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Anyone here seen the movie borat?


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Go to a pawn shop, find the movie for $2, and watch it.  Maybe the best situation.  If necessary, pay to watch on Amazon, or Netflix.

Unless you like that kind of movie I wouldnt recommend watching it...I made it about 5 minutes into it before I turned it off. I like funny movies and have zero issues with profanity etc but that movie was just stupid.

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Unless you like that kind of movie I wouldnt recommend watching it...I made it about 5 minutes into it before I turned it off. I like funny movies and have zero issues with profanity etc but that movie was just stupid.

100% agree.  Hated it!  Fortunately, we bought ours at a yard sale for $1.  But I did endure watching it to the end, but I only watched it once! 

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Unless you like that kind of movie I wouldnt recommend watching it...I made it about 5 minutes into it before I turned it off. I like funny movies and have zero issues with profanity etc but that movie was just stupid.


100% agree.  Hated it!  Fortunately, we bought ours at a yard sale for $1.  But I did endure watching it to the end, but I only watched it once! 

Haters gonna hate.  :yuck:

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Watching Bob Barr react when he learns that the cheese he just ate came from Borat's wife's breast milk is worth that dollar you paid at the yard sale. Maybe the only part of the movie worth watching, but that was some funny stuff.






I still laugh when I think about Borat sitting on the urinal.

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Passware Kit can crack it in no time but if you don't have it, a license is rather expensive.  A single license is around $1000 but you may be able to do it with a downloaded demo.  This will require you to either put the mac in target disk mode or remove the hard drive and dock it externally.   

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He first appeared in Ali G Indahouse I believe.

He made a cameo in the Ali G movie, but I'm pretty sure he was a character they'd do on the actuall Ali G show.

Of note, if you haven't watched the Ali G interviews they are friggin hilarious. Buzz Aldrin was my favorite, you could tell he new pretty quick he was being pranker, but he had fun with it and didn't spoil the joke.
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