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My 17 year old brother got jumped!!!

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Guest AmericanWorkMule


ok so apparently my brother was following his Girl Friend who was going to a girls house to confront her my brother had no idea what she was doing while he was following her 2 men 40 years old use there truck to force them onto a private drive they get out hit his car and swing at my 17 year old brother my brother kicks one knocks him down and then dodges a punch and hits the guy in the forehead, my brother didnt get touched but they banged his car up good the Men were drunk and are known drug dealers, the cops show up and say it would be best not to press charges?!!! am i wrong to think that is completely absurd? i am Obviously Furious and would like to go find those 2 men and Beat the He** out of them for jumping my little brother all i have to say is there lucky i wasn't there! apparently the men had him confused with one of there girls Ex Boyfriends. i still dont understand how the cops can say its best not to press charges!

the cops said they cant prove what happened its his story versus the 2 40 year old men my brother had 2 friends and his GF with him

My brother wasnt going to confront anyone it was his Girlfriend he was just in his car following her the guys got out and smashed the hood of his car so he got out and asked what there problem was and they swinged at him

im just glad he is ok it could have went way worse... he wouldn't lie to me so i believe when he said how it went down and his friend was so scared he was in the car screaming and called the cops apparently the guy they were looking for was in the car with his GF and he stayed in the car he needs to find new friends!!!

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Guest AmericanWorkMule

Same to you, Semper Fi, Mac!

You dug up a 2 month old thread to critique someone's grammar? You stay classy, AWM.

Clearly some people have to much free time on there hands.

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