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Karl rove. Did he just kick the Tea Party out?

Guest 6.8 AR

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Karl Rove's new PAC, fund or whatever it is has an interesting mission statement. I

wonder if he just opened the door for the Tea Party to take over? He is killing the

Republican Party by minimalizing the Tea Party. After all, it it weren't for the Tea Party,

the 2010 midterm election wouldn't have given the House back to the Republicans.


He is completely inept, or is intentionally making an attempt to keep hold on "some"

power, rather than gaining a majority. The Republicans have to fire up the base to

win elections. He has failed the last two presidential elections by his progressive bent.




Even HuffPo saw it. I would rather use another link to show it, but I didn't have the time

to find it. Quinn and Rose mentioned it this morning, also. But for balance, here's a Red

State link, also.




His ego is the problem. Humpty-Dumpty with glasses.

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This is strange. Not all that long ago Reichfueher Rove was touted as the second coming by almost every neocon on these forums. As a man who had never been elected to office he all but ran this country and everybody in the conservative camp was ecstatic at his success. Karl Rove and his SS/SD PACs  was one of the main reasons I left the Republican Party and became an Independent Conservative. I was chastised and shunned by all of my friends. Now he is the bad guy. A bit fickle don't you think?

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From the Red State article:

I dare say any candidate who gets this group’s support should be targeted for destruction by the conservative movement. They’ve made it really easy now to figure out who the terrible candidates will be in 2014.


It looks like Rove accidently did something for conservatives, he's going to show us who's a faux conservative like himself.

Edited by PapaB
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Guest TankerHC

Rove is an idiot. Helped (MAJORLY) cost us two elections. Anyone that gives another dollar to that windbag is an idiot. He proved himself an especially good idiot when asked on Fox, as Obama was trying to take us to war with Syria, Iran and the Russians, if the people killed in the Chem attack were more important than the 100,000 who have already died in Syria and he said yes.  


He's not even a useful idiot. 

Edited by TankerHC
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Trouble with Rove is he isn't scared of the
Tea Party. He hates us, but will take credit
when he can. His only credit to success is
When he got Bush elected. Nothing else.
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No, they're not, but they need to be. When they
are scared of the people, they do our bidding, instead of theirs. We need to throw their crap
back in their face, instead of always eating crap
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No, they're not, but they need to be. When they
are scared of the people, they do our bidding, instead of theirs. We need to throw their crap
back in their face, instead of always eating crap


They are indeed scared. They're afraid of losing their power to true conservatives. If they "do our bidding, instead of theirs" they will have lost that power. There's no way they'll give it up so we'll have to take it from them at the ballot box.


You're right, we do need to "throw their crap back in their face". That's what the Tea Party is doing and they don't like it. They can't defend their actions so they have to attack their opponents. The more they fear losing, the stronger those attacks will become.

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Guest ThePunisher
I believe Rove found out that the Tea Party kicked his rhino butt out. The Tea Party is gonna be reckoned with, and they better get use to it. The rhinos want the Tea Party to go away, but it's just like the energizer bunny, it keeps going and going, and going. Lamar's butt is feeling the hot seat. Joe Carr can easily beat him if everyone gets united to beat LameR.
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Guest Lester Weevils

I suppose the object of the game is to woo independents while hoping the base ain't too pissed to go out and vote yet one more time. Charlie Brown, Lucy and the Football.

But it aint a football game and I don't care who wins if we get the same carp whoever wins.


According to a new PPP poll, which has Sen. Ted Cruz the top choice for the 2016 Republican nomination, those who describe themselves as “very conservative” make up 39 percent of the splintered party. Add in those who consider themselves “somewhat conservative,” and the right-leaning voters comprise 76 percent of the party.
The overall results of the presidential preference poll:
-- Texas Sen. Ted Cruz: 20 percent.
-- Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul: 17 percent.
-- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie: 14 percent.
-- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush: 11 percent.
-- Florida Sen. Marco Rubio: 10 percent.
-- Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan: 10 percent.
-- Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal: 4 percent.
-- Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum: 3 percent.
-- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: 3 percent."


Edited by Lester Weevils
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The establishment, both 'R' and 'D' are scared of We the People.


They are not scared of us in the least, because We the People keep re-electing them over and over again.  We need to do away with career politicians that become so powerful, they are almost unstoppable.  I really wish the state would get together for a Constitutional Convention, and impose term limits on Congress.  Not going to happen, though.

