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Weed, fights and guns: Trayvon Martin’s text messages released

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I am still wondering what questions you really have that you want "answers " you want to have DAVE'S since you have already made it clear that what you want is for Zimmerman to be poor and hounded until some Trayvon supporter murders him???

The statements you've made in the past are not indicative of someone who is truly looking for information.

I was merely stating that If I was a parent who lost a child as the Martin's did, I would want answers! How far the Martin's chose to go, you would choose to go, or I would choose to go to get those answers is an individual thing. I'm sure as I'm sitting here Robert (and I hope none of us have to experience this) that if it were your child, when would you stop trying to get justice for your child who was shot and killed walking home from the store? If it was my child, I'm most likely be in prison right now! Maybe your feelings about your children differ than mine. My kids are my whole world. I pity the person who brings harm to them.


Again, I'm not the one on trial....Zman is!


Dave S

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I was merely stating that If I was a parent who lost a child as the Martin's did, I would want answers! How far the Martin's chose to go, you would choose to go, or I would choose to go to get those answers is an individual thing. I'm sure as I'm sitting here Robert (and I hope none of us have to experience this) that if it were your child, when would you stop trying to get justice for your child who was shot and killed walking home from the store? If it was my child, I'm most likely be in prison right now! Maybe your feelings about your children differ than mine. My kids are my whole world. I pity the person who brings harm to them.

Again, I'm not the one on trial....Zman is!

Dave S

The only motive I see operating in Trayvon's parents Is finding a way to profit from their son's death.

As to feelings about my children are concerned yes, it appears our views are different if you would already be in prison, presumably because you murdered your child's killer because I am not going to go out and commit murder. That you, a self-proclaimed LEO seems willing to do that is disturbing. That kind of attitude has no place in the mind of someone who carries a badge and a gun.
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The only motive I see operating in Trayvon's parents Is finding a way to profit from their son's death.

As to feelings about my children are concerned yes, it appears our views are different if you would already be in prison, presumably because you murdered your child's killer because I am not going to go out and commit murder. That you, a self-proclaimed LEO seems willing to do that is disturbing. That kind of attitude has no place in the mind of someone who carries a badge and a gun.

Sorry, not "self-proclaimed" as you put it....I don't carry a badge anymore. I do however, still carry a gun occasionaly. Bud, I retired as of the 1st of June. Again, Zman is the one on trial here, not me. Please stop trying to judge me..... 


Is attacking people Robert your way of getting your point across?


I'm sure you can do better than that statement above. Maybe try discussing the case?


Dave S

Edited by DaveS
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Sorry, not "self-proclaimed" as you put it....I don't carry a badge anymore. I do however, still carry a gun occasionaly. Bud, I retired as of the 1st of June. Again, Zman is the one on trial here, not me. Please stop trying to judge me..... 


Is attacking people Robert your way of getting your point across?


I'm sure you can do better than that statement above. Maybe try discussing the case?


Dave S

Would you care to clarify what police department/sheriff's office/agency you did carry a badge for?


I ask because at one time you identified yourself as a “Firefighter/EMT working at Fort Campbell” and then, if I remember correctly, you retired from that and became a game warden. However, there are threads, including one very recent one, where you at least seemed to insinuate that you were a LEO.


I don’t mean to disparage game wardens or the importance of their work because I'm glad we have them but it seems a bit disingenuous for someone who is a game warden to equate that with being a police officer or at least trying to leave that impression (if in fact that was your intention). If you are/were a police officer then I apologize for using the term "self-proclaimed" and I thank you for putting your life on the line for others.


What about the case do you want to discuss as it seems to be an odd statement - you seem to have a pretty closed mind on this case; having made known your hope for Zimmerman's fate to be (i.e. found not guilty so that he can be sued for everything he has, left penniless, and hounded - always looking over his shoulder because of the hits out on his life "for as long as it lasts").

Edited by RobertNashville
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Welp for me it really boils down to Z's head wounds.

Couple that with Z's lie-detector test backing his version of events, with zero detected attempts of deception ...

Not sure if that the results will be allowed as evidence in the court room, but it "good enough" for me to make a determination on whether or not I believed the shooting was a potential murder or if it was in fact done as claimed in self-defense.
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Would you care to clarify what police department/sheriff's office/agency you did carry a badge for?


