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Got pulled over with my gun in the glove box.

Guest 808-South

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Guest 808-South

Going home one night after work. I placed my gun in the glove box. I was pulled over for a headlight out. Gave the officer my DL & HCP. The officer asked, " do you have your weapon on you?" I said, "not on me but in the glove box" He said, "Lets leave it there"

He ask if I had insurance. I said, "Yes, sir I do have insurance. But the cards are in the glove box and Im no planning on getting them for you"

He said, "one moment". He called in my DL and while doing that he asked what type of gun I had. We asked if my address is current, where Im coming from and where Im going.

We talked briefly.

He then said, "get your headlight fixed, drive safely". I said, ""Thank you" and drove away.

Sorry nothing exciting. Just a positive experience with a local LEO.

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Nope, not relevant at all. I'd say there was some fishing going on there. At least he didn't ask you if he could search your vehicle.

where you are coming from and going to is pretty much irrelevant.

Well, I imagine a LEO can simply pull you off the road then and there for a headlight out?

Meaning, if you said you were on your way to Florida rather than on the way home he might not be so forgiving to let you continue without having it fixed immediately?

But also, as DaveTN and others always say, "fishing" is part of a good cop's vehicle stop, since lots of bad guys are caught that way.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Some of that could just easily be small talk while the cop is waiting on dispatch to come back with the check on your DL, outstanding warrants, etc. Not sure why folks get their shorts in a knot about a cop asking them where they're heading or where they've been. It's also a way for them to gauge if you're up to some ####, based on body language, so just relax and have a conversation. Unless the guy starts asking you things that infringe upon your Miranda rights, don't be a dick and they likely won't be either.

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Yeah, don't be a dick. Act like one and expect to be treated like one.

What's he big deal anyway? These guys face danger everyday and the job itself is a stressful one. He has no idea who you are until he runs a background. You just might be the only sane person he's seen today. Good grief, chill out. :chill:

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If LEO pulles you over for headlight the officer should warn or ticket you, Questions are not needed. He is workin and you have no way of knowing what he is thinking because you can't ask any questions. It is bad manners to ask a stranger personal questions. A police officer is a person. If any person I don't know starts asking me questions I go on alert. A person asking questions want information.

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I am glad the encounter went well for you. I do think it is a little funny that people react the way they do to an officer asking questions... as others have said, it is part of their job. And I also do not understand why some people tend to get upset over an officer prying into their "personal business," but then they post pictures (which might have GPS metadata encoded in the file) of their guns on firearms forums, tell everyone who will listen what gunshops and ranges they frequent, etc. etc. etc.

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Some of that could just easily be small talk while the cop is waiting on dispatch to come back with the check on your DL, outstanding warrants, etc. Not sure why folks get their shorts in a knot about a cop asking them where they're heading or where they've been. It's also a way for them to gauge if you're up to some ####, based on body language, so just relax and have a conversation. Unless the guy starts asking you things that infringe upon your Miranda rights, don't be a dick and they likely won't be either.

It's also a way to determine if a person has been drinking. No reason to get upset....unless you have something to hide!

Dave S

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From the start I would have simply handed him my DL. No reason to hand him your HCP.

And if he winds up searching your car for some reason? Then a different problem arises. Why not CYA from the get go? No reason to be a hard azz about anything. You'll loose....

Dave S

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Guest MilitiaMan

And if he winds up searching your car for some reason? Then a different problem arises. Why not CYA from the get go? No reason to be a hard azz about anything. You'll loose....

Dave S

Has nothing to do with being a "hard ass" at all. I'm not required to inform that I'm carrying therefor I won't, until or unless neccessary. "Neccessary" as in should I be asked to step out of the vehicle. Then a simple heads up that I am armed would be in order. Until then? No.

Handing your HCP voluntarily without it being neccessary is ridiculous and most people do it to A) show off and/or B )to attempt to score suck up brownie points with LEO's.

I love how so many grown men carry and think they are big and bad and claim all their Cloak and Dagger skills about concealing....until the popo are around. Then suddenly they studder and stammer and offer up their HCP and blurt out exactly where their gun is. LMAO. If you're not required to inform, don't inform. Period.

Edited by MilitiaMan
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Guys, a cop can ask you pretty much anything he likes. You can also refuse to answer the question. You may have heard that "you have a right to remain silent." Yea, that's what it means. But he also has the right to ticket you for the offense for which he pulled you over and being confrontational pretty much guarantees it. So if it's worth $50 or $200 or whatever it is for whatever offense you may or may not be guilty of, go ahead and tell him to take a flying leap if it makes you feel better.

Maybe it's an invasion of privacy if he asks and you tell him or maybe it's an attitude check and he just needs help deciding if you get the ticket or the next guy gets it. As long as he's not asking my SSN or other ACTUAL personal information I really don't have a problem with him asking whatever makes him happy. I'll even tell him he looks great in his uniform if he will let me off with a warning.

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I'll inform. Has nothing to do with laws or any of that. Just a matter of professional courtesy. I got no problem jaw jacking with the cop neither; might as well be nice and answer the questions, since I probably broke the law in the first place in order to get pulled over. Cops are people too. They are subject to the same prejudices as the rest of us. There ain't no law that says you have to be courteous to the folks at Mc D's, but if you're not they might spit in your burger. I guess if you wanna be stand-offish with the popo you'll probably get that ticket for breaking whatever law you broke. I'd prefer not to get the ticket, and have been pretty successful at it in my younger years when I got pulled over a lot.

But if you don't want to tell him you don't got to. Just 'cause the rest of do doesn't make us fools.

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If LEO pulles you over for headlight the officer should warn or ticket you, Questions are not needed. He is workin and you have no way of knowing what he is thinking because you can't ask any questions. It is bad manners to ask a stranger personal questions. A police officer is a person. If any person I don't know starts asking me questions I go on alert. A person asking questions want information.

Do you realize his job is to catch bad guys? Do you know a cop pulled Jeffrey Dahmer over while he had a body in a bag in the back seat? (FTR Dahmer went on to murder more people after this.) Go back and re-read what TGO David said. You don't have to answer, and he really doesn't give a crap about your answers unless they lead to a confession.

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