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Weed, fights and guns: Trayvon Martin’s text messages released

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I think the expert showing that TM was on top when he got shot was the last straw for even the most remote chance of a conviction.    That was new to me,  up until now there has been back & forth about who was on top but physics don't lie.  


I do think that guy saying that GZ was a 0.5 on a scale of 1-10 for being in shape was funny.   0.5 to me is a guy that can't even get out of bed to hit the can without help --- that was a huge exaggeration!!   GZ is a porkchop but he can at least get out of bed and walk across the room without a coronary.   3 out of 10 at least!

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Somehow, I seem to remember that Zman shot and killed TM. We don't know if Zman "flashed" his gun at anytime during this altercation. He may or may not have. I'm so glad he ain't taking the stand. That way we'll never know the real truth, and I don't have to listen to the doughboy wimp whine. No matter how this skuffle came about, if TM would have shot Zman, ya'll would be forming a lynch mob! The kid with the hoodie would be guilty then too!! Just my two cents!




You just called us all racists now? You really gotta start reaching for some reality.

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I don't really care how many ways there are.

Is there any reason to believe that Zimmerman presented a legitimate threat of death or serious bodily injury to Martin?

Somehow, I seem to remember that Zman shot and killed TM. We don't know if Zman "flashed" his gun at anytime during this altercation. He may or may not have. I'm so glad he ain't taking the stand. That way we'll never know the real truth, and I don't have to listen to the doughboy wimp whine. No matter how this skuffle came about, if TM would have shot Zman, ya'll would be forming a lynch mob! The kid with the hoodie would be guilty then too!! Just my two cents!


Like the prosecution, you do an awful lot of assuming and speculating.
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Somehow, I seem to remember that Zman shot and killed TM. We don't know if Zman "flashed" his gun at anytime during this altercation. He may or may not have. I'm so glad he ain't taking the stand. That way we'll never know the real truth, and I don't have to listen to the doughboy wimp whine. No matter how this skuffle came about, if TM would have shot Zman, ya'll would be forming a lynch mob! The kid with the hoodie would be guilty then too!! Just my two cents!




Some people would sure.  Same as the race baiters will stir up trouble (already have) on behalf of Tm, some of the racist white folks will/would do the same for gz. 

Personally if TM had shot GZ I would probably shrug it off as the obvious result of stalking with intent to confront.  I know how *I* would react to someone following *me* around --- I would be spooked and try to get away, and if they kept coming...   I can see such a scenario going very badly for the stalker in a hurry.   They get close enough to touch me after cornering me on an empty, dark street, they gonna get shot more likely than not.

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Guest nra37922

Somehow, I seem to remember that Zman shot and killed TM. We don't know if Zman "flashed" his gun at anytime during this altercation. He may or may not have. I'm so glad he ain't taking the stand. That way we'll never know the real truth, and I don't have to listen to the doughboy wimp whine. No matter how this skuffle came about, if TM would have shot Zman, ya'll would be forming a lynch mob! The kid with the hoodie would be guilty then too!! Just my two cents!





You just called us all racists now? You really gotta start reaching for some reality.

When Channon Christian and Christoper Newsom were brutalized here in Knoxville back in 2007 there wasn't an outcry to lynch the filthy POS that killed them.  AND if anybody needed to be strung up these worthless animals did/do. 


If TM had killed GZ there wouldn't be much, if any press, and life would go on.  Just the nature of racial politics as played out by the MSM nowadays.  Black on black crime, ho hum, black on white crime, brush under the carpet, white on black crime, you filthy racist you.....

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Somehow, I seem to remember that Zman shot and killed TM. We don't know if Zman "flashed" his gun at anytime during this altercation. He may or may not have. I'm so glad he ain't taking the stand. That way we'll never know the real truth, and I don't have to listen to the doughboy wimp whine. No matter how this skuffle came about, if TM would have shot Zman, ya'll would be forming a lynch mob! The kid with the hoodie would be guilty then too!! Just my two cents!



 If Trayvon had shot Zman, no one outside of Sanford FL would have heard of either of them.

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How many black on black crimes go unnoticed?   NONE!  

