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Jasper, TN man gets his handgun taken from him and police shoot suspect

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This happen next door to where I lived at one time. A resident saw a man on his deck, drenched with water, who said he fell out of his boat. He requested a ride to the other side of the lake. The man then ripped the residents gun and threw him into the water. The man's wife saw the incident and retreived her gun, firing a shot, telling him to drop the gun. The suspect ran into the woods. When the sheriff's deputies came the man refused to drop the gun, resulting in the police shooting him one time with a .40, killing him.

http://www.wrcbtv.com/story/23370259/witness-gives-first-hand-details-of-marion-county-shooting Edited by Patton
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Oh okay. Scary deal. I am glad the bad guy is dead vs the opposite outcome. If I fell out of a boat, the driver better come back and get me. What kind of freaking weirdo says that, well this guy I guess. Gotta worry about you and yours these days, sad days when you can't help someone for fear of dying.
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That is why I never carry open and that is why I won't even go to my mail box in front of my home unarmed. You cannot trust anyone any more. Let me rephrase that. you can now trust the guy with the 40 caliper slug n his body cause he is now harmless..........jmho

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Guest nra37922

That is why I never carry open and that is why I won't even go to my mail box in front of my home unarmed. You cannot trust anyone any more. Let me rephrase that. you can now trust the guy with the 40 caliper slug n his body cause he is now harmless..........jmho

I know that this is going to fire some TGO'ers up but IMHO open carry is a disaster waiting to happen.  But to each their own.

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Guest tdoccrossvilletn
[quote name="bersaguy" post="1029091" timestamp="1378666327"] [size=4]That is why I never carry open and that is why I won't even go to my mail box in front of my home unarmed. You cannot trust anyone any more. Let me rephrase that. you can now trust the guy with the 40 caliper slug n his body cause he is now harmless..........jmho[/size][/quote] I wasnt aware caliper slugs were made in .40 Sent from my mind using ninja telepathy. Edited by tdoccrossvilletn
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Guest The Itis

Reading the title, I imagined a scenario where a police officer took some guy's gun and shot a suspect with it (because gun owner couldn't shoot it)


Still, seems like stories about civilians with guns that miss their target are a dime a dozen (unless they are on top of you and your name is Zimmerman) :down:

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Read the comments. 



This story is so poorly written! To answer the question most obviously left unanswered, Dad had a gun in his pocket, as he always does, and the young man saw it. He disarmed Dad and then pushed him overboard. Mom saw this happen, grabbed her gun and ran to the dock where she held the assailant at gunpoint until Dad got out of the water. Dad then used Mom's gun and the story then proceeds to the police involvement. The man ran from police carrying Dad's weapon which he then pointed at the deputy which led to him losing his life. 


Open pocket carry?

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I know that this is going to fire some TGO'ers up but IMHO open carry is a disaster waiting to happen.  But to each their own.


I know that this is going to fire some TGO'ers up but IMHO open carry is a disaster waiting to happen.  But to each their own.


Your not going to get any argument out of me on that. Unless your a LEO in uniform or a detective in plain clothes with badge on belt your just asking someone to challenge you is my opinion also. Many times depending on where i might be going I will have two concealed weapons on my person and always have backup magazines along. 

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Guest The Itis

I stand corrected.  a 40 caliper projectile  round inside him.


I think the point he was making was caliper vs caliber

Caliper is a clamp (e.g., car brakes)

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Saying that open carry is "just asking for trouble" is the same logic that the anti-gun crowd uses when saying carrying a gun at ALL is asking for trouble.


The fact remains that hundreds if not thousands of people carry openly every day without incident and what we don't know is how often these people actually deter crime by doing so.


Perhaps the lesson to be learned here is weapon retention.

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I think the point he was making was caliper vs caliber

Caliper is a clamp (e.g., car brakes)

Thanks and I make misspell that word quite often and i do appreciate it when it is brought to my attention. Comes with age I guess and I know he was not trying to be smart to me. It was my ignorance...... :up:

Edited by bersaguy
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Saying that open carry is "just asking for trouble" is the same logic that the anti-gun crowd uses when saying carrying a gun at ALL is asking for trouble.


The fact remains that hundreds if not thousands of people carry openly every day without incident and what we don't know is how often these people actually deter crime by doing so.


Perhaps the lesson to be learned here is weapon retention.


Saying that open carry is "just asking for trouble" is the same logic that the anti-gun crowd uses when saying carrying a gun at ALL is asking for trouble.


The fact remains that hundreds if not thousands of people carry openly every day without incident and what we don't know is how often these people actually deter crime by doing so.


Perhaps the lesson to be learned here is weapon retention.

I have heard many different discussions on this very issue and it was even covered in my class when i was applying to get my carry permit. While our instructor carried open he also stated it was an individuals decision whether to do so or not. It is what ever that particular person feels comfortable with. Your correct about the stats on how many crimes may be prevented by the presence of a person with an open carry. Could be hundreds or thousands. That we will never know. I just know that if I'm in a store or a parking lot or anywhere else I want the element of surprise to be on my side. If a person does not know your armed and he is going to harm someone else or do something else stupid he will most likely take his eyes off of you to continue to his objective. I want that few seconds that he/she is distracted if I plan on getting involved..........jmho

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Aww bummer! He wasn't really OCing. Too bad we can't use him as an example of how dangerous OC is. Never let a good tragedy go to waste.    But really, sounds like the wet guy spent a little too much time in the water. Glad nobody else was hurt.  Edited by Q-tip
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Guest tdoccrossvilletn

Thanks and I make misspell that word quite often and i do appreciate it when it is brought to my attention. Comes with age I guess and I know he was not trying to be smart to me. It was my ignorance...... :up:

Your right I wasn't trying to be a smart butt.

Sent from my mind using ninja telepathy.

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