At one time you identified yourself as a “Firefighter/EMT working at Fort Campbell” and then, if I remember correctly, you retired from that and became a game warden. However, there are threads, including one very recent one, where you at least seemed to insinuate that you were a LEO.


I don’t mean to disparage game wardens or the importance of their work because I'm glad we have them but it seems a bit disingenuous for someone who is a game warden to equate that with being a police officer or at least trying to leave that impression (if in fact that was your intention). If you are/were a police officer then I apologize for using the term "self-proclaimed" and I thank you for putting your life on the line for others.


What about the case do you want to discuss as it seems to be an odd statement - you seem to have a pretty closed mind on this case; having made known your hope for Zimmerman's fate to be (i.e. found not guilty so that he can be sued for everything he has, left penniless, and hounded - always looking over his shoulder because of the hits out on his life "for as long as it lasts").

You are so way out there.... 

Again, I'm not the one on trial here. You have taken this personal approach against everyone, on every thread regaurding this subject from day one. I'm not leaving this thread...but I will not respond to you again.


George Zimmerman is the one on trial here, not me...can't you help keep this thread on track?


Dave S

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After reading all of the posts in the TM/GZ threads, I have come to the conclusion that for some the only type of justice they seek is social justice. I lost interest in this case as soon as Jackson and Sharpton came onto the scene.  At that point I knew that facts would not matter, and the sole issue would be race.


I am neither pro-GZ or pro-TM.  Based on history I have read on both, which should be totally irrelevant in this case, they were both pieces of ****.  I do, however, find it amusing how each side uses irrelevant tidbits of information defending their piece of ****.  Personally, I find it unfortunate that this even made it to trial.

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You are so way out there....
Again, I'm not the one on trial here. You have taken this personal approach against everyone, on every thread regaurding this subject from day one. I'm not leaving this thread...but I will not respond to you again.

George Zimmerman is the one on trial here, not me...can't you help keep this thread on track?

Dave S

Okay DAVES. :) Edited by RobertNashville
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Yes, we at work donated to TM's fund. Whoopity doo! Hey Jack, the jury may change my mind with their verdict. The Pros and Def may do it with evidence. Until then we only have our opinions. Can't you stand that my opinion doesn't match yours? 


I'm sorry...I wish to discuss this case where participents can voice their OPINIONS, and not try to make points by attacking people. Calling me out and/or throwing me under the "buss" is doing you absolutely no good. Attacking me isn't discussing the case. If it is, my bad, I missed that somewhere!



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Thank you for making my point for me.
Race-relations in this country have gotten so lop-sided that anything & everything a white person says or does that a black person is remotely offended by, or disagrees with is automatically considered "racist" or "racism".
IMHO the term has become nothing more than a tool used far too often for racial intimidation & bullying, however you'll find that I do not suffer from "white guilt" & I'm not easily intimidated &/or bullied.
Point of fact ... Trayvon's grammar & spelling was atrocious, a 2nd grader could have typed more coherent text messages, if you wan't to claim that is "how black people talk" well you just go right ahead, but don't twist what I actually said in order to make false accusations.
But thanks for the heads up, I wasn't aware that "them/they" was now the new super-secret N-word ... I have to go tell all of my KKK friends it's been changed again.

You don't have to go anywhere to notify your kkk friends. Type whatever you want them to know in this thread. I don't know anything about Martins education, but if you use any other social media outside of TGO you might discover that young people are increasingly using more and more slang and poor spelling as a means of communication. Evan da gud lil white chillin is done it./sar;) Edited by LINKS2K
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After reading all of the posts in the TM/GZ threads, I have come to the conclusion that for some the only type of justice they seek is social justice. I lost interest in this case as soon as Jackson and Sharpton came onto the scene.  At that point I knew that facts would not matter, and the sole issue would be race.
I am neither pro-GZ or pro-TM.  Based on history I have read on both, which should be totally irrelevant in this case, they were both pieces of ****.  I do, however, find it amusing how each side uses irrelevant tidbits of information defending their piece of ****.  Personally, I find it unfortunate that this even made it to trial.

I respect your views concerning this issue. At this point, I don't believe that justice will be served for either party in this case. I'll be watching the trial because I really want to hear about Zimmerman's mindset on that evening and I'd like to hear it straight from the horses mouth.

