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Scalper rant


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Again, I'm thinking that Walmart ought to overstamp all ammo with big red Walmart Walmart Walmart inkstamps. If Walmart did this as a policy, it'd bring it all to a quick halt.

I'd say firing any employee that tells anyone when ammo deliveries are coming in would help too, but won't happen.
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Look at the bright side guys, pretty soon it will be as economical to shoot .45 as it is .22.  Sometimes thinking like a liberal makes you feel better even if nothing is really achieved.  kinda like peeing on yourself.

You have a point.....soon cheap insurance policies will cost the same as expensive ones, but suck big time as far as coverage goes. Right? Damn, I feel better already! LOL
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I'm all about deals and I'm even for buying cheap and stacking deep... but these Walmart scalpers are rediculous. I doubt they even shoot. Honestly, there are better ways to make money than ammo hoarding. Seems that this is going to be the future since it has been over a year now and people are still doing it with no end in sight.

 when this shortage began last year.  I kept saying it was strange that I had never seen a run on .22 like that.  People said just give it a month or 2 and it will return to normal  I had my doubt then and still wondering how long before I see .22s on the shelf enough that I can expect to just walk in and buy them.


Plus now that I have my pmr 30, I can't get my hands on enough .22 mag to keep it feed well.  (not out, I have my small pile just in case but not a shooting pile).

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Again, I'm thinking that Walmart ought to overstamp all ammo with big red Walmart Walmart Walmart inkstamps. If Walmart did this as a policy, it'd bring it all to a quick halt.

How would this help? What they're doing isn't illegal. If I'm buying a box of ammo and I need it I wouldn't care if it had Walmart stamped on it or not.
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What I thought about doing one day is childish but it would be funny to watch the look on the  "scalper's" faces : I was going to take 2 Walmart bags with old .22LR brick boxes that are empty and put two empty boxes in each bag . You can see them through the bag pretty well. Then walk back to the gun counter when they are there waiting early in the morning like they alwayys do . Then say "well you guys didnt beat me to the ammo this morning " LOL . They would be steaming mad I bet !

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How would this help? What they're doing isn't illegal. If I'm buying a box of ammo and I need it I wouldn't care if it had Walmart stamped on it or not.


What ends up happening is the good folks, such as yourself, could care less.


The gouging remarketers, however, would be exposed. Their clients would see the Walmart stamps, know that they're being gouged, and go to Walmart themselves to get the ammo.


It is an information sharing tactic, as opposed to information hiding, and it would help the marketplace self-adjust.

Edited by QuietDan
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What I thought about doing one day is childish but it would be funny to watch the look on the  "scalper's" faces : I was going to take 2 Walmart bags with old .22LR brick boxes that are empty and put two empty boxes in each bag . You can see them through the bag pretty well. Then walk back to the gun counter when they are there waiting early in the morning like they alwayys do . Then say "well you guys didnt beat me to the ammo this morning " LOL . They would be steaming mad I bet !


That would be fantastic.

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Possibly it is hoarders causing the issue more than the gougers. Once they have their stockpile, gougers are still subject to the regular ammunition usage in their supply flow (unless they're dumb enough to keep increasing their stockpile indefinitely. Though that is kinda a requirement of their business model). It takes a while to shoot 500 rds but only a fraction of a second to hoard it.


I speak as one who intends to "hoard" at least until I have enough that I am comfortable with.

Edited by tnguy
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This is second hand information so I can not guarantee its accuracy, but the person that it comes from I consider dependable.  A salaried manager of the Madisonville, TN Walmart was selling most if not all ammo under the table to a local gun shop before it ever hit the shelves.  The prices on the ammo at the LGS that was getting all of the Walmart ammo was not even close to fair (I think around $10 for a box of 50 .22s)  Supposedly the GM was exposed and this is no longer a problem.  Still haven't seen any .22 over there though.  Actually everywhere I've talked to claims they are not even getting any .22 currently.

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[quote name="joe45" post="1083907" timestamp="1387946789"]Guys help me out here. I went on armslist and only saw one person selling overpriced 22lr ammo. Then I went on gunbroker and none from TN. So, where is all the local WM ammo selling? I have an idea but don't want to say at this point.[/quote] Maybe people are buying it and putting it up?? I personally have bought several bricks over the last several months to put back...just because it is being bought out at the store doesn't mean there is something sinister in the works...
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Maybe people are buying it and putting it up?? I personally have bought several bricks over the last several months to put back...just because it is being bought out at the store doesn't mean there is something sinister in the works...

So, you think the average person is waiting in line at wally world when a shipment arrives to buy a couple of boxes of 22lr?
I don't think that is the case because most people work for a living and shooting this stuff is for recreation.
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I am sure there are people that are buying to sell it....but I know several people who work overnight shifts at FedEx here in memphis that shoot that stop off on their way home to check stock...just seems a bit too tinfoil IMHO....
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FWIW...I have several thousand rounds that I have either bought or received from my dad when he died...and I still try to buy it so I have a good stock...just seems like the people who don't have want to hate on those that do and call them hoarders...again, just my .02
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I don't think it has to do with hate (very strong word) or anything like that. I have 22lr that I have purchased online, why I'm not standing on line or making special trips to wally world for plinking ammo. The main reason I commented is if someone is just buying to have it takes anyway from people that want to do some plinking or want to take their kids out and do some shooting. When I see LGS selling ammo for exorbitant prices something is wrong. I don't believe they are paying extra high prices for it from thier wholesales or I wouldn't be able to go online and pay less than half of what they are selling it for. That was my point, are some of the LGS sending people to WW to buy 22 ammo and then marking it up or are they just trying to make a windfall profit. I don't know either way and just my .2 cents. Then I go to another store and they are selling the same ammo at half of what the other store is selling it for. Still a little high but not unrealistic.
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I see what you are saying....and I don't snatch up ammo like a mad man but I do buy a couple of boxes every couple of weeks to stock up. I am of the mind that if people are going to have a gun then they should have a supply of ammo to suit their needs. If they don't have the common sense to buy some ammo and put it back, then honestly I don't feel sorry for them. That being said I have given some of my own ammo to people who are just starting to shoot so that they have something. I also tell them that they should do like me and buy a little here and there. If they don't and shoot what I give them and then can't find more then that is their problem. 22LR can be had locally at good prices, but it is a mix of looking around and luck. I think it is a little funny that people are crying about not finding 22LR and people gouging, but aren't saying anything about other calibers like it is okay for people to hoard them or go out and buy it all up and then sell at exorbitant prices...
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