... where ever i want to

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