I've gone on the record recently stating that I believe that Zimmerman will walk with time served. Unlike others, I'm hoping that there will be no riots and the people of Florida except the verdict then move on with there lives.
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You don't have to go anywhere to notify your kkk friends. Type whatever you want them to know in this thread. I don't know anything about Martins education, but if you use any other social media outside of TGO you might discover that young people are increasingly using more and more slang and poor spelling as a means of communication. Evan da gud lil white chillin is done it./sar;)


You don't seem to like us very much, Linky. 

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You don't seem to like us very much, Linky. 

I'm just sitting here all warm and fuzzy knowing that I'm not being accused of being a racist because, based on the evidence from that night and what has come out this past week, I think Zimmerman is innocent and got railroaded into a charge of murder simply because he is a "white-Hispanic" and sweet little Trayvon was black.     :rofl: ROTFLMAO :rofl:

Edited by RobertNashville
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You don't have to go anywhere to notify your kkk friends. Type whatever you want them to know in this thread. I don't know anything about Martins education, but if you use any other social media outside of TGO you might discover that young people are increasingly using more and more slang and poor spelling as a means of communication. Evan da gud lil white chillin is done it./sar;)

I don't care what slang or poor spelling "young people" are using as a means of communication; stupid is still stupid. I have a niece (by marriage) who is painfully finding that out right now; she is 22 acting like she is 16; talks like her IQ is about 12 (when she is actually quite intelligent as far as IQ goes); has three kids from two bio-dads (as in not married to either) and wonders why she can't get work/doesn't have any money.  Why am I not stunned about her present situation??? :shrug:


I also don't care whether those who embrace gang/thug culture do so because they are really thugs or just want to be cool.


I don't care if Trayvon was a real thug, a want-a-be-thug or was just playing the part or even if he was just this sweet little innocent "kid" his parents tried to make him out to be; if Zimmerman's actions were truly illegal then he can't use SD as a defense to the charges whether he was in fear for his life or not. If, on the other hand, Zimmerman didn't do anything illegal/did not do anything to justify Martin's attack then he has every right to defend himself against an attack that could have resulted in his death/serious injury; what Trayvon was thinking or not thinking is absolutely immaterial.

Edited by RobertNashville
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You don't seem to like us very much, Linky.

Mike, you all are a great bunch of guys. There a lots of hard working and intelligent men here and I truly enjoy reading what all of you have to say. You also know that I'm not going to agree with something because it is the popular opinion. I've been around here long enough to know who likes to joke, who the real TEA Party guys are and who takes every opportunity to be tacky at the expense of others. I'm constantly attempting to be more civil in my debates. I'm a work in progress and I'll always take exception with those who take exception with me. I could be wrong about every opinion that I've had, but when as we've both seen on several occasions in these threads when a person doesn't fall in line with the majority opinion ( CIRCLE JERK) the attacks start. I wasn't built to back down from anything. Eye for an eye.
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Mike, you all are a great bunch of guys. There a lots of hard working and intelligent men here and I truly enjoy reading what all of you have to say. You also know that I'm not going to agree with something because it is the popular opinion. I've been around here long enough to know who likes to joke, who the real TEA Party guys are and who takes every opportunity to be tacky at the expense of others. I'm constantly attempting to be more civil in my debates. I'm a work in progress and I'll always take exception with those who take exception with me. I could be wrong about every opinion that I've had, but when as we've both seen on several occasions in these threads when a person doesn't fall in line with the majority opinion ( CIRCLE JERK) the attacks start. I wasn't built to back down from anything. Eye for an eye.


I'm not fond of the attacks either. The hyper-sensitivity to "racism" has been sticking in my craw more every day. Now the federal government is suing corporations for making criminal background checks part of the hiring process because it discriminates against blacks. I could have sworn that it discriminates against criminals.


This case is just one example where race had little or nothing to do with the actual event, and everything to do with how it was handled. I'm sick of it.

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I don't care what slang or poor spelling "young people" are using as a means of communication; stupid is still stupid. I have a niece (by marriage) who is painfully finding that out right now; she is 22 acting like she is 16; talks like her IQ is about 12 (when she is actually quite intelligent as far as IQ goes); has three kids from two bio-dads (as in not married to either) and wonders why she can't get work/doesn't have any money.  Why am I not stunned about her present situation??? :shrug:
I also don't care whether those who embrace gang/thug culture do so because they are really thugs or just want to be cool.
I don't care if Trayvon was a real thug, a want-a-be-thug or was just playing the part or even if he was just this sweet little innocent "kid" his parents tried to make him out to be; if Zimmerman's actions were truly illegal then he can't use SD as a defense to the charges whether he was in fear for his life or not. If, on the other hand, Zimmerman didn't do anything illegal/did not do anything to justify Martin's attack then he has every right to defend himself against an attack that could have resulted in his death/serious injury; what Trayvon was thinking or not thinking is absolutely immaterial.

