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Obama budget to target retirement accounts…

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That is so ignorant; they want to limit the account so they can have 30% in taxes of X amount now, instead of taking 30% of taxes on XXXXXX a couple of decades down the road.


It also looks like this will impact roth ira's (although on the high-end) as well. So much for the hopes of that working out well if you're rich

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Starting that slippery slope.  First it will start with the wealthy.  Then it will be the well off.  And later on the middle class.  They don't really need that $1 million in their IRA, so they can retire early.


The one piece of advice I've given to my  all my kids and their friends that have graduated from college or are working good jobs that I know, that they need to start their 401K and max it out immediately.  They don't have it in their pocket, they will never miss it.  That way, if they want to retire at 55 they will be able to afford to.


You know what all of in the middle class needs to do is quit working and go on the Government tit and suck this country on down the financial tubes and then start all over again!!!  If we are all on welfare, then no one will be paying Obama and the Liberal's salaries and the Government will fall apart!!!


Far fetched I know, but I get tired of paying for all the stupid stuff our Government does!!!

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Starting that slippery slope.  First it will start with the wealthy.  Then it will be the well off.  And later on the middle class.  They don't really need that $1 million in their IRA, so they can retire early.


The one piece of advice I've given to my  all my kids and their friends that have graduated from college or are working good jobs that I know, that they need to start their 401K and max it out immediately.  They don't have it in their pocket, they will never miss it.  That way, if they want to retire at 55 they will be able to afford to.


You know what all of in the middle class needs to do is quit working and go on the Government tit and suck this country on down the financial tubes and then start all over again!!!  If we are all on welfare, then no one will be paying Obama and the Liberal's salaries and the Government will fall apart!!!


Far fetched I know, but I get tired of paying for all the stupid stuff our Government does!!!

There are a LOT of us that feel the very same way!!!

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Who the f*****g hell is Mr. Vacation to decide what is "substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving"?


This isn't surprising from this tin-plated dictator-want-a-be but GOD...this communist jackass really pisses me off.

Edited by RobertNashville
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Who the f*****g hell is Mr. Vacation to decide what is "substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving"?
This isn't surprising from this tin-plated dictator-want-a-be but GOD...this communist jackass really pisses me off.

Now RobertNashville this is a trustcircle forum. Tell us how you really feel.

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They are trying to take away any incentives to being successful.  They don't look ahead.  The question they are failing to ask is, who is going to pay  for all this stuff in the future, when everyone is on the Government dole.  Liberals are stupid people!

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They are trying to take away any incentives to being successful.  They don't look ahead.  The question they are failing to ask is, who is going to pay  for all this stuff in the future, when everyone is on the Government dole.  Liberals are stupid people!

The true failing is to believe the outcome will be some utopian society of liberalism. The natural progression they don't acknowledge though is to have consolidated power in the hands of a select few and serfdom & slavery for the common good by all the rest. There are some liberals that really believe the talking points & that the demonization of the right is warranted. It's not likely in our lifetime as these things take time but if we continue on the path they would have us take without significant course adjustment those same people supporting the liberal progressive agenda will be the ones working in the mines and in the fields. Most TGOs would be summarily executed for the dangerous beliefs we hold to the security of the peoples of the Democratic Peoples' Republic of the United State of Progress.

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Guest 6.8 AR

We ain't seen nothing, yet.


Hry Greg. Is she locked and loaded, yet? :D


I never got in the 401k game. I didn't like the strings. Kept mine all to myself, what there is.

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Who the f*****g hell is Mr. Vacation to decide what is "substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving"?

This isn't surprising from this tin-plated dictator-want-a-be but GOD...this communist jackass really pisses me off.

The 51% + who voted for him, that gave him the right.
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 Most TGOs would be summarily executed for the dangerous beliefs we hold to the security of the peoples of the Democratic Peoples' Republic of the United State of Progress.

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2


After taking as many as possible with them... "Come get 'ya some..."

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The 51% + who voted for him, that gave him the right.

I didn't say anything about "rights" did I? :)

But, while we are on the subject, not Obummer...not the 51%...not anyone has a "right" to the money I've earned through my own efforts nor does anyone have a right to dictate to me or any other working person how much income or savings or assets is "reasonable".

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Just wait till you "Have" to buy government bonds with your money that is saved in an IRA or 401K, then when you do stop working

the money will be their, so they say.

Not mine. Red - most of my "money" is going to be in things other than U.S. dollars and I'll empty my retirement savings completely if that's what it takes to keep Washington's grubby little socialist hands off of it...they may get some of mine but they sure won't get much of it.  ;)

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Cyprus anyone?

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I can guarantee you that if WDC tries something like this you'll see an exodus of money from this country that will cause the investment industry to crumble...the people being targeted first very likely have the resources to get the heck out of Dodge and they probably will.

I would suspect that even most liberal Democrats will balk at the idea that they federal government can just come in and start telling them how much of their net worth is "reasonable".

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Guest 6.8 AR

The investment community is already being propped up by toothpicks, along with the rest of the banking

community, Robert. It's only a matter of time.

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I can guarantee you that if WDC tries something like this you'll see an exodus of money from this country that will cause the investment industry to crumble...the people being targeted first very likely have the resources to get the heck out of Dodge and they probably will.

I would suspect that even most liberal Democrats will balk at the idea that they federal government can just come in and start telling them how much of their net worth is "reasonable".

The liberals do not think that this will apply to them.  They believe they are the "chosen" ones.

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The government will eventually make a move on retirement accounts.  However, it won't be right now.  This is part of Obama's budget, and his last budget was rejected 97-0.  Obama is unable to get anything through Congress.  The only way he can do anything is through executive order, and this is something he can't do on his own.

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