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Youtube freedom fighter vs. TX cops

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The section they were charged under would have to be: (8) displays a firearm or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm;


I'm not offering my opinion on it one way or another, but the language of the statute is relevant for this discussion. 


Seems like there's a lot of room for interpretation there. It would imply that there's a way to display a firearm in a public place that wasn't calculated to alarm. Then it comes down to what their intent was. I'd imagine that a good lawyer could probably win this or a pissy judge could just say "I don't care, you're guilty".


Either way, not an especially smart move.

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I don't appreciate "freedom-loving" members of a constantly battered group, like gun owners, harming the very group they represent. Demonstrating their rights in this case probably caused more harm than good. I suspect more people who witnessed this are convinced that gun rights supporters are a$$hats than were educated about the legality of open carry.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Seems like there's a lot of room for interpretation there. It would imply that there's a way to display a firearm in a public place that wasn't calculated to alarm.


If you display a shotgun in public, don't be Dick Cheney! :)

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Texas Disorderly Conduct Statute:


§ 42.01. DISORDERLY CONDUCT. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly:


(10) exposes his anus or genitals in a public place and is reckless about whether another may be present who will be offended or alarmed by his act; or



#10 pretty much sums up why they got ticketed.

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Seems like there's a lot of room for interpretation there. It would imply that there's a way to display a firearm in a public place that wasn't calculated to alarm. Then it comes down to what their intent was. I'd imagine that a good lawyer could probably win this or a pissy judge could just say "I don't care, you're guilty".

Either way, not an especially smart move.

They'll probably have it thrown out whether they had a good lawyer or a crappy one. But why go through all the hassle? For what? This doesn't advance any rights, it doesn't educate the public; it only scares soccer moms as they walk their two kids into a Starbucks. They have every reason to be concerned/frightened since there is no legitimate reason to be carrying around a long gun; the first instinct is to believe them active shooters. At least there is an argument for OC and the firearm is secure in a holster.
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Not in Texas. If openly carried unloaded long guns can be seen as disturbing the peace, so can openly carried unloaded handguns.

- OS

Maybe, but I don't see that being enforced. Strapping an AR across your chest and walking into a movie theater is going to be interpreted much different than someone with a secured and holstered weapon.
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