Agreed. I have attempted to explain this very thing to several nieces and nephews. I only made mention of the grammar to acknowledge that it's not always an indication of a poor education.

You make good points about the actions of Martin and Zimmerman. Though it will be impossible to know what Martin was thinking, it is very important to know what Zimmerman was thinking on this night. As a guys who trains regularly, you know the importance that mindset plays in our actions.

I've softened my stance on Zimmerman, because when the ball started rolling the guy really could have felt in his mind that he was going to do a good deed. That's why we need to hear from witnesses if Zimmerman was a dedicated watchman committed to safeguarding his community or a wanna-be action hero. It makes a big difference.
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I'm not fond of the attacks either. The hyper-sensitivity to "racism" has been sticking in my craw more every day. Now the federal government is suing corporations for making criminal background checks part of the hiring process because it discriminates against blacks. I could have sworn that it discriminates against criminals.
This case is just one example where race had little or nothing to do with the actual event, and everything to do with how it was handled. I'm sick of it.

It bothers me because everything that we talk about seems to devolve into race. We start out arguing the pros and cons of an issue and the next thing you know the conversation turns to Obama, blacks and the newly victimized white christian male. It's just silly.
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It bothers me because everything that we talk about seems to devolve into race. We start out arguing the pros and cons of an issue and the next thing you know the conversation turns to Obama, blacks and the newly victimized white christian male. It's just silly.


I don't hate Obama because he's black. I hate him because he's an incompetent, divisive, anti-american, commie asshole.

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It bothers me because everything that we talk about seems to devolve into race. We start out arguing the pros and cons of an issue and the next thing you know the conversation turns to Obama, blacks and the newly victimized white christian male. It's just silly.

I agree, and you are right. I don't mind being called a Kracker.....just don't call me a goat ropper! I really want to hear what Zman has to say in his own voice. Hey, it may totally change the way I think about this issue, because I smelt a skunk from day one on this one! 


Dave S

Edited by DaveS
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I don't hate Obama because he's black. I hate him because he's an incompetent, divisive, anti-american, commie asshole.

His incompetence is definitely showing more and more with each passing day. And he is still the reigning "Lying King".
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His incompetence is definitely showing more and more with each passing day. And he is still the reigning "Lying King".


Now he's gonna save the world from carbon with executive orders. Get ready for another big jump in your power bill.

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I thought we were discussing a self defense shooting on a gun forum? 




Was just insinuating that all of the threads take off like wildfire concerning this topic.  Some threads go 10 posts in 2 days, TM/GZ threads are measured in PPM "posts per minute"  :up:

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Was just insinuating that all of the threads take off like wildfire concerning this topic.  Some threads go 10 posts in 2 days, TM/GZ threads are measured in PPM "posts per minute"  :up:

I'm with ya now...Hey,  it's something to read though. 


Dave S

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Guest nra37922

It bothers me because everything that we talk about seems to devolve into race. We start out arguing the pros and cons of an issue and the next thing you know the conversation turns to Obama, blacks and the newly victimized white christian male. It's just silly.



I don't hate Obama because he's black. I hate him because he's an incompetent, divisive, anti-american, commie asshole.

I don't identify myself as a white christian male anymore as I prefer the term victimized White Male Lesbian.  Just because I like sleeping with women should not be something I am discriminated over.  I won't identify myself as a white christian male as most Christians, regardless of denomination or color have no balls and stand for nothing in regards to protecting their faith.


And mikegideon is correct, imho, on the current occupier of the peoples house.  I don't hate the man either but this ohole could have done so much good but instead went down a path that has only further divided this country.


Make to Zimmerman, I really hope he gets a fair trial that doesn't turn out to be a bigger circus than it is now, course when the clowns show up, Jesse Jackass, Al notsoSharpton, and the Black Pathers,  that's when the circus will really take off.   Until evident proves me wrong I think GZ is innocent and that TM was a want to be gangsta that got killed sooner rather than later. 

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