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Well, I'm headed to Korea...

Mr. Brooks

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Man, I know that feeling. Those last two weeks, outprocessing, barely sleeping. I don't think I slept a wink on July 28th, 1997, the night before I left Ouijungbu, headed down to Kimpo, and returned to the land of the big commissary. We'll see you when you get back.

I say we have a shooting and Ramen eating day shortly after your return. No soju, though.

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.... I will now be heading back to Ft. Campbell...

If you need any 101st Patches, let me know.

I have a few and the Screaming Eagle faces forward on either the left or the right sleeve (if you know what I mean)! :up:

Have a safe trip back to the land of the Big PX!

ROK Alumni



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If you need any 101st Patches, let me know.

I have a few and the Screaming Eagle faces forward on either the left or the right sleeve (if you know what I mean)! :lol:

Have a safe trip back to the land of the Big PX!

ROK Alumni



Thanks a bunch, but I won't be needing those. :cool:

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Guest ArmyVeteran37214

He'll probably have close to 12 hrs in the air and up to a couple hrs waiting for connecting flights. I've been there done that round trip to and from S. Korea 2 times.

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