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.25 autos, who has one?


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Got myself a .25 auto today, does anyone else have one (this is not a raven or lorcin lol, it's actually a decent little gun). I'm shooting it tomorrow. It's made in Belgium. Near as I can tell, it was made in the 20s

But the fun thing is, it has a colt .25 magazine in it and it is not a colt


So who else has one of these old guns

Edited by platham
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i pickup a beretta jetfire in the mid 70's.  one of the best 25 acp going at the time. still a good pocket gun.  i carried it as my "bug" on the job in the 80's.  dropped it in my back pocket and carried on.  it all ways went bang, no matter the ammo.  lots of people make fun of the 25 acp, but i don't see them volunteering to be shot by one.  your gun looks like the same as a colt 25 acp.  they were made overseas for colt. 

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I bought one for peanuts several years ago,  it is a FN 1906 vest pocket pistol.  It had a broken firing pin.  Took some searching but I found one.   There are very few records remaining about these pistols.  Original mags are near impossible to find.   I am pretty sure the mag with mine is some other brand.  No clue what.  It is not the most reliable pistol but still fun to shoot.



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I'd be afraid of shooting someone with it and pissing them off for ruining their coat..... LOL

It is a "get off me" firearm, to be shot inside of a few feet, at 750 to 900 FPS it will get the job done.

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I've a Colt Vest Pocket. Here it is with two bigger brothers. It shoots great. I never could hit anything with the Astra made Colt Juniors, but for what it is, the vest pocket is quite accurate.



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I've got a guy who makes custom leather holsters, he has made one for a ppk/s for me and is about to make one for my 1911. I'm thinking about seeing if he can make a boot holster for my little .25 if it won't cost me too much. It will also depend on how reliable it is. I'm shooting it after church today so I'll find out then
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I've got a PSP 25. Its a licensed copy of the famed Browning "Baby".  Mine has never had a malfunction of any kind. It just keeps on shootin'.  :up:

I bought this back in the early 1980s. This was long before concealed carry was legal, I was working in a very bad part of townl and I needed something discrete. Back then there weren't any pocket 9s and even small .380s were like a Walther PPK/s.  The only choices you had for really small guns were the tiny .22s and .25s. 

These are extremely well made little guns. I think they're even better than the original Brownings. Mine was about half the price of a real "Baby" at the time. But over the years PSP (Presicion Small Parts Company) has evovled into PSA (precision Small Arms) and they now cost considerably more than an original Browning. 

Mine is just a plain blue model. But check out the web site and see some of the really fancy and EXPENSIVE versions they make.  :stunned:


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Have owned a Beretta 950 and a Bauer (Baby Browning Clone). .25 ACP is a 'tween caliber that's been surpassed by truly small 32 ACP & 380 ACP pistols. Still if I ever find a Baby Browning or it's FN twin in good condition and priced right I'll consider .25 ACP pocket pistol purchase.
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Shot mine for the first time today. Shot really well, but the right grip cracked during the first mag. So only shot one mag out of it. Got to super glue the grip tomorrow and get it up and running again

Don't use superglue on it, use an epoxy or Accra glass.
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