How many black on white crimes get heard of? maybe a Day.

How many any other race on Black crimes get heard? most of them.


Why because any crime against a black person is viewed as a racists. And to be honest that needs to cease.. All races have their ugly ducklings, but seems one has more than other and they need to policy their own. The same applies to the Muslims, they allow for their kind to kill and commit crimes, but yet, when it's flipped they are whining. 


They can't have it both ways.. 

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Manslaughter, aggravated assault and stand your ground to be discussed tomorrow.

Plus Aggravated Manslaughter (death of a minor), Discharging a firearm causing the death of another.   I guess they are going to cover all the angles to put Zman in jail!

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Manslaughter, aggravated assault and stand your ground to be discussed tomorrow.


From what I understand the SYG law depends on who started the altercation, and since there was no way to determine that, the defense was never going to use it.  Prosecution is just slinging shit on the walls and hoping something sticks when in reality we shouldn't even be discussing an ongoing case.

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No duty to retreat. Doesn't apply at all if there is no ability to retreat.
Evidence and testimony show TM struck first - and apparently all - blows. As he was sitting on GZ, retreat was not an option.

This is clear to all except those who claim that getting out of a vehicle is assault. I haven't seen a copy of their law dictionary but suspect Ambrose Bierce wouldn't go anywhere near it.
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Interesting piece on the Commie news network. Ex Chief says investigation hijacked...



If he believed in what he was doing he should have stayed and fought for it. A no confidence vote from the city commission and he runs off crying with his tail between his legs. Nobody cares what he has to say. The going got a little tough and he failed… good riddance. I guess now he must be trying to find another job.

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Guest nra37922

Plus Aggravated Manslaughter (death of a minor), Discharging a firearm causing the death of another.   I guess they are going to cover all the angles to put Zman in jail!

Don't you just love politically driven trials!!!

Edited by nra37922
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If he believed in what he was doing he should have stayed and fought for it. A no confidence vote from the city commission and he runs off crying with his tail between his legs. Nobody cares what he has to say. The going got a little tough and he failed… good riddance. I guess now he must be trying to find another job.


May be more to the story than we know, this had some high-level interference once it hit the media.

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If he believed in what he was doing he should have stayed and fought for it. A no confidence vote from the city commission and he runs off crying with his tail between his legs. Nobody cares what he has to say. The going got a little tough and he failed… good riddance. I guess now he must be trying to find another job.


There you go speculating again :). What really happened, and what was released to the public can be two entirely different things. Like, maybe he was fired? You had the city releasing evidence to the media. I wouldn't have hung around either. What would he be fighting for? Justice? With those corrupt assholes in charge?

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If he believed in what he was doing he should have stayed and fought for it. A no confidence vote from the city commission and he runs off crying with his tail between his legs. Nobody cares what he has to say. The going got a little tough and he failed… good riddance. I guess now he must be trying to find another job.


Last I heard cities hired police chiefs, not the other way around. 


He left (forced out), a new "politically correct" chief was put in place then splashed all over the national news.

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May be more to the story than we know, this had some high-level interference once it hit the media.

I don't think there is anymore than we know. I don’t care if the pressure was coming from the POTUS himself; you don’t try to “step down temporally” when your department comes under fire. You do what you think is right or you make them fire you. Yes, he was finally fired after playing games for a couple of months. During that critical time period there should have been a strong Chief in there that could do his job.

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Last I heard cities hired police chiefs, not the other way around. 


He left (forced out), a new "politically correct" chief was put in place then splashed all over the national news.

Read the stories; he wasn’t forced out. He got a “No confidence” vote, got all butt hurt and tried to “temporally resign”. Then they voted to keep him, then he wanted to step down, then they finally got tired of his BS and fired him.

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He was trying to his job as Chief of Police. While attempting to conduct and investigation, the mayor and city manager went against protocol and released the 911 call before the investigation was complete. They also went against protocol by allowing the Martin family (at the time, potential witnesses) to listen to the 911 calls at the same time.

I commend the chief for sticking to his convictions. Rather than taking part in something that he knew was wrong, he was willing to risk his job and livelihood. Most people would turn their head and keep their mouth shut.
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