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This is strange. Not all that long ago Reichfueher Rove was touted as the second coming by almost every neocon on these forums. As a man who had never been elected to office he all but ran this country and everybody in the conservative camp was ecstatic at his success. Karl Rove and his SS/SD PACs  was one of the main reasons I left the Republican Party and became an Independent Conservative. I was chastised and shunned by all of my friends. Now he is the bad guy. A bit fickle don't you think?

Don't forget Newt and Rubio in that group.  I took a terrible beating from conservatives when I spoke out against these two and now look where they stand as well.  The problem, as I see it, is that most Republicans don't really know what they believe in comparison to what the Republican Party actually stands for.  They *think* they do, but not really.  The Tea Party is just another in a long line of populist leaning movements that doesn't really adhere to any set system of beliefs or values.  There was a similar movement just shy of a century ago.  It too failed for this reason.  Adherents don't like corrupt big federal government.  That's the only thing they have in common.  If I had time to write a paper on the subject, I would do a comparison to the populist movement back then to the Tea Party movement today and predict the Tea Party's collapse within another 5 years.  

Edited by East_TN_Patriot
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Guest ThePunisher
I remember there use to be conservatives in the democratic party 50 years ago. Big government espoused by progressives have hijacked conservative values from families with their propaganda of cradle to grave dependence. Conservatism might be a dim light for the time being, but you can't stamp out truth and light totally. I believe the people are beginning to see light shine on the lies and corruption of this administration and the complicit rhinos because of their conservative values. You can kick a dog one too many times and he will finally bite back. That is what is going on with the Tea Party movement; they are simplly tired of getting kicked by big government commies. 2014 will prove if the Tea Party and conservatism is gonna be a political force to reckon with, and I believe it will. The Republican party use to have conservatives in the party just like there were conservatives in the Democratic party, but now the Tea Party is the conservative party. Edited by ThePunisher
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Guest Lester Weevils

The problem, as I see it, is that most Republicans don't really know what they believe in comparison to what the Republican Party actually stands for.  They *think* they do, but not really.  The Tea Party is just another in a long line of populist leaning movements that doesn't really adhere to any set system of beliefs or values.  There was a similar movement just shy of a century ago.  It too failed for this reason.  Adherents don't like corrupt big federal government.  That's the only thing they have in common.


As best I recall it started as a fiscal conservative / libertarian movement early on, but then suffered "mission creep". :)

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I suppose the object of the game is to woo independents while hoping the base ain't too pissed to go out and vote yet one more time. Charlie Brown, Lucy and the Football.

But it aint a football game and I don't care who wins if we get the same carp whoever wins.



What is disturbing about this list is Christie and another Bush is 3rd and 4th.  :-\  I'll blow this off for now because it's still way-early but good grief.  :shake:


I talked with a representative of Diane Black today and it sounds like she's onboard with the obamacare fight. We need to watch her real close to. I'm also calling Cooper and expressing my frustrations.

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Guest Bassman17SC

No, they're not, but they need to be. When they
are scared of the people, they do our bidding, instead of theirs. We need to throw their crap
back in their face, instead of always eating crap

You know, you are correct.  The establishment RINOs are demonizing the grassroots (Cruz, Lee, Palin, the Tea Party, etc.) in an attempt to make them irrelevant - in order to not be scared.


By they way, crap sandwiches are not very nutritional (i.e., are dangerous to our health) and taste like ... crap.  :poop:

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I think we're going to see more of a shift to
the right by the voting block, this next election cycle, in the face of Rove and his progressives
doing what they can to kill the Tea Party, but I
think it will backfire on them. I have no idea if it
will make a difference, but I know I will feel
better knowing people give a damn about the

The Tea Party didn't rely on truckloads of cash
to get candidates elected, like the GOP does.
It was much more grassroots. You can buy all the
billboards for the brain dead voters and get some
votes, but when people talk to people, I think the
odds are better.

Maybe, like ET said, the Tea Party will go away
in a few years, but the principles it uses will
remain. Maybe just a new name.
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Guest ThePunisher

Maybe, like ET said, the Tea Party will go away
in a few years, but the principles it uses will
remain. Maybe just a new name.

Yeah, I don't believe you can ever snuff out conservative values. Conservatism equates truth, moral and economic values beneficial to all. The Dems and Rhino's all wish the Tea Party would go away. The Tea Party has really struck a nerve with the freedom grabbers, and exposed them for what they really are.
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