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Assault Weapon Ban likely to die

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Obama is really pushing the 10 round magazine limit.  He figures it passed once before - why not try it again. He knows the AR-15's are not going to go away but he will neuter them if he can.

And he thought he would neuter all those AR's with Big Sis and her select fire versions. They're throwing everything they can to intimidate us.


No matter what he does, if he pushes his boys and girls in the Congress like he did Obamacare, it may cost him both house and senate. I hope

he really continues the push the ban, but it will die, just maybe with a smaller Democrat count out there. If any Republicans cave on this, I will be

happy to send their primary challenger money.

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feinstein's bill was meant to fail.   She knew that.  It was a political statement, or a statement of goals, and a way to say "we compromised, we took out the ban on everything and replaced it with a ban on 1/2!" at a future date.  Combined with testing the waters to see what would fly.  


The death of that bull is nice but that isnt the fight. 

She knew it would not pass. What were they doing while we were occupied with this garbage?

This was a smoke screen.They all knew damn well they couldn't get around the 2nd amendment. 

"Watch this hand, don't worry what our other hand is doing".  :rant:

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2 seconds between mags ain't gonna save that many lives....if a demented person decides to practice a week or two before entering the Gun Free Zone of his liking that is. Actually, in the Aurora and Oregon shooting the big mags jammed and proved to be a curse to the shooters and a blessing to the victims. Probably saved more lives than 10 round mags would have.
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Incrementalism is how the Soviet Union got what it wanted, good and bad. The modern day Democrat is still successfully using this

tool to get what they want. They know Republicans "compromise" too often when pushed on all fronts and will continue to do so.

They are being pushed right now with budget sequestration, immigration and this gun control crap, all at the same time. Expect it

to continue and don't ever expect it to let up until that cold day in Hell comes when there are no more Democrats and RINO's.

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All I will add is to keep up the pressure on all fronts, it is MOST IMPORTANT we do this.

There are other fights out there as well, border securty, taxes, drones,

as well as or firearms, mags, background (info grathering) checks.

Just keep sending the demandes WE WANT.

I end every e-mail with




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History would suggest that contentious legislation doesn't get finally hammered out until late in the second year of a Congress.


Point being, we likely won't know for sure just what will or won't be enacted until almost 2015.


Then, gawd help us, if the GOP loses the House, anti-gun legislation will start right back up again, but with more success.


- OS

I have to admit that I don't do as good a job of keeping up with the voting record of congressional members in Washington as I do the members of The General Assembly in Tennessee.  With that said, I too agree that we need to keep pro Second Amendment people in Washington, regardless of whether they are Democrat of Republican.  A good example from Tennessee would be Eddie Bass.  I for one am really sorry Eddie Bass is no longer in the General Assembly.  While a Democrat, we could be hard pressed to find a stronger supporter of our conservative values and Second Amendment rights. 

So, yes I would not want to see the GOP loose the House, the REAL message is to hold ANY member accountable for infringing on our Second Amendment rights. 

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I have to admit that I don't do as good a job of keeping up with the voting record of congressional members in Washington as I do the members of The General Assembly in Tennessee.  With that said, I too agree that we need to keep pro Second Amendment people in Washington, regardless of whether they are Democrat of Republican.  A good example from Tennessee would be Eddie Bass.  I for one am really sorry Eddie Bass is no longer in the General Assembly.  While a Democrat, we could be hard pressed to find a stronger supporter of our conservative values and Second Amendment rights. 

So, yes I would not want to see the GOP loose the House, the REAL message is to hold ANY member accountable for infringing on our Second Amendment rights. 


I think the same way about Doug Jackson. He was the main one that got the parking lot bill going the first time and submited several pro gun bills. His distric used to be very democratic and I think the just ran as a Democrat to get elected but was pretty conservitave.

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