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Nazi death head ring (Totenkopfring)


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Although I'm in no one's camp but my own it's definitely a historical object for me. I think alot of people would like to own a rare piece of history from their area of interest and this is no different. Also there have been some good posts but none actually pertaining to the OP. Didnt mean to spark a controversy fellas I will be sure to shy away from areas like this again.
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Although I'm in no one's camp but my own it's definitely a historical object for me. I think alot of people would like to own a rare piece of history from their area of interest and this is no different. Also there have been some good posts but none actually pertaining to the OP. Didnt mean to spark a controversy fellas I will be sure to shy away from areas like this again.

Nah, no controversy, consider this normal side conversations. Most likely no one with more info to share on your query has seen the thread yet I bet.

You want controversy, we have a months long OC thread still happening, and it's like the bazzilionth one. There's your controversy
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Jay... Never shy away from controversial subjects... They are the ones that need discussing the most... As to the "historical" thing; we should all be curious enough to study the "historical"... If you don't, how will you know what actually happened and why it happened...

Read some older books on the period of European history between WWI and WWII... Google the causes of the rise of Nazi philosophy and the connection with the post WWI "Freikorps" and the terms of the treaty of Versalles...

The great French Field Marshall Fosch predicted that the terms of the Treaty of Versalles would produce a war with Germany within 20 years... He missed his prediction by six months...


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Edited by leroy
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there is nothing wrong with collecting things and history is important.  SOME people who are deep into nazi stuff are disturbed individuals.  Some people who collect beanie babies are also unstable --- there is no correlation on the mental state of the individual and the items collected. 


That said, some collectible items are just plain embarrassing outside of family and friends.  I inherited a KKK knife, for example.  Its a pocket knife with handles that has a guy in the KKK sheets/hood outfit and some KKK logo or something right on it.  Again, its embarrassing and disgusting but its also collectible.   It does not make me a racist or KKK supporter or anything else.  Its just metal and plastic, really, that happens to tie into our checkered and unpleasant history. 


History, that if forgotten, could all to well repeat...  a greedy country expanding unchecked while no one wants to get involved...  sounds familiar somehow.

Edited by Jonnin
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Hey Jonnin, watch your mouth.  I love my beanie babies!


Seriously though, I am a little embarrassed  to admit my wife still has about 200 beanie babies.



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Nah, no controversy, consider this normal side conversations. Most likely no one with more info to share on your query has seen the thread yet I bet.

You want controversy, we have a months long OC thread still happening, and it's like the bazzilionth one. There's your controversy


Or make a post about "45acp or 9mm" ...

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Hey Jonnin, watch your mouth.  I love my beanie babies!
Seriously though, I am a little embarrassed  to admit my wife still has about 200 beanie babies.

whoa 200? Sounds like you have some free targets if she ever gets you fired up. Just don't shoot the rare ones you can sell those to buy more boolits :)
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Meh, I collected a lot of Ba'ath/Saddam stuff from my time in Icrack.  Plan on passing that stuff down to my boy or his first son someday.  Doesn't mean I'm a Ba'athist or supported gassing of Kurds.  Historical stuff is neat.  In fact, I had two Eagle/Swasticker stamped Mausers when I was in Iraq.  Hadn't been stamped over by the Turks, like most of the ones we came by.  I tried bringing them back the right way but the Jagoff wouldn't let my paperwork go forward, because he was a sackless weasel.  Would have loved to have that piece of history in my collection, right along side my hammer/sickle stamped Mosin and an M1.

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I just do not see why people would like or collect this stuff because all it stands for is death. I dont get it.  
Maybe I see it in a different light because I am German. Take  a wild guess how many ignorant people asked if I was a Nazi ?

Ignorance knows no bounds. You know how many knuckle draggin’ rednecks I’ve had make stupid comments about Yankees when I told them I was Illinois? Yet those same rednecks heads almost explode when I tell them the SCOTUS can’t tell them they can strap on a gun and walk down the street; it’s a violation of States Rights. Who you are or what you believe is not defined by where you are from.

The Jews weren’t the only ones that were tortured and killed during the war. And the Nazi’s weren’t the only bad guys; the Japanese were every bit as brutal.

But its history; we should know it, we should remember it and we should teach our children the truth. I don’t think people that collect historical memorabilia necessarily align themselves with the group they are collecting.

I collect guns, many people don’t understand why, don’t like it, and want to stop it.
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DaveTN said: 


But its history; we should know it, we should remember it and we should teach our children the truth. I don’t think people that collect historical memorabilia necessarily align themselves with the group they are collecting.

I collect guns, many people don’t understand why, don’t like it, and want to stop it. 


This is a great truth....


And even greater truth is what Dave said about "telling the truth' no matter how ugly or grotesque...


 You have got to tell the truth about everything... 


Hitler killed about 6 million or so folks; most of 'em jews...


No one knows how many folks the Japanese killed in mainland china... The infamous japanese "medical" Unit 731 (.... i think...) tortured and killed thousands of chinese folks and prisoners of war... They got a pass because the commandant of this unit bargained with the US Military and brought his "notebook" to America... He is, in fact, the father of the US Army Biological Warfare program... He was not tried nor punished, because he had something we wanted; very similarly to Werhner Von Braun of german v2 rocket fame...  


The "king of killing" was none other than Joseph Stalin... It is thought that he may have killed over 60 million people; yet we have people in this country who believe in socialism who can't bring themselves to call him the monster he was.... Billl Clinton's Secretary of State, Madeline Albright is one of them... It's very important to know the truth about these sorts of




All these folks were bad and should be studied... It's just a matter of degree as to how bad; and it's dangerous to assign 'degrees of bad"... Murder and torture is murder and torture; no matter the numbers involved...


We need to never forget these things and look to those who would do us harm...


Of late we seem to have a terrible aversion to calling folks what they are... George Bush couldn't bring himself to call radical islamists what they are because (...i think...) of fear of offending the 'moderate" arab oil states like Saudi Arabia and Kuait... Obama cannot bring himself to call Hamas what they are for reasons unknown to me, at least.


We are living in the time of denial of reality... Don't be guilty of ignoring or looking away from what can kill you... The hide you save could be your own...




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Maybe I see it in a different light because I am German. Take  a wild guess how many ignorant people asked if I was a Nazi ?


My wife is half German so I do like to give her a hard time about the Nazi thing.  She likes to remind me that her grandfather, who is from the German side, fought in the US Navy during WWII.  I'm all like, "yeah, but against the Japs.  He thought they were an inferior race!"


She rolls her eyes a lot.

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I had a co-worker that asked one time in great "broken english" if he could get GI benefits... It seems he was 14 years old in 1939 and when home to Germany from America to see his grandparents... He couldn't get back home to the states and war was declared... He was drafted into the german army...  We told him that, sadly, it didnt look like he was elgible...



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