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First attempt at a knife! FINISHED PICS!

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Well first I must thank Grand Torino, and everyone else who has posted in the knives and bladed tools section, thanks for all the motivation and inspiration! It basically started when my Ginormous knife arrived and I was thinking you know I can do this... Well I got to say I got a lot to learn, but I grabbed an old Nicholson file that I had in my workshop, grab the propane torch and started annealing, and broken that harbor freight 1 x 30" grinder!!

I started yesterday afternoon and this is what I've come up with about 24 hours later. I made a jig and started my grind. I made sure to leave some of the final marks on the ninth so we still look cool and the Nicholson name. I didn't really draw anything out I just kind I had an idea in my head. My drillpress arrives tomorrow and I've got scales there epoxying right now, so next will be attaching the scales and then massaging them into shape! What are y'all think? I'm certainly not going to give up my day job but this is really addicting I can tell already!!! Jim
PS I heat treated the knife on the knife with a propane torch "well actually two at one time" Quinched in motor oil . I was impatient but hell already tested with a file and is good and hard!1423353402_zpsbd9a2672.jpg Edited by sybo
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That looks great. I have only made three and it is pure fun. Haven't made anything that I think is worthy of trying to sell, just a hobby. It is addicting and gets expensive fast. I am planning on getting the grizzly knife grinder/buffer next. Most economical thing I can find to do what I want. Keep up the good work!
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I like it...!  I think that leavin the "Nicholson" mark and part of the file cross hatch would look good... Did ya grind the shape or burn it out...?  The knife and handle shape look great...


Keep up the